fpco / inline-c

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Improvements to make the sample project more workable #43

Closed da-x closed 8 years ago

bitonic commented 8 years ago

Why do we need a stack.yaml inside sample-cabal-project? Isn't it enough to have one at the root containing it?

da-x commented 8 years ago

It makes it easier for users to copy that directory aside and play with it as an external thing (otherwise, they need to look at the root stack.yaml to figure out which Stackage LTS version this depends on, and so forth).

Also, I noticed that currently, without that stack.yaml, if I do stack ghci in that directory, it tries to load also load stuff of inline-c into it, which breaks due to some deficiency in GHCi:

    Illegal datatype context (use DatatypeContexts): (QC.Arbitrary i) =>
Failed, modules loaded: Language.C.Inline.FunPtr.
bitonic commented 8 years ago

OK, fair enough, thanks.