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Suggestions for maximizing signal range with RFM69 radio transceivers #20

Open capsulecorplab opened 5 months ago

capsulecorplab commented 5 months ago

After having tested multiple radio configurations, the best range I seem to be able to get is ~10 ft between two Teensy 4.1 boards communicating via the 433 MHz Adafruit RFM69 transceiver radios (See https://github.com/mdrs-community/fprime-baremetal-reference/releases/tag/v3.4.0-0.1.1). Is there anything else I could perhaps tune to maximize my range? 10 ft seems awfully short for a couple of UHF transceivers.

ethancheez commented 5 months ago

You can also try playing around with the power level. I think +20dBm is the max.


rfm69.setTxPower(14, true);


rfm69.setTxPower(20, true);
ethancheez commented 5 months ago

Do you have antennas attached to your radios? Those make big differences.

With my RFM69HCW 915MHz using these antennas, I was able to go as far as 50 feet with no communication issues.

And for one of my other satellite projects I worked on, if I remember correctly, these radios worked for hundreds of feet with much larger antennas (I think it was a Yagi antenna).

Edit: Our ground station had a Yagi antenna, the satellite had a much smaller copper antenna but better than the spring antenna.

capsulecorplab commented 5 months ago

You can also try playing around with the power level. I think +20dBm is the max.


rfm69.setTxPower(14, true);


rfm69.setTxPower(20, true);

Just tried +20dB. Though, it doesn't seem to be performing all that much different than 14 :confused:

capsulecorplab commented 5 months ago

Do you have antennas attached to your radios? Those make big differences.

Yup, They're attached PXL_20240202_014902169.jpg

capsulecorplab commented 5 months ago

And for one of my other satellite projects I worked on, if I remember correctly, these radios worked for hundreds of feet with much larger antennas (I think it was a Yagi antenna).

Edit: Our ground station had a Yagi antenna, the satellite had a much smaller copper antenna but better than the spring antenna.

Is there a recommended bill of materials for replicating such a Yagi antenna setup?

capsulecorplab commented 5 months ago

I'm once again picking up more consistent telemetry downlinks by simply touching the RadioPassthrough antenna :smile:

ethancheez commented 5 months ago

Is there a recommended bill of materials for replicating such a Yagi antenna setup?

Hmm I don't have those (and I don't think I would be able to disclose that if I did). These were all custom fabricated.

capsulecorplab commented 5 months ago

Hm, I guess I'll have to be the antenna itself for now :upside_down_face: