foxtacles / vaultmp

Multiplayer mod for the PC version of Fallout 3
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vaultmp - Compiling in Code Blocks #141

Open Langerz82 opened 7 years ago

Langerz82 commented 7 years ago


I'm receiving the following error wondering if you have any idea how to fix.

See: image

foxtacles commented 7 years ago

This happens if the C++ standard library that comes with your MinGW does not include thread support. Check this answer:

I also mentioned it in the instructions:

Langerz82 commented 7 years ago

Thanks I fixed the error, will let you know how it goes.

Langerz82 commented 7 years ago

Hello, These are the new errors I'm getting: image

Langerz82 commented 7 years ago

I've sorted out the threading issues, turns out I wasnt using POSIX threads in my MinGW.

Now I can compile as far as this: image

foxtacles commented 7 years ago

which GCC version are you using? probably something changed in a newer version, leading to issues like that. maybe you can get a mingw64 including GCC 4.9 - otherwise the current code would probably need to be adjusted (not sure how much effort this would be, I have no mingw setup to try atm)

Langerz82 commented 7 years ago

Ok I dowloaded and used GCC 5.4 as thats the closest I could find. It's throwing these errors:


Looks like it's compiling in 64-bit mode, any ideas?

Langerz82 commented 7 years ago

I changed the makefile to run the 32-bit g++ and Ive resolved the previous issue. Let you know how it goes.

Langerz82 commented 7 years ago

Hey Chris I'm having trouble with the ini parser I compiled it in linux then copied the files .a and .so.0 files into MinGW's 32-bit lib folder but its not linking either by using -liniiparser or -l:libiniparser.a . How can I compile it under Codeblocks and MinGW? Setting up a standard static library did not work.

foxtacles commented 7 years ago there are C::B project files and makefiles for iniparser and time libraries, did you try them to compile them on Windows?

Langerz82 commented 7 years ago

Hey, I needed to create my own makefile for the ini parser which I based off the raknet makefile. Am I missing any flags? I checked verbose linking and it says that it skipped it because it was incompatible and hence the library not being found. Here is the adjusted makefile for windows:

foxtacles commented 7 years ago this one didn't work?

maybe you are missing -m32 in the CC var

Langerz82 commented 7 years ago

It still does not get loaded when linking, both with and without -m32, any ideas?

Langerz82 commented 7 years ago

Think I know the issue. The command is running 64-bit ld.exe as shown here: D:/Program Files/mingw-w64/x86_64-5.4.0-release-posix-sjlj-rt/mingw64/bin/../lib/gcc/x86_64-w64-mingw32/5.4.0/../../../../x86_64-w64-mingw32/bin/ld.exe: skipping incompatible D:/Program Files/mingw-w64/x86_64-5.4.0-release-posix-sjlj-rt/mingw64/bin/../lib/gcc/x86_64-w64-mingw32/5.4.0/../../..\libiniparser.a when searching for -l:libiniparser.a Just gotta find a 32-bit ld.exe

Langerz82 commented 7 years ago

Its finding the libraries yet it keeps searching and throws errors as if it can't find them. I'm stuck on this:


Langerz82 commented 7 years ago

Managed to find the Raknet library by removing the -m32 flags when compiling. Now I got the following errors with stack_trace.


foxtacles commented 7 years ago

hmm, strange. are you re-compiled all parts after you changed the compiler version? alternatively you can try the Release build which does not require stack trace

Langerz82 commented 7 years ago

it cannot find libbfd.a as its skipping incompatible. So I'm guessing its not a proper 32-bit version.

Langerz82 commented 7 years ago

I'm getting the following errors when compiling the time module. Could it be because it needs x86_64-w64-mingw32-g++.exe to compile? I dont see in the Makefile where to rename the g++.exe


foxtacles commented 7 years ago

can you try this makefile?

Langerz82 commented 7 years ago

Says no rule to make target.


foxtacles commented 7 years ago

I believe the makefile is in the wrong location, it uses relative pathes inside

make sure that the containing folder of the makefile + time\time64.c is a valid path to the source file. or adjust the pathes inside the makefile

Langerz82 commented 7 years ago

Fixed the paths now I'm getting 64-bit related errors even though it uses a 64-bit compiler.


Langerz82 commented 7 years ago

Parsed in -std=c99 now the only warnings that appear are here: image Should I be concerned about them?

foxtacles commented 7 years ago

hmm yep that's an issue. gmtime_r and localtime_r are functions that should be called (not declared), they should be in time.h which should be included. not sure why it can't recognize them

Langerz82 commented 7 years ago

Trying to include the time.h header and includes doesn't help. Have I include the arguments in the right section? image

foxtacles commented 7 years ago

are you sure that you checked out the correct git submodule commit? compare this file with yours:

Langerz82 commented 7 years ago

I commented out all 3 and it compiles ok. / #define HAS_GMTIME_R / / #define HAS_LOCALTIME_R / / #define HAS_TIMEGM /

Langerz82 commented 7 years ago

These are the errors I'm receiving when linking vaultmp.exe:


Langerz82 commented 7 years ago

I was using ld.exe instead of g++ to link the libraries. Now I have only the following errors. It seems the iniparser cant be linked but I'm not sure why.


foxtacles commented 7 years ago

I think you also didn't check out the proper submodule commit in this case. just checking out the iniparser repository won't do, the submodule points to a specific commit (which contains slight changes to make the library work with vaultmp):

it says iniparser @ ce75430 if you click on it, it goes to the commit that needs to be checked out. take that state, re-compile the iniparser library and it should work

Langerz82 commented 7 years ago

Here are the MAKEFILE and linking errors: image image

I am pretty sure I am using the right iniparser commit. Should I be using the C++ iniparser branch? Im using master atm.

foxtacles commented 7 years ago

can you compare your iniparser.h and verify it contains:

foxtacles commented 7 years ago

if you were using master branch, you were not using the right commit - it is specified by the submodule. in this case it is indeed the cplusplus branch

Langerz82 commented 7 years ago

Many thanks its compiling now. I get version mismatch because I'm using How do I obtain the new hash?

Langerz82 commented 7 years ago

How do I compile vaultmpd.exe? Many thanks for helping me thus far. I hope to contribute quite a bit once I've figured out how to do a basic compile.

foxtacles commented 7 years ago

I'd ignore the hashing for now (you can comment it out in the code). That was just a simple mechanism used for released builds.

vaultmpd.exe is the produced executable of vaultmp when you use the Debug target of the makefile

Langerz82 commented 7 years ago

I'm getting an access violation error when running vaultmpd.exe.

Here is my makefile:

edit: Sorry it was my code that was causing the access violation error.

Langerz82 commented 7 years ago

I am getting this when trying to compile the Game Server. Any ideas?


Here is my makefile:

Langerz82 commented 7 years ago

It's a problem with timer not being compiled with the -m64 option. However the main Game Server is compiled with -m32 any ideas?

Langerz82 commented 7 years ago

I cant seem to compile time into a 64-bit library. Here is my makefile: #

time Makefile


CC = gcc.exe AR = ar.exe CFLAGS = -O2 -fPIC -W -Wall -ansi -pedantic -Wextra -Wdeclaration-after-statement -Wendif-labels -Wconversion -Wcast-qual -Wwrite-strings -fno-leading-underscore -std=c99 -m32 -march=i686

INCLUDE = -I"D:\Program Files\mingw-w64\x86_64-4.9.1-release-posix-sjlj\mingw64\include" SHLD = ${CC} ${CFLAGS} $(INCLUDE) LDSHFLAGS = LDFLAGS = -L"D:\Program Files\mingw-w64\x86_64-4.9.1-release-posix-sjlj\mingw64\lib"

RM = cmd /c del /f

COMPILE.c=$(CC) $(INCLUDE) $(LDFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c .c.o: $(COMPILE.c) -o $@ $<

SRCS = time64.c

OBJS = $(SRCS:.c=.o)

default: libtime64.a

libtime64.a: $(OBJS) $(AR) -rv libtime64.a $(OBJS)

clean: $(RM) $(OBJS)

foxtacles commented 7 years ago

I think it should all be compiled as 32bit (including all libraries). The -m32 flag should be included everywhere. The error you get (on your last screenshot, undefined reference) indicates that it can't find the functions in the time library, which is most likely because the library has not been compiled with the extern "C" declaration in its time64.h file.

Are you sure that you compiled and are linking the correct version of the library everywhere?

This goes for ALL submodules that were used in the repository. If you don't properly set up the submodules, you will not get the right code version of the repositories and it leads to all sorts of issues. For instance if you just clone the respective repositories - it is not the same as initializing the submodules and it causes errors like this.

Langerz82 commented 7 years ago

@Fox many thanks for clearing that up for me, I think I got it now.

Langerz82 commented 7 years ago

Compiled the GameServer but when executing I get the following error and no additional debug info.


foxtacles commented 7 years ago

you should be getting some debug info if you compile the Debug version of it (and you need to have this file in the same folder as the executable then). it should dump a stack trace in a text file

Langerz82 commented 7 years ago

Have you got the windows makefile for the vaultscript.dll ?

foxtacles commented 7 years ago

there is no makefile for that, just a C::B project file:

Langerz82 commented 7 years ago

Managed to compile the vaultscript.dll ran vaultserver but still the same error without any stack trace.

Is there a specific C++ Redistributal or .NET framework I am missing? I have 4.5,4.6,4.7

Langerz82 commented 7 years ago

Tried to rebuild everything still same error. Tried opening it in OllyDBG but the callstack give me no useful info. Did you compile everything in windows?

Langerz82 commented 7 years ago

I used a dependency walker and it was showing that the executable is trying to load x64 version of win threads. image

Langerz82 commented 7 years ago

I managed to resolve the x64 library conflicts. Now I'm getting this error:
