fourjr / discord-cli

A command line interface to use Discord.
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Feature Request Megathread #2

Open fourjr opened 6 years ago

fourjr commented 6 years ago

Request your feature suggestions in this issue thread and it'll hopefully get completed.

Current Suggestions


PallavBS commented 6 years ago

Upload images delete messages

fourjr commented 6 years ago

Does delete remove only my messages? Or everyone? @PallavBS

SharpBit commented 6 years ago

How do you upload an image via terminal? only way i can think is just send an image url and discord sends an embed along with it automatically @PallavBS

fourjr commented 6 years ago

You'd have to send an image url. With the console, it sends it as a file, not a link

IngwiePhoenix commented 5 years ago

Batch commands.

I want to send a lot of commands to the Mudae bot for some setup purposes and cleaning, therefore it would be easier to have batch processing. Combined with the config.json implementation, this could be:

$ discord-cli -e commands.txt
# Or:
$ node produceCommands.js | discord-cli -e -

Would be handy :)

ghost commented 5 years ago

Some features I would like to see:

ravener commented 4 years ago

@fourjr delet this

GoodClover commented 3 years ago

Images could be displayed as sixels (The wikipedia page isn't the best) Basically it's a way of making each character into 2x6 colour pixels, pile them up and bingo, an image. I assume it would be easy to find a library to do the conversion. (Does PIL/Pillow have sixel abilities?)

Making it a configurable option is a must, and it should default to off as terminal support is low, but more are adopting it (e.g Windows Terminal has it in development)

This is probably something for way late into development when the basic functionality is alot more refined.

libsixel has alot of info and examples of sixels.

DumbGameMaker commented 3 years ago

suggestion: fork and change it so that it uses a useragent that we can specify instead of the default one. bundle this fork with the program and add an argument to specify useragent, or use default chrome one if none is specified this would help us not get blacklisted

Mattz-P commented 2 years ago

Any ways that Rich Presence would be included in Discord CLI?

comicsansgreenki commented 2 years ago

Ability to pass a single message via command line. Log in, send message, close client, and drop to shell. although...that's probably just turning this into a program that gets called from scripts.

Ok...what about status? When I started up my bot client, it showed offline throughout the entire test.