foursquare / FSNetworking

foursquare iOS networking library
Apache License 2.0
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DELETE method #20

Open kwellman opened 10 years ago

kwellman commented 10 years ago

My backend has a DELETE endpoint. What needs to be changed for this library to support DELETE requests?

gwk commented 10 years ago

• Add FSNRequestMethodDELETE to the FSNRequestMethod enum. • implement the case to stringForRequestMethod. • implement the case to makeNSURLRequest. I believe this is simply a break (same as GET). I'm happy to take a look at any code you have!

sugarmo commented 10 years ago

@gwk Why not list methods as String Constants!

gwk commented 10 years ago

@sugarmo that might have been a better approach. At the time I chose to use the enumeration to ensure that each supported HTTP method was completely implemented; we only used GET and POST at the time. I guess that the downside of using strings is there are more ways to make an invalid or nonstandard request. The real question is, if FSConnection was changed to use string methods, which of methods would require additional logic? If they all just work then I agree it would be a good option, but then again, in that case it is trivial to add the enums. I never added the others because I never had endpoints to test them on.

sugarmo commented 10 years ago

@gwk I think the validity of a HTTP method should not be considered by an open source network library. A library should ensure that users can use it in most cases without modifying source code. And I think that if you change to use string constants, you will have not much thing being rewritten.

gwk commented 10 years ago

@sugarmo thanks again for the input. i have not worked on FSNetworking for quite some time, and have no plans to make these changes, nor do I have commit access to the original github repo. However if you would like to create a fork I would be happy to review changes and discuss.