foxhound87 / rfx-stack

RFX Stack - Universal App
MIT License
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Deploying to Heroku #29

Open evgenyboxer opened 8 years ago

evgenyboxer commented 8 years ago


I'm trying to deploy the stack to Heroku, but having trouble starting it up. Do you have experience with deploying it to Heroku? If so, could you provide an example of how to do so? What are the changes to .env / other changes that I need to do.

I'm pretty sure the problem is with the HOST that probably should not be set when running on Heroku. To run the API + Server on start, I created this: (in package.json / scripts)

"start": "concurrently --kill-others \"npm run web:prod\" \"npm run api:prod\""

But I'm still getting errors that aren't really helping me :/

Any ideas?

foxhound87 commented 8 years ago

Can you post the errors please?

foxhound87 commented 8 years ago

Anyway you should start the api server before the web server

foxhound87 commented 7 years ago

Maybe it can be a CORS issue?