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Multi Page SPA Support #3

Open atiernan opened 3 years ago

atiernan commented 3 years ago


live.fpvout.com should be able to handle multiple pages within the Single Page App


Currently if you try to navigate to https://live.fpvout.com/hello you'll receive a 404 page from GitHub. This should really be routed through the SPA instead, so we choose what to display


sweebee commented 3 years ago

I cant find anything how to do this with Github Pages. Isn't it easier to host this on Netlify? Then you can add a _redirects file with:

/*    /index.html   200

Then the Vue router will handle the response.

atiernan commented 3 years ago

This seems like an option for catching the 404.

sahibalejandro commented 2 years ago

^ In that case, wouldn't be easier to just create a random room ID and use it as a query parameter? I mean.. that's what the custom 404.html will do anyways.

atiernan commented 2 years ago

It's not just about room names for WebRTC, the site should be able to handle any route, for example if we wanted to add a settings page it should be able to handle /settings

sahibalejandro commented 2 years ago

You're right! Will work on a POC too. 👍🏼

jellehak commented 1 year ago

why not just use the vue hash router. https://live.fpvout.com/#/settings

( the hash router also works best for PWA )