fpv-wtf / butter

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why not recovery for vista to 1.0.0600??? #9

Closed aureloctopuzzle closed 1 year ago

aureloctopuzzle commented 1 year ago

it was the best (for all v1 and air unit 1.0.0600) please made it possible!!! thank's! AureL

j005u commented 1 year ago

Because all newer batch vistas will not work with anything older than 01.00.0606 and would temporarily become bricks, until flashed back up. We don't want to create confusion among users.

Also we don't test wtfos or it's packages on anything older than 01.00.0606, so we can't promise things will work correctly.

With that said, if you really need it, I can generate you a 01.00.0600 butter package.

aureloctopuzzle commented 1 year ago

OK I understand. that said, I'm really not the only one to have had power and range problems after 1.0.0600, I have everything with this firmware, except the vistas because you can only go back with the Air unit and googles v1. so I have the vistas in 01.00.0606, and I have to "skip" a page to use it on each flight but it works, that says nothing to do with before! so yes I would be happy to have my vista returned to 01.00.0600!!! with great pleasure!

xviews commented 1 year ago

You can easily create the packages yourself. I have a video on Youtube(https://youtu.be/UtxJIX_UPZk) in another thread I had offered the version 0.600, but on my GDrive I needed space, so I deleted it.

aureloctopuzzle commented 1 year ago

oh no what a pity you deleted it! I do not understand German, and even less what he does on his computer, unfortunately I am not a programmer, so unless there is a simple solution to execute, I could not do what is said in the video unfortunately. in any case if you have a way to bring vista back to 01.00.0600, you will make people happy!! because I'm really not the only one having the problem!! thank you for your answer, i hope if you have the file on your pc and you could put it back on the cloud? that would be great!

aureloctopuzzle commented 1 year ago

thank's a lot!!! Xviews!!

aureloctopuzzle commented 1 year ago

hello, well so I tried the software and either it does nothing (yet it seems to work well, no worries it seems, the flash is going well. no problems..) on the other hand it is always the version 01.00.0606 installed and not 01.00.0600. I don't know what to tell you except that it doesn't change anything.. I don't understand why. too bad not to find a solution to return to the correct firmware. it's been since version 01.00.0606 was released that I've been trying to roll back vistas, and I can't find a solution. are you sure that you have correctly integrated the 01.00.0600 in the software? because my googles and air unit are with this firmware, why it didn't work? despite your software? I look forward to your response, cordially, AureL

j005u commented 1 year ago

Version numbers are stored separately from the actual firmware and butter is unable to update the partition where it's stored currently without causing other headaches.

If xviews sent you the correct package and flashing seemed to complete then you are downgraded. It's just reading the old version number from storage.

0600 and 0606 are byte for byte identical on the air unit and goggles, the only known difference on the vista is support for a new flash chip they changed to when 0606 was released. I have yet to actually see any conclusive proof that 0606 degraded performance whatsoever, as far as I'm concerned it's a myth.

So ... makes sense in my book you are not seeing any difference.

aureloctopuzzle commented 1 year ago

OK I understand. I must therefore either "skip" the message from the googles telling me that the vistas are on the 0.600, when it tells me 0.606?? I would have to put everything under 0.606 and then downgrade with your software all the air units and my googles so as not to have this error message? so everything would be under 600 when it says 606? can the butter software change the firmware on air unit and googles too or is it only for vistas? thank you anyway, I haven't done any range tests yet, but I'll let you know about it. know that I'm not the only one to have noticed the drop in performance between 600 and 606, it's not a myth in my opinion.. I really hated the day when I put everything under 606 and that I saw the difference, I went back and put the 600 back on googles and air unit (back to normal), but not on vista because that is not possible with the dji assistant flasher.. and the difference was obvious ! hence my request to downgrade the vistas to 600.. another thing: you are telling me that the vistas have changed materially between 600 and 606?? or is it just software? THANKS! Sincerely, AureL

xviews commented 1 year ago

My package was correct, as described by j005u, the version number remains. I had earlier also everything on version .600 am but then went to the .608, because really no difference is noticeable. The range or the quality of the image is adjusted by the modem firmware, here the CP partition. This file has not changed between the .600 to .608 @j005u correct me if I'm wrong. With butter can also be flashed the AirUnit and the glasses, for this are needed for devices matching packages.

"you are telling me that the vistas have changed materially between 600 and 606??"

Overview Date: 2021.07.27 Air Unit Firmware: v01.00.06.06 Goggles V1 Firmware: v01.00.06.06 Goggles V2 Firmware: v01.00.06.06 Remote Controller Firmware: v01.00.06.06

What’s New? Added support for new Air Unit (Lite) hardware

aureloctopuzzle commented 1 year ago

I don't know I ask the question (for the vistas have changed materially between 600 and 606) , because the cameras have changed, and therefore surely the firmware too? otherwise I don't think for the hardware change of the vtx vista. I don't know, and I would like to know if this is the case. in short, thank you for everything, in any case, I know that I had a change between 600 and 606. but only with the vistas.. I don't really know what to say, I'll do some tests, and I'll tell you if the firmware 600 that you were kind enough to manufacture finally has a difference in range or other.. yes? thank you, cordially, AureL

j005u commented 1 year ago

Try running these command on the vista in the fpv.wtf CLI:

rm -rf /data/upgrade/lt150/* 

This should make the vista stop thinking it's 0606 (after a restart). If that doesn't get rid of the firmware mismatch popup in the goggles please let me know and I will send you some files to replace the ones we are deleting with the above command.

As for the hardware differences 0600 and 0606 had the exact same camera support. They both worked with DJI OG style 720p120 cameras with the onsemi AP1302 ISP (Caddx Nebula Pro, their new Air Unit camera etc) or cheap cameras that worked using a fixed mipi stream with 720p60 and no configuration options. Any new cameras between 0600 and 0606 all used one of these two methods/drivers. No new ones were added.

0608 added support for the Runcam Link camera.

The only difference between 0600 and 0606 that we've found is on the actual Vista unit itself. They changed the memory/flash chip they are using to a new one. Thus, if you flash 0600 on any Vista made after the beginning of 2022, it will brick and not be able to boot.

aureloctopuzzle commented 1 year ago

hello, excuse me but I don't see what you are talking about when you tell me to put these commands in the CLI.. and thank you for telling me that the 2022 models are different and that I risk "bricking" my vista if I made firmware 600. short, so you tell me that there is no difference between 600 and 606? and that people like me who saw the difference had a hallucination? I do not think so.. that said, ok so in the end the best thing is to put everything under 606 and voila. but I really had a change with the vistas and this firmware in general and I don't know if I want to change everything that works well for the moment, and not touch the googles or the air units which are in 600 and works well.. in short, I'm not at home and therefore I can't do the tests, I passed all the vistas I have (fortunately I only had ones before 2022 it seems to me..) in 600 with your tool and I'll see if that changes anything, I'll let you know, and unfortunately I think I would subscribe to the message every battery and "skip" this message to fly, because it's impossible for me to do what you're suggesting . (but if the performances change then there yes it will be necessary to see if the message of "skip" can be raised. it would be the icing on the cake! (French expression, google translated..)..) as soon as I do the tests, I'll let you know, and from there we'll see what to do. thank you for your subjection, and your time, I'll tell you very soon, Cordially, AureL

aureloctopuzzle commented 1 year ago

for information, I have no camera other than the original dji, nebulas and a caddx air unit micro with two screws.. and all the vistas are (or will be) on nebula. I only have vistas they are before 2022 I think, I have a "spare" one and I don't know maybe this one is recent, but I don't use it for the moment..

j005u commented 1 year ago

It should be possible to use butter to reflash 0606 back if a Vista becomes bricked with 0600, it is not permanent.

Let me know if the message does not go away with that method, there is a more complicated thing we can do that will work for sure to manually set the correct version. I will provide detailed instructions in that case.

You are not the first person to mention worse performance on 0606 but nobody has actually shown a conclusive DVR comparison of the two versions to show that the problem is real. I did not see any difference on my own vistas and we did not find any differences in the radio or camera code between 0600 and 0606. That is all I can say for sure, I cannot completely rule out there is something on some older vistas that causes a problem.

If you wish to look into this more, you now have two butter packages that let you quickly swap between 0600 and 0606. Just make sure to be careful to not let other factors (flight path, weather, whatever) affect the results.

xviews commented 1 year ago

Let me know if the message does not go away with that method, there is a more complicated thing we can do that will work for sure to manually set the correct version. I will provide detailed instructions in that case.

Can you please post the info? i have asked a few times but never received an answer

j005u commented 1 year ago

@xviews adb push the appropriate .cfg.sig to /data/upgrade/lt150/lt150_vt.cfg.sig.

If you still have the 0600 firmware package could you please post the .cfg.sig. I don't anymore and DDD is currently down.

xviews commented 1 year ago


Brilliant, that's exactly what I was going to do as I had seen this trick in the tweak-prevent-force-upgrade package. But I then changed from the V1 glasses to the V2 and there I have to use the latest firmware, then I have not tried it further.

j005u commented 1 year ago


That should fix the firmware version on your vista.

aureloctopuzzle commented 1 year ago

ok, I didn't understand everything, when you tell me about "fpv.wtf" what is it for? and what is the purpose of the file you sent me? excuse me for my hopeless case in programming and such.. my equipment is not "rooted" the osd dji suits me well. and for the moment I do not really see the purpose for me to do it, but if I have to, I have to know why, and what it is for me.. in short, in any case I have two vista quads, one under 600 and one under 606. I would make dvrs and I would see if there is a difference, I will post them to let you know. on the other hand it will not be immediately knowing that I am with the family from tomorrow for a big week, so I could not do the tests immediately. But I'll do it as soon as possible and I'll let you know. they both have an sma pig tail with the same length and the same antenna. both are on the same Bec/stack. only one is a 4" and the other is a 5", but that won't change the test, and I have a good place to know the limits, I guarantee. I would do that by the rules. voila, thank you for your efforts and your time, it's really nice of you to take all this seriously, especially for people like me who don't change googles every time they come out, it's expensive so I'm happy to see that the code has become known, and that you can intervene on it, it's great. Sincerely, AureL

j005u commented 1 year ago

@aureloctopuzzle you will not be able to clear the version number mismatch issue without rooting i'm afraid. at least not currently, without further development for butter. erasing the data partition where it is located with butter can cause problems. rooting would allow us to overwrite the one specific file we need to change.

the .zip i attached above will automatically update the file where the version number is located to 0600, but it will only work if rooted.

you cannot compare two different vistas, it has to be the same one with different firmwares. the reason is some vistas can have the radio power amplifier damaged over time and they will perform worse. it is rare, but it does happen.

aureloctopuzzle commented 1 year ago

hello, ok, so I will do the tests by changing the firmware on the same drone / vista. that said, the atmospheric conditions can change between times even if it's during the same day.. and not at the same time.. that said, I can do as soon as possible and do the best to test all that then. Thanks again for your quick response and explanation. for the root of my googles, ok, I'll end up doing it, so I'll let you know about the tests as soon as possible. and I would take dvrs. thanks again! Cordially, AureL

aureloctopuzzle commented 1 year ago

and for the root there is the osd, ok, cool for the pids.. and the alarms.. but the sound between the air units and the googles I find that super interesting. I have another question by the way: I'm making an fpv plane (the first!) and I have a matek f411 wte FC (very small because not much space it's a radjet 800 hobbyking).. in short, for osd dji, it works on inav? thank you for your work, and your ingenuity, poor me dropped from computer programming lol AureL

j005u commented 1 year ago

I've released the scripts we use to make butter packages out of DDD archives on this repo along with a Dockerfile to make running it easier.

Closing this issue as it's solved, but @aureloctopuzzle feel free to post here if you find out more about 0600 vs 0606 with testing. I suspect the issue is just a bad power amplifier on one of your vistas.

Also yes, msp-osd works with INAV.