foxalabs / ESP32_ChatGPT

ESP32 Arduino Framework Library to allow connection to OpenAI Chat Completions Endpoint
Apache License 2.0
36 stars 4 forks source link

ESP Cam can make this useful #6

Open viprocket1 opened 2 months ago

viprocket1 commented 2 months ago

if we cam to openai vision. that will be nice

foxalabs commented 2 months ago

That is a very interesting proposition, so... are you thinking one of the ESP-32-EYE boards or similar and then forward a frame grab from the cam to the new gpt-4 with vision?

That would make a super cheap robotics with vision base.

viprocket1 commented 2 months ago

yea. esp32-cam is also cheaper option $5-6 ig. thank you for considering.