fpriyatna / linked-fiestas

a repo for transforming a list of festivals in Spain to Linked Data
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URL patterns for resources created by linked fiesta. #2

Open nandana opened 6 years ago

nandana commented 6 years ago

I propose to create an IRI within a namespace managed by us for each festival and then link it to the other external datasets.

For example, <http://fiestas.linkeddata.es/festival/es/nnnnn> a schema:Festival .

Then we can provide sameAs links

<http://fiestas.linkeddata.es/festival/es/nnnnn> owl:sameAs <http://dbpedia.org/resource/La_Tomatina>; 
                                owl:sameAs  <http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q827695>;
                                owl:sameAs <http://es.dbpedia.org/resource/Tomatina> .

In addition, depending on where we derive the information, we can also give provenance information

<http://fiestas.linkeddata.es/festival/es/nnnnn> prov:wasDerivedFrom <https://fiestas.net/bunol/>

And also additional links to webpages etc, if we have any.

<http://fiestas.linkeddata.es/festival/es/nnnnn> rdfs:seeAlso <http://latomatina.info>

What do you think?

fpriyatna commented 6 years ago

Good suggestions, Nandana!

I have added some PROV triples and updated the URIs for festivals from fiestas.net and they are now in the format of http://fiestas.linkeddata.es/festival/es/{PROVINCE}/{TOWN}/{FESTIVALNAME}. You can see the result in https://github.com/fpriyatna/linked-fiestas/blob/master/datasets/fiestas/linkedfiestas1b.nt

nandana commented 6 years ago

About the domain:

Another option is to use w3id.org.

e.g., https://w3id.org/linked-fiestas/es/{PROVINCE}/{TOWN}/{FESTIVALNAME}

The good thing is that we can host everything on Github and just write redirection rules. This will be much easier than hosting the data on our servers.

About the URL patterns:

(a) {PROVINCE}/{TOWN}/{FESTIVALNAME} vs (b) {id}

I believe (a) is great for human-readability and debugging but might not be suitable for all situations. For example, for some festivals, we might not know the town, etc. In addition, we are encoding a lot of information to the URL.

fpriyatna commented 6 years ago

I removed PROVINCE from the URIs, some of the festivals don't have province, but all of them have town

fpriyatna commented 6 years ago

we can also remove "festival" from the URI, I dont really agree to put the type in the URI. How about: http://{LANGUAGE}.fiestas.linkeddata.es/{TOWN}/{FESTIVALNAME}?

AndreaCimminoArriaga commented 6 years ago

IRI pattern https://w3id.org/linkedfiestas/resource/{id}

fpriyatna commented 6 years ago

IRI pattern https://w3id.org/linked-fiestas/resource/{id}