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Extra Reroute Nodes #178

Open tomblom opened 2 months ago

tomblom commented 2 months ago

Hi, great plugin!

My normal formatting (and the settings the rest of the team uses) looks like the following: image

Recently (about a week ago) Blueprint Assist started adding extra Reroute Nodes to my graphs: image

The team all import the same config .ini to ensure we have the same settings. This happens regardless of using ctrl+shift+R or deleting the cache file.

Hope you can shed some light, cheers!

fpwong commented 2 months ago

Hi @tomblom, sorry about this there was some knot creation logic I had changed in the last update to fix an edge case.

I tried replicating this but with no luck: Screenshot 2024-05-24 124022

Could you can share more of the graph or try replicating this issue with a simple test case?

Also if you could share your BA config file and I can check if this causes issues.

P.S. You are the first person I've seen using the invisible knot nodes!! I actually forgot I added this feature 😄

tomblom commented 2 months ago

Here are a few example cases: image

Here are the same cases without the invisible knot nodes: image

Here is our BA settings: Blueprint Assist Settings.txt

Thanks for getting back to me!

fpwong commented 1 month ago

Hi, I tried importing your settings but wasn't able to recreate this issue. What version of Unreal & BA plugin are you currently running?

If you want to compare your settings to the current BA default settings, you can find this here (default settings are on the right) https://www.diffchecker.com/9SRyWQzi/

Also I did find that there was some alignment issues when using invisible knot nodes, not sure if you experienced this in previous versions of the plugin but I'll look into this.