fpwr / fundraising-campaigns-d7

Fundraising-Campaigns-D7 (Drupal 7)
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Status of this project? Also, is there a way to make it less event-centric? #2

Open lynna-spidersilk opened 9 years ago

lynna-spidersilk commented 9 years ago

Very interested in this project, as we currently have a client who is looking for ways to improve/gamify the Personal Campaign Page system for their site. I have a couple of questions - first, what's the status of this project? Is it still under active development? Is it likely to at some point be hosted on Drupal.org as an official module, so that people can know when updates are available? Are any of the things you listed in the original blog post about it way back when, like the ability to offer badges or other incentives for hitting fundraising targets, likely to happen any time soon?

Second - while this project seems to offer a lot of what our client wants, it seems to be very geared toward fundraising events, whereas this client just has a number of different funds they want people to be able to raise money for, without it being linked to an event. Is that possible with this system?

Also - are you open to other people helping with the project? Since it seems to offer a big chunk of what our client needs, maybe it would make sense for me and/or other developers from Freeform to help out with improving it and adding some of those features mentioned in the blog post?

jhporte commented 9 years ago

Lots of questions... :-) I will try to answer them all

  1. Project is still under development. We are in the process of a major UI reskinning right now for the new version of our OneSmallStep campaign.
  2. I am not sure if it will be hosted at Drupal.org. Perhaps, but right now we have not explored that.
  3. We do at some point intend to add badges and other gamification elements to the system. It is all a matter of budget and since FPWR and PWSA Colorado are the only ones paying for development, their priorities are what gets built. For this year, the priority was a UI redesign.
  4. Can you explain what you mean by "a lot of different funds they want to raise money for"?
  5. Totally open to having others contribute to the project!
ryanrd commented 9 years ago

Hello Lynna,

The project is still active. Typically each Fall a list of features / fixes for the upcoming season is created. Then work begins on those in December and runs until those needs are accomplished. The remainder of the year is typically just bug fixes or small changes to features. Since we have essentially a single release per year the public github repo is updated when that release is completed. This year the big goal has been to change over to a new more modern responsive theme (bootstrap based). Since the theme was being changed there has been a lot of moving pieces around as well as additional functionality added to support the new theme and its features. So this years release hasn't been completed yet, so the public version of that code hasn't been released.

I vaguely recall the blog post but don't remember all the features :) The current version of the code does not have badges or other incentives tied into it. A group last year used the platform to do walks based around distance measured on fitbits and movesapp and they had tacked on badges and other incentives that were tied to the distance walked and I think # of donations and maybe total raised - http://web.archive.org/web/20141227125100/http://fundraise.jwrpwalks.com/dw/walking (it looks like they very recently took down the site) I'm not sure how adaptable their code was. I asked if they wanted to contribute it back to the project and they wanted to keep it private and charge a licensing fee per install.

The concept of "events" is very loose and does not tie back to a CiviCRM event. Basically what the module calls an event (aka campaign and location in the code) is a Drupal content type that associates with a CiviCRM contribution page.

lynna-spidersilk commented 9 years ago

Hi there,

Thanks for your replies! Sorry for being a bit late in responding - I was away for a while and then a bit swamped when I got back to work. It sounds like this project could be a really good starting point for what our client wants, though we would probably want to add some other features (which hopefully we could then contribute back to the project!). I know they want to have some kind of badges/rewards, for example, and since the other group that added that didn't want to contribute it to the project, maybe we could.

To answer the question about the funds - the client is a charitable foundation that allows people to set up specific funds (often in memory of a person who has passed away, for example) that direct donations to particular charities and projects. So if someone created a fund in memory of a family member who was an avid environmentalist, for example, it could be set to direct contributions toward environmental projects. Right now, we have a custom Drupal module that integrates with CiviCRM, allowing anyone making a donation on the site (through a CiviCRM contribution page) to specify which specific fund their contribution should go to, and also creates individual (Drupal) pages for each fund, with a donate button that links to the main CiviCRM contribution page, but with the fund pre-selected based on which page they came from. They have recently enabled Personal Campaign Pages, and are now looking for ways to make these more engaging and more appealing to both fundraisers and donors...

Anyway - I've sent a message to the client letting them know about this project and my thoughts on it, and will wait to hear back from them. Hopefully they will decide to use this as a basis for improvements to the PCP system on their site, and be OK with any improvements that are not specific to their particular site being contributed to the project.

shawnholt commented 8 years ago

Hi - I stumbled on this project and it is very much what most people want out of civicrm PCP (with @lynna-freeform caveats. We are trying to setup a http://www.gofundme.com/ style site where there are up to 100 causes. Right now it is impossible to manage 100 donation pages and tracking - seems like there are many ways to make this cleaner and have noticed a lot of "interest". Funding is a different matter, but it's hard to answer that question until we know what "it" is :).

I've started a few questions on this here: http://civicrm.stackexchange.com/questions/3907/suggested-approach-for-cart-style-donations-donation-pages-for-crowdfunding-p2 http://civicrm.stackexchange.com/questions/4894/personal-campaign-pages-pcp-related-to-a-campaign https://civicrm.org/blogs/chris-morley/calling-all-civi-pcp-organizations