Closed lki2019 closed 7 years ago
I think you can write a branch, improve the use of streamlink automatically call the local player mpv to watch streamlink support all video sites and live
To achieve the following video demo effect
That project uses tampermonkey to run scripts which I use Chrome extension to run scripts, that's the main difference. With the new plugin for douyu, you can play streams with one-click just by adding
player=mpv --cache 2048
to your streamlinkrc according to
If you want more websites to be supported just add your websites to the following file streamlink-chrome-extension-for-windows/streamlink-chrome-extension/manifest.json
like this.
"content_scripts": [
"matches": [
The only problem with this project is that you need to enable the developer mode for Chrome ;D
Don't forget to add mpv location to your PATH
environment variable.
I have feedback
I was WIN7 32 bit
Google Chrome 59.0.3071.115(正式版本) (32 位)
streamlink Can watch normally
figure 1:
but Streamlink Plugin failure
streamlinkrc Use it PotPlayer
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\streamlink] "URL Protocol"="" @="URL:streamlink"
[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\streamlink\DefaultIcon] @="\"D:\20160603\网盘下载工具\维棠\维棠下载器+v2.1.3.3+去广告绿色增强版\维棠下载器 v2.1.3.3 去广告绿色增强版\analyzers\livestreamer+streamlink\streamlink\streamlink谷歌浏览器扩展\streamlink-chrome-extension-for-windows-master\,1\""
[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\streamlink\shell\open\command] @="\"D:\20160603\网盘下载工具\维棠\维棠下载器+v2.1.3.3+去广告绿色增强版\维棠下载器 v2.1.3.3 去广告绿色增强版\analyzers\livestreamer+streamlink\streamlink\streamlink谷歌浏览器扩展\streamlink-chrome-extension-for-windows-master\streamlinkrun.bat\" \"%1\""
perl D:\20160603\网盘下载工具\维棠\维棠下载器+v2.1.3.3+去广告绿色增强版\维棠下载器 v2.1.3.3 去广告绿色增强版\analyzers\livestreamer+streamlink\streamlink\streamlink谷歌浏览器扩展\streamlink-chrome-extension-for-windows-master\ %1
figure 2:
I can not call PotPlayer when I watch live on the web
@lki2019 你的路径包含空格。最好重命名下文件夹,去掉空格,另外然后直接修改install_url_scheme.reg
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
"URL Protocol"=""
@="\"D:\\我的文件\\streamlink插件\\streamlinkrun.bat\" \"%1\""
perl D:\我的文件\streamlink插件\streamlinkrun.bat %1
the streamlinkrun.bat
should be
perl D:\我的文件\streamlink插件\ %1
sorry for typo.
Or not, to flash over
You can add pause to your streamlinkrun.bat
to see the error.
perl D:\我的文件\streamlink插件\ %1
figure 1: figure 2:
PotPlayer does not come out
Directly download from and have a try again. I didn't see any problem from the figure, there is no error message.
D:\20160603\浏览器\Google+Chrome+v59.0.3071.115\Chrome\59.0.3071.115>perl D:\我 的文件\streamlink插件\ "streamlink:// 4" [cli][info] Found matching plugin douyutv for URL Available streams: middle, middle2, source (worst), live (best)
D:\20160603\浏览器\Google+Chrome+v59.0.3071.115\Chrome\59.0.3071.115>pause 请按任意键继续. . .
add the following lines to your streamlinkrc
P.S. streamlink does not work with bilibili videos but work with bilibili live(whose url is the format if
Thank you
Plus what code, you can enter the live room automatically shield the current flash player
And then automatically call Streamlink Plugin, do not have to click again
That is, you can set, automatically call Streamlink Plugin
Or manually click on the Streamlink Plugin
Due to Chrome extension's privileges it is very difficult to call external url scheme without clicking on plugin and disabling flash.
So it is
I see a project can use you-get call vlc local player to watch live and web video
I would like to ask how the operation can use streamlink to see live and network video, automatically call mpv player, so save the resources!