foxnewsnetwork / German-Lit155

Analysis of famous German writers such as Marx
2 stars 1 forks source link

A business model #10

Open foxnewsnetwork opened 12 years ago

foxnewsnetwork commented 12 years ago

Granted it would be nice if money grew on trees and we could just upkeep this website free of charge, we ultimately must face the music and try to come up with a way of making money from this site.

SpinnakerSix commented 12 years ago

charge business for creating a profile/putting deal posts.

foxnewsnetwork commented 12 years ago

that's actually what I was thinking also; we'll talk in detail on Friday

foxnewsnetwork commented 12 years ago

Actually, what we can also do is have sponsored "declarations" instead of mere anonymous rumors. Declarations can only be made by signed-in users and can potentially be sponsored so they show up more readily in the searches and filters from user input. Surprisingly, this sort of model already exists on 4chan in the form of identified users who exit anonymity with "tripcode"

foxnewsnetwork commented 12 years ago

In addition to a business model, we would also need a business plan as well as contact information for people we can pitch this idea to in hopes that they can give us money.