Closed MArbane closed 2 years ago
Hello, can you please give some more context?
How do you get that error? Which script are you trying to run?
I was running the script "" from the FEATEXT file for feature extraction I faced a problem on line 12 "env ='features/rgb', map_size=1099511627776)"
I didn't find the features/rgb directory of the these files waiting for your reply !
That line of code is supposed to open an lmdb dataset in write mode and create it if it does not exist. Can you check that you actually have a “features” directory? If you don’t, can you create it?
Thank you !!
problem solved, I don't know why but I put "env ='rgb', map_size=1099511627776)" without 2 directories and it works, I will keep it like that thanks again .
Glad it works now!
Hello Dr.Furnari,
Please, when I was trying to implement your feature extraction method, I faced this error :
"FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'features/rgb'
So please, can you check this file!
Thank you