foxriver76 / ioBroker.sonnen

An ioBroker adapter for sonnen batterys.
MIT License
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Continuous Warning: "[LATEST] Error receiving latest data: undefined is not a valid state value" #301

Open EdV0nSchleck opened 2 months ago

EdV0nSchleck commented 2 months ago

Hi, I get the warning above by the adapter every few sconds and always when it's running. Am I the only one with this problem?


foxriver76 commented 2 months ago

Maybe a firmware update on the Battery lead to this? At least on my eco8 it is running as usual.

foxriver76 commented 2 months ago

Please set adapter to debug and show data from the log line starting with Latest data:

EdV0nSchleck commented 2 months ago

My SB software version is, I don't think it changed in the last weeks, but I also don't exactly know since when the warning occurs.

I already set the adapter to debug (and also to all) yesterday, but the message was only the same as it is in the screenshot above.

foxriver76 commented 2 months ago

Then I do not think, that the adapter is running on debug log level. In tab instances with expert mode you need to change the loglevel, maybe this helps:

EdV0nSchleck commented 2 months ago

Ok you're right, something went wrong yesterday, here's the log you requested:

Latest data: {"Consumption_W":2699,"FullChargeCapacity":9667,"GridFeedIn_W":7709,"Pac_total_W":-3,"Production_W":10413,"RSOC":100,"SetPoint_W":0,"Timestamp":"2024-04-23 14:07:22","USOC":100,"UTC_Offet":2,"ic_status":{"DC Shutdown Reason":{"Critical BMS Alarm":false,"Electrolyte Leakage":false,"Error condition in BMS initialization":false,"HW_Shutdown":false,"HardWire Over Voltage":false,"HardWired Dry Signal A":false,"HardWired Under Voltage":false,"Holding Circuit Error":false,"Initialization Timeout":false,"Initialization of AC contactor failed":false,"Initialization of BMS hardware failed":false,"Initialization of DC contactor failed":false,"Initialization of Inverter failed":false,"Invalid or no SystemType was set":false,"Inverter Over Temperature":false,"Inverter Under Voltage":false,"Inverter Unknown Error":false,"Inverter Version Too Low For Dc-Module":false,"Manual shutdown by user":false,"Minimum rSOC of System reached":false,"Modules voltage out of range":false,"No Setpoint received by HC":false,"Odd number of battery modules":false,"One single module detected and module voltage is out of range":false,"Only one single module detected":false,"Shutdown Timer started":false,"System Validation failed":false,"Voltage Monitor Changed":false},"Eclipse Led":{"Blinking Red":false,"Pulsing Green":false,"Pulsing Orange":false,"Pulsing White":true,"Solid Red":false},"MISC Status Bits":{"Discharge not allowed":false,"F1 open":false,"Grid-Disconnection requested from HC":false,"Min System SOC":false,"Min User SOC":false,"Setpoint Timeout":false},"Microgrid Status":{"Continious Power Violation":false,"Discharge Current Limit Violation":false,"Low Temperature":false,"Max System SOC":false,"Max User SOC":false,"Microgrid Enabled":false,"Min System SOC":false,"Min User SOC":false,"Over Charge Current":false,"Over Discharge Current":false,"Peak Power Violation":false,"Protect is activated":true,"Transition to Ongrid Pending":false},"Setpoint Priority":{"BMS":false,"Energy Manager":true,"Full Charge Request":false,"Inverter":false,"Min User SOC":false,"Trickle Charge":false},"System Validation":{"Country Code Set status flag 1":false,"Country Code Set status flag 2":false,"Self test Error DC Wiring":false,"Self test Postponed":false,"Self test Precondition not met":false,"Self test Running":false,"Self test successful finished":false},"nrbatterymodules":2,"nrbatterymodulesinparallel":1,"nrbatterymodulesinseries":2,"secondssincefullcharge":0,"statebms":"ready","statecorecontrolmodule":"ongrid","stateinverter":"running","timestamp":"Tue Apr 23 14:07:18 2024"}}

foxriver76 commented 2 months ago

Hm okay, somehow ic_status['Eclipse Led'].Brightness is not contained in the response.

EdV0nSchleck commented 2 months ago

Is this an issue caused by me, my battery or the adapter?

foxriver76 commented 2 months ago

The assumption until now was, that this information is delivered for all batteries that have the API. If no update for your battery is available only adapter can get rid of it.

foxriver76 commented 2 months ago

Are you using the v2 api so meaning you have provided an auth token in the instance settings?

EdV0nSchleck commented 2 months ago

I don't know the difference between api v2 or other, but I am using an Auth-Token in these settings, yes.

foxriver76 commented 2 months ago

okay and if you restart it is not logging Auth-Token provided, but could not use official API this line?

EdV0nSchleck commented 2 months ago

Restart looks like this:


EdV0nSchleck commented 2 months ago

@foxriver76 okay, how should I proceed now? Or is the case already tracked?

foxriver76 commented 2 months ago

it is tracked and I know what to do, just need to find some time.

EdV0nSchleck commented 2 months ago

Ok, thank you very much!