fr0tt / benotes

An open source self hosted notes and bookmarks taking web app.
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Cannot delete user Error 500 and cannot create post with new tags #63

Closed jinyeow closed 1 year ago

jinyeow commented 1 year ago


I found a few bugs.

  1. Cannot delete user, get "Failed. Error 500" image

  2. Cannot create post with new tags I can create a post with an existing tag that's already created. But if I try to create a tag on the fly, it doesn't work. UPDATE: just tested again as I post this, and it is now working. Haven't changed anything except that during my tests I added the tag "github", then created the post, which worked. Now tag creation in the post works - I don't know

Something else I noted was that going to the page initially shows a blank page. If I refresh the page (maybe a few times), then the login page shows. This is consistent when I test in different browsers and in private mode.

Sorry to post so much here, I am testing out Benotes and came across this during my initial setup.

Thanks Justin

fr0tt commented 1 year ago


  1. I'm going to look into that
  2. So is it a problem or not ? Are there particular steps that reproducible create an error ?
  3. I never heard of any like that. Are you sure it has nothing to do with your setup/webserver or browser ?

    No, not at all. Thank you for pointing them out!

jinyeow commented 1 year ago


  1. Thanks
  2. No longer a problem, but may be a bug on first setup, not sure since I only set it up once. Steps to reproduce:
    1. Docker-compose setup
    2. After initial setup of admin account, setup the Bookmarklet
    3. Use the Bookmarklet to bookmark a website.
    4. Try to create a new tag in the Create bookmark page (NOT through the Tag page) The result for me was that nothing happens. If not trying to create a new tag, the post can get created. This issue disappeared after manually creating a new tag through the Tags page.
  3. It happened across multiple browsers/sessions. I just tested and it's not happening anymore.

Sorry I don't have more details. It's not really clear why it happened on first setup but not now.

fr0tt commented 1 year ago

Thanks ! And about deleting an user, I can not reproduce it. It works fine on my setup without any error.

Edit: I think I found out what your initial problem was with tags.

fr0tt commented 1 year ago

Do you still have issues deleting users ? Is it a problem with all users ?

Edit: Feel free to open it again