fr33thytweaks / Ultimate-Windows-Optimization-Guide

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`4 Installers\1 Installers.ps1` - `Notepad++` latest #11

Closed Obegg closed 3 days ago

Obegg commented 1 month ago

Instead of: Which you have to manually keep up-to-date


$npp = Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing '' | ConvertFrom-Json
$nppPackage = 'x64.exe'
$dlUrl = $npp.assets | Where-Object { $$nppPackage) -and !$'.sig') } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty browser_download_url
$outfile = $npp.assets | Where-Object { $$nppPackage) -and !$'.sig') } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty name
$installerPath = Join-Path $env:temp $outfile

Which automatically get the latest version

fr33thytweaks commented 3 days ago

ive decided not to over complicate this script as this would fail if notepad change the website, ill just stick to a single version updates for notepad++ isnt a big deal imo. thankyou