fpw / uosl

Client, server emulator and data file explorer for Ultima Online: Shattered Legacy, the first graphical Internet MMORPG
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Did you ever get the 'God' menus working? #1

Open Coriana opened 1 year ago

Coriana commented 1 year ago

I also have questions about building, as I have failed to get your server working just yet, but looking forward to it.

but was having a browse through the original client in Ghidra, and was seeing the menus:

And so on...

and was just wondering if you got them working?

fpw commented 1 year ago


Unfortunately, only the menus are included, the actual functions are not present. I believe the God client was a separate binary, just like later versions of the client. I guess they shared the same resource file, that's why the God menus are present in the ordinary client. If you dig through the actual code of the client, you can see that there are central functions that send and receive packets, so it's possible to create a full list of packets that are supported by the client. I attached my old list of packets, it also includes the locations of the handlers so you can check them individually in Ghidra.


Coriana commented 1 year ago

Bummer, when I was looking through the packet switcher and seeing the map update packets I was getting excited, as... imagine being able to edit the world, and areas from within that client.

But ah well. I will keep poking, and thank you so much for the packet list. :-)

Edit: according to the client readme, Alt+Double Left click is group up.

But I don't remember UO having 'Groups' but I do see it in the code... :-/