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Versions can have multiple versions ? #8

Open FlorianLB opened 13 years ago

FlorianLB commented 13 years ago

ATM, a version must be linked with only one version. Maybe multiple versions will be better no ?

foxmask commented 13 years ago

One given item can have multiple versions but why one version can have several version itself ??

FlorianLB commented 13 years ago

My bad, i speak about jelix version not version like 1.X

foxmask commented 13 years ago

so the question is ? does an item can have several Jelix versions ? Theoricaly yes but as the content of Jelix change in each version, even If we can think "my module is jelix compliant with all version" in the facts there are always details to fix for that. So I think that an item can have several jelix version in that case. If it's not the question let me know what you want may be my mind is not clear at all :)

FlorianLB commented 13 years ago

You are totaly right, i thought too much theoricaly :p . Littles API changes/details in each version broke my reasonment.

So, discussion is close ^^

laurentj commented 13 years ago

A module or anything else could be compatible with several version of jelix. Don't forget you have a "minversion" and a "maxversion" on the jelix element in module.xml.

So we really need to indicate several jelix version into an element. This is important for search also. At this time, I marked jcommunity compatible to jelix 1.2. But if i search modules for jelix 1.3, ti won't appear although it is compatible with it in the real life.