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(Intermittent) Tokens which enter a placed Ambient Audio source that has Volume Easing disabled do not conclude playback when leaving #10863

Open anathemamask opened 1 month ago

anathemamask commented 1 month ago

This seems to be an intermittent issue, but can be reproduced somewhat reliably by:

Norc commented 1 week ago

I can reliably reproduce this every time with the Akra starter hero standing next to the 1B secret door.

When Volume Easing is enabled, playback stops when moving away, but when disabled it does not stop until a refresh.

Foundry 12.325, DND5E 3.2, and DQA 4.0.0.

EDIT: This appears to be something unusual with this particular audio source, investigating.

Norc commented 1 week ago

#11067 is the same issue as this one, I believe. Once I get the ambient sound playback into the bugged state, deselecting the token does not stop audio playback either.

Once you can reproduce with a particular sound source, I've been able to reliably reproduce with that source even after refreshing, changing activated scenes, etc. This is a fragile state, though, and it seems deleting other sound sources or switching to the sound layer might break it? A sound source seems to stay consistently "broken" in this way between refreshes.

I've been able to reproduce in 11.325 on a clean scene and drawing a clean 10ft radius ambient sound in the center of a square that plays the core drum.wav sound. Constrained by walls was on and Easing was off, so it's not a complicated interaction with walls or anything.

The best way to reproduce this is by trying the DQA scound location mentioned by Anathema and hope that this bugged state occurs for you. Other than that, manually drawing 10' radius sounds in a clean scene, refreshing, and moving tokens in and out like a maniac should eventually get you a "lucky" sound source that is broken and stays broken for a while.