foundryvtt / pf2e

A community contributed game system for Pathfinder Second Edition.
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The current implementation of Wild Shape and battle forms is mathematically incorrect. #1176

Closed cswendrowski closed 2 years ago

cswendrowski commented 3 years ago

In GitLab by @sandersontavares on Mar 14, 2021, 05:08

So, the way the current wild shape automation works is:

If you have the Wild Shape feat it adds a box on your strikes page that says: Use Your own attack proficiency with Wild Shape.

If you add a spell effect of a wild shape form (for my testing I used the Tyrannosaurus), it gives you an attack with a fixed to-hit. If you tick the box, it automatically adds +2 to the modifier. This is not how Wild Shape works. Wild shape says: When you choose to use your own attack modifier while polymorphed instead of the form’s default attack modifier, you gain a +2 status bonus to your attack rolls.

Right now, even if I have a strength of 3 and am untrained in unarmed attacks, I can tick the box and add +2 to the fixed to-hit bonus.

Another issue, the biggest one probably: If I'm using my own attack bonus, having potency runes on Handwraps of Mighty Blows should apply, and currently the form attacks ignore those bonuses.

Another issue: The attacks given by the form spell effects lack the unarmed trait. I have not checked every form, but on dinosaur form at least they all lack it. This may affect the Handwraps issue.

Another minor bug that should not ever affect a game: If you DO have a higher unarmed attack bonus than the one given by the form, you are not allowed to nerf yourself by using the smaller, fixed bonus.

cswendrowski commented 3 years ago

In GitLab by @Shandyan on Mar 14, 2021, 05:40

The +2 status bonus is very dumb right now. The choice was a dumb status bonus that the player needs to adjust manually, or no bonus at all.

When issue #1064 is closed, it will be possible to turn off the form's attack bonus when you apply the status bonus.

I'll also look into ways to make the scope of the bonus more correct. It may be that adding the unarmed trait resolves several of these problems!

If you use the quick rolls option, you should be able to select whatever bonus you want, even if it's lower by using the toggles: image

cswendrowski commented 3 years ago

In GitLab by @Shandyan on Mar 14, 2021, 05:53

Applying unarmed gives both the striking and potency runes from the handwraps, which isn't correct (only the potency should apply).

This rules element creates a potency rune which only applies when the polymorph set-property from a wild shape spell effect is active: { "key": "PF2E.RuleElement.WeaponPotency", "predicate":{ "all":[ "polymorph" ] }, "selector": "attack", "value": 1 } (This is not a great fix, but I figure this is a useful place to record this)

cswendrowski commented 2 years ago

In GitLab by @stwlam on Nov 21, 2021, 06:03

Closed by !4864