fpthink / 3D-WSIS

Learning Inter-Superpoint Affinity for Weakly Supervised 3D Instance Segmentation
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Thanks for your great work, but I have some problems with DDPM training #3

Open Micro-han opened 1 year ago

Micro-han commented 1 year ago

I use the command to start training: CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1 python train_s3dis.py --config config/S3DIS_Area5_3D_WSIS.yaml --pretrain log/S3DIS_Area5_3D_WSIS/epoch_00400_semantic.pth --num-gpus 2, but it shows that RuntimeError: Default process group has not been initialized. So I added the torch.distributed.init_process_group(backend='nccl'), but is still not working.