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The Dissect module tying all other Dissect modules together. It provides a programming API and command line tools which allow easy access to various data sources inside disk images or file collections (a.k.a. targets).
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ZIP loader triggers an exception when loading Velociraptor Linux collections (Ubuntu) #699

Open Zawadidone opened 2 months ago

Zawadidone commented 2 months ago

Note this issue only occurs with a specific Linux collection that I made when developing

Executing target-query on a Velociraptor collection of a Linux system triggers the following exception:

target-query -t -f hostname
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/", line 414, in _load
  File "/", line 130, in map
    map_dirs(target, dirs, os_type)
  File "/", line 62, in map_dirs
    dfs = ZipFilesystem(path.root.fp,, alt_separator=alt_separator, case_sensitive=case_sensitive)
  File "/", line 60, in __init__
    self._fs.map_file_entry(rel_name, file_entry)
  File "/", line 1231, in map_file_entry
    directory = self.makedirs(sub_dirs)
  File "/", line 1158, in makedirs
    if part not in directory:
TypeError: argument of type 'ZipFilesystemEntry' is not iterable

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

What stands out is that the variable directory in case of th exception has the type ZipFilesystemEntry, which is weird because in all other cases it has the type

Zawadidone commented 2 months ago

Adding the following try/except to, 'fixes' the issue.

    self._fs.map_file_entry(rel_name, file_entry)
except Exception:
Zawadidone commented 2 months ago

The Velociraptor collector was made with the following settings:

velociraptor config generate  > server.config.yaml
velociraptor --config server.config.yaml artifacts collect Server.Internal.ToolDependencies
velociraptor --config server.config.yaml artifacts collect Server.Utils.CreateCollector \
    --args OS=Linux \
    --args artifacts='["Generic.Collectors.File"]' \
    --args parameters='{"Generic.Collectors.File":{"Root":"/","collectionSpec":"Glob\netc/**\nusr/local/etc/**\nvar/log/**\nvar/spool/at/**\nvar/spool/cron/**\nvar/spool/anacron/**\nvar/lib/dpkg/status/**\nvar/audit/**\nvar/cron/**\nroot/.bash*\nroot/.zsh*\nroot/.ssh/**\nroot/.config/**\nhome/*/.bash*\nhome/*/.zsh*\nhome/*/.ssh/**\nhome/*/.config/**\nhome/*/.lastlogin\nboot/config*\nboot/efi*\nboot/grub*\nboot/init*\nvar/db/**\n"}}' \
    --args opt_filename_template="Collection-Linux-%FQDN%-%TIMESTAMP%" \
    --output \
    --args target=ZIP \
    --args opt_prompt=N \
    --args opt_admin=Y \
    --args opt_level=0 \
    --args opt_timeout=86400 \
    --args opt_format=jsonl
Schamper commented 2 months ago

Maybe a path is attempted to be mapped on an already existing path (that was not detected as a directory). E.g.:


path/to/file would be mapped as a ZipFilesystemEntry, which would cause this error when trying to map path/to/file/oops.

Maybe because this happens on a Linux collection, the path/to/file is actually a symlink to a directory? Zip doesn't really support symlinks AFAIK, so I'm not sure how Velociraptor deals with this. Is it possible to share an example zip file?

Zawadidone commented 2 months ago

Yes I have shared the file with you.

Schamper commented 2 months ago

Thanks, it's indeed what I expected:

checkdir error:  uploads/auto/etc/xdg/systemd/user exists but is not directory
                 unable to process uploads/auto/etc/xdg/systemd/user/
checkdir error:  uploads/auto/etc/xdg/systemd/user exists but is not directory
                 unable to process uploads/auto/etc/xdg/systemd/user/
checkdir error:  uploads/auto/etc/xdg/systemd/user exists but is not directory
                 unable to process uploads/auto/etc/xdg/systemd/user/
checkdir error:  uploads/auto/etc/xdg/systemd/user exists but is not directory
                 unable to process uploads/auto/etc/xdg/systemd/user/
[user@localhost:/]$ ls -lah etc/xdg/systemd/
total 4.0K
drwxr-xr-x. 1 root root   8 Jan 28 17:32 .
drwxr-xr-x. 1 root root 178 Jan 28 17:33 ..
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root  18 Jan 22 01:00 user -> ../../systemd/user

For the time being, I think a try/except + log is indeed the correct "fix", but it should be a bit more explicit. I.e. there could be a check in makedirs that raises NotADirectoryError, which the ZipFilesystem could catch.

Zawadidone commented 2 months ago

How does Acquire deal with symlinks?

Schamper commented 1 month ago

They are stored as symlinks in the tar archive.