fpoirotte / pssht

SSH server written in PHP
MIT License
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Check compliance with crypto suite B #11

Open fpoirotte opened 9 years ago

fpoirotte commented 9 years ago

See http://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc6239.txt. The goal of this ticket is to determine whether Pssht could theoritically be compatible with crypto suite B.

I say theoretically since Pssht has never (and probably never will) be audited for full compliance. Also, as a reminder, Pssht has not been made to be secure and probably cannot be made secure anyway, so if you're thinking of using it to handle confidential data, think again!

fpoirotte commented 9 years ago

Depends on #27. Suite B compliance also requires that options be added in Pssht to restrict the lists of usable algorithms (for encryption/MAC/host keys/public keys/etc.).

fpoirotte commented 5 years ago

See https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6239 for some of the implications. See also #27 & #34 for tickets that must first be resolved before we can tackle this issue.