foundryvtt / pf2e

A community contributed game system for Pathfinder Second Edition.
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GM Vision and roofs #14846

Open Drental opened 3 months ago

Drental commented 3 months ago

related to

With GM Vision active, Overhead tiles that use vision based occlusion don't fade when a token is selected and the GM has to hover over the tile to see the tokens in a room.

I hope that a Core Foundry change will fix this incidentally, but it's best to raise it here too in case we can get an earlier fix for the whole behavior or if GM Vision needs special handling even after core vision gets changed.


Drental commented 3 months ago

based on a quick test in v11 tokens with vision used to actually use vision type occlusion for this roof even with GM vision active, so they were different from visionless tokens in that regard. So I'd say it's an actual regression in the system/not caught up with the core changes.