Open aha999 opened 1 year ago
I just bought a device and found out it was BLE because of this post. the F-Droid description should be changed at the very least to indicate this feature isnt available yet :(
Is this adapter BLE only? Could you please provide a link to this adapter? Thx
I tried AndrOBD v2.6.8 with a Carly OBD Adapter and couldn't connect.
Same for me. Also using Carly OBD Adapter.
Pls could you provide a log file to verify that there is no communications going ...? Thx
I can't even select the device, the app doesn't show BLE devices, that's the problem I think
Please note that the Carly adapter does NOT claim to be ELM compatible. They advertise to use an updatable ARM controller. It appears that the adapter is usable with their software only. I haven't found any documentation of their protocol used, but it doesn't seem to be ELM compatible.
That might be true, but I have used it on android and iOS with "Car Scanner" and other third party apps, which worked..
I have same issue. Also my adapter is not detected because of missing BLE search functionality in AndrOBD. The people before did not respond to your questions or did not have a universal adapter. I am willing to help adding BLE support with a universal BLE adapter. I have a OBDLink CX Its fully functional with other apps that have BLE support build in. Here a example of how the GUI of those other apps is looking like for choosing BLE devices:
AndOBD is telling "No devices paired" and not scanning. I expect to be searching in the Android OS for OS-paired devices but this is completely wrong for BLE. If you use the OS to pair a BLE device, then its unusable in the apps. BLE works the opposite. Do NOT pair BLE devices with the OS. Open the App you want to use it with and use the app to connect to the BLE adapter. I can also make a screenshot if you do not believe me of the OBDLink-app (the manufacturer have an own app to update the firmware of the adapter). In the OBDLink app also the manufacturer is telling to not pair the device with Android-OS but to pair it with the APP itself.
To make the report here even more complete: The firmware version i am running on the adapter is the latest available at the moment. Its Firmware Version 5.10.1 .
I am currently looking into BLE driver implementations ... Best choice for potential integration so far is this project: ( We are getting there ...
Test version with BLE support (V2.7.0) available for testing now:
Test version with BLE support (V2.7.0) available for testing now:
I would love to test it, but I can't download the apk from telegram. Can you maybe link to the file directly?
Same here. I also cant download the apk because its not available without having to send a mobile phone number to Russia/Emirates. I really like privacy, free speech and human rights.
I changed to use the github build action to generate unsigned beta packages for download. here is the first GitHub generated beta package of V2.7.0 test version for download:
I just installed 2.7.0, changed the connection to BLE and I could see/select my device, but it wouldn't connect..
It's a Carly OBD Adapter and it works fine with other apps
Here's the log:
``` 2024-07-15 14:48:35.130 INFO AndrOBD AndrOBD V2.7.0 starting 2024-07-15 14:48:35.287 INFO AndrOBD Conversion: metrisch 2024-07-15 14:48:56.476 INFO CommService BT socket - UUIDs:00001101-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb,0000110b-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb,0000110e-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb,0000111e-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb, 2024-07-15 14:48:56.478 INFO CommService BEGIN mBtConnectThread SocketType:Insecure 2024-07-15 14:49:01.661 INFO CommService Closing BT socket 2024-07-15 14:49:01.666 INFO CommService Fallback attempt to create RfComm socket 2024-07-15 14:49:01.675 INFO CommService Fallback socket - UUIDs:00001101-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb,0000110b-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb,0000110e-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb,0000111e-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb, 2024-07-15 14:49:06.836 SEVERE CommService read failed, socket might closed or timeout, read ret: -1 2024-07-15 14:49:06.841 INFO CommService Closing BT socket ```
You need to select BLE adapter type in OBD settings. After that you will get a selection screen for detected BLE devices on connection attempt.
Could you please change the log level to FINE to allow more details in log output. I can not see what UUIDs are served by the adapter. Thx
Here's the log (withouth plugin data logging):
``` 2024-07-16 13:25:12.423 INFO AndrOBD AndrOBD V2.7.0 starting 2024-07-16 13:25:12.445 FINE AndrOBD Adapter: android.bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter@245c880 2024-07-16 13:25:12.575 INFO AndrOBD Conversion: metrisch 2 2024-07-16 13:25:17.752 FINE CommService connect to: 00:1A:22:01:B4:A7 2024-07-16 13:25:17.753 FINE CommService setState() NONE -> CONNECTING 2024-07-16 13:25:17.758 INFO CommService BT socket - UUIDs:NONE (Invalid BT implementation) 2024-07-16 13:25:17.760 INFO CommService BEGIN mBtConnectThread SocketType:Insecure 2024-07-16 13:25:17.769 FINE CommService Connect BT socket 2024-07-16 13:25:22.922 FINE CommService read failed, socket might closed or timeout, read ret: -1 2024-07-16 13:25:22.927 INFO CommService Closing BT socket 2024-07-16 13:25:22.927 FINE AndrOBD PluginData: ACC_Z=6.928418 2024-07-16 13:25:22.934 INFO CommService Fallback attempt to create RfComm socket 2024-07-16 13:25:22.947 INFO CommService Fallback socket - UUIDs:NONE (Invalid BT implementation) 2024-07-16 13:25:28.117 SEVERE CommService read failed, socket might closed or timeout, read ret: -1 2024-07-16 13:25:28.119 FINE CommService stop 2024-07-16 13:25:28.118 FINE AndrOBD PluginData: ACC_Z=7.8317084 2024-07-16 13:25:28.121 INFO CommService Closing BT socket 2024-07-16 13:25:28.125 FINE CommService setState() CONNECTING -> OFFLINE 2024-07-16 13:25:28.127 FINE CommService setState() OFFLINE -> OFFLINE 2024-07-16 13:25:30.319 FINE com.fr3ts0n.prot com.fr3ts0n.ecu.prot.obd.ElmProt@cd0ae2a TX:'ATLP' 2024-07-16 13:25:30.428 FINE CommService stop 2024-07-16 13:25:30.430 FINE CommService setState() OFFLINE -> OFFLINE 2024-07-16 13:25:30.431 INFO AndrOBD AndrOBD V2.7.0 finished ```
And here's what CarScanner does when connecting to a Carly OBD Adapter:
``` ===== LOG STARTED: 16.07.2024 13:22:59===== =====Version=1.108.6 Build=401086 P=False NoDelayELM327Init=False ====Connection profile=Renault Megane III / Megane IV / Scenic III / Scenic IV / SM3 / Fluence / Kangoo ZE / Lodgy / Clio IV / Captur / Duster ph.2 / Kadjar / Talisman 1.5 dCi K9K 656 [Connection type: BluetoothLE; DeviceName=Carly9DC986] [Connecting to 00000000-0000-0000-0000-001a2201b4a7] [Connected to 00000000-0000-0000-0000-001a2201b4a7] ATZ ATE0 [ELM RESET] ATZ ATE0 > > > Initialize(initMode=Default) InitializeDefaultInitString(ProtocolNumber=0,initMode=Default,useATST96=False) ATE0 > > > > >ATE0 OK >STI ELM327 v1.4 v100 > > [STSupported=False(ByResponse)]VTI > [VTSupported=False(ByResponse)] [ELM RESET] ATD OK >ATD0 OK >ATE0 ERROR 1008 >ATH1 ERROR 1008 >ATSP0 OK >ATE0 ATD0 ERROR 1002 >ATH1 ATE0 OK >ATM0 OK >ATS0 OK >ATAT1 OK >ATAL OK >ATST64 OK >0100 OK > [cmd_reply=] OK > ATDPN OK > ProtocolFromATDPN=-1 [Trying to decode: OK > ELMFormat=Unknown] [DecodeResult=False] 0100 OK > [cmd_reply=] OK > ATDPN OK > ProtocolFromATDPN=-1 [Trying to decode: OK > ELMFormat=Unknown] [DecodeResult=False] 0100 SEARCHING... 0 > [cmd_reply=] SEARCHING... 0 > ATDPN 0 > ProtocolFromATDPN=0 [Trying to decode: OK > ELMFormat=Unknown] [DecodeResult=False] 0100 0 > [cmd_reply=] 0 > ATDPN 0 > ProtocolFromATDPN=0 [Trying to decode: OK > ELMFormat=Unknown] [DecodeResult=False] ATST64 OK >0100 UNABLE TO CONNECT > [cmd_reply=] UNABLE TO CONNECT > ATDPN 0 > ProtocolFromATDPN=0 [Trying to decode: OK > ELMFormat=Unknown] [DecodeResult=False] 0100 SEARCHING... UNABLE TO CONNECT > [cmd_reply=] SEARCHING... UNABLE TO CONNECT > ATDPN 0 > ProtocolFromATDPN=0 [Trying to decode: OK > ELMFormat=Unknown] [DecodeResult=False] 0100 SEARCHING... UNABLE TO CONNECT > [cmd_reply=] SEARCHING... UNABLE TO CONNECT > ATDPN 0 > ProtocolFromATDPN=0 [Trying to decode: OK > ELMFormat=Unknown] [DecodeResult=False] 0100 SEARCHING... UNABLE TO CONNECT > [cmd_reply=] SEARCHING... UNABLE TO CONNECT > ATDPN 0 > ProtocolFromATDPN=0 [Trying to decode: OK > ELMFormat=Unknown] [DecodeResult=False] InitializeDefaultInitString(ProtocolNumber=0,initMode=Default,useATST96=False) ATE0 OK >ATE0 OK >STI ERROR 1008 > [STSupported=False(ByResponse)]VTI ERROR 1008 > [VTSupported=False(ByResponse)] [ELM RESET] ATD OK >ATD0 ATD0 ERROR 1002 >ATE0 ATE0 OK >ATH1 OK >ATSP0 OK >ATE0 OK >ATH1 OK >ATM0 OK >ATS0 OK >ATAT1 OK >ATAL OK >ATST64 OK >0100 SEARCHING... UNABLE TO CONNECT > [cmd_reply=] SEARCHING... UNABLE TO CONNECT > ATDPN 0 > ProtocolFromATDPN=0 [Trying to decode: OK > ELMFormat=Unknown] [DecodeResult=False] 0100 SEARCHING... UNABLE TO CONNECT > [cmd_reply=] SEARCHING... UNABLE TO CONNECT > ATDPN 0 > ProtocolFromATDPN=0 [Trying to decode: OK > ELMFormat=Unknown] [DecodeResult=False] 0100 SEARCHING... 7E8 06 41 00 AE 3E B8 13 AA > [cmd_reply=] SEARCHING... 7E8 06 41 00 AE 3E B8 13 AA > ATDPN A6 > ProtocolFromATDPN=6 [Trying to decode: OK > ELMFormat=CAN11bit] [DecodeResult=True] 0100 7E8 06 41 00 AE 3E B8 13 AA >0120 7E8 06 41 20 90 07 A0 01 AA >0140 7E8 06 41 40 FE D2 00 11 AA >0160 7E8 06 41 60 00 00 00 01 AA >0180 7E8 06 41 80 00 00 00 00 AA >014F 7E8 06 41 4F 00 00 00 FF AA > [FUELRATE: CycleConsumption;FuelRate=123:False:Kraftstoffverbrauch des Motors;MAF=16:False:MAF Luftdurchsatz;MAP=11:True:Absolutdruck Einlasskanal;IAT=15:True:Lufteintrittstemperatur;RPM=12:True:Motordrehzahl;AFR_LAMBDA=44:True:Äquivalenzverhältnis Bank 1 Sensor 1 Äquivalenzverhältnis;FSS=null;LOAD_ABS=91:True:absoluter Lastwert;LOAD_PCT=4:False:Berechnete Motorlast;Economizer=229:True:Verbrauchsoptimierung (basierend auf Status des Kraftstoffsystems und Gasstellung);BARO=67:True:barometrischer Druck;AMBIENT_TEMP=94:True:Umgebungstemperatur;O2_V1=null;O2_V2=null;INJECTOR=122:False:Timing Kraftstoffeinspritzung;CYCLE_CONSUMPTION=12285037:True:[ECM] FUEL FLOW;] [InstantFuelConsumption VSS=Id=13:Geschwindigkeit:True] [SetRunning(True,From Start #2518)] 0100 7E8 06 41 00 AE 3E B8 13 AA >0902 7E8 10 14 49 02 01 56 46 31 7E8 21 35 52 32 34 30 41 35 7E8 22 35 34 32 38 32 30 37 >0904 7E8 10 23 49 04 02 48 4D 4C 7E8 21 47 54 34 30 35 32 52 7E8 22 00 00 00 00 00 00 32 7E8 23 33 37 36 31 37 37 35 7E8 24 34 52 00 00 00 00 00 7E8 25 00 AA AA AA AA AA AA >090A 7E8 10 17 49 0A 01 45 43 4D 7E8 21 00 2D 45 6E 67 69 6E >0100 7E8 06 41 00 AE 3E B8 13 AA >0100 7E8 06 41 00 AE 3E B8 13 AA >0100 7E8 06 41 00 AE 3E B8 13 AA >0100 7E8 06 41 00 AE 3E B8 13 AA >0100 7E8 06 41 00 AE 3E B8 13 AA >0100 7E8 06 41 00 AE 3E B8 13 AA >0100 7E8 06 41 00 AE 3E B8 13 AA >0100 7E8 06 41 00 AE 3E B8 13 AA >0100 7E8 06 41 00 AE 3E B8 13 AA >0100 7E8 06 41 00 AE 3E B8 13 AA 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AndroidBluetoothConnectionMethod=0 AndroidChartRenderingSafeMode=True AndroidRecolorNavBar=False AndroidRecolorStatusBarInDarkTheme=True AndroidRequestedLocationPermission=False AndroidRequestedStoragePermission=False AndroidStartBackgroundService=True AndroidUseFullscreen=True AndroidWiFiMode=Auto ATCommandStateOptimization=True ATCRAOptimization=False ATSTIdx=6 AutomaticallySwitchTheme=True AutomaticallySwitchThemeAvailable=True AutomaticReoptimization=True BindSocketToFirstWiFiNetwork=True BindSocketToWiFiNetwork=True BluetoothLocationWarningShowed=False BoostCalculationMethod=Auto BoostCalculationMethodIdx=0 BrandForDTC=Renault BTDeviceID=00:1A:22:01:B4:A7 BTDeviceName=Carly9DC986 BTLEDeviceID=00000000-0000-0000-0000-001a2201b4a7 BTLEDeviceName=Carly9DC986 BTLEInputID=0000ffe1-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb BTLEOutputID=0000ffe1-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb BTLEServiceID=0000ffe0-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb BTLEShowDevicesWithoutName=False CalibrationStartOdometer=0 CalibrationStartTime=01.01.0001 00:00:00 CANOptimizationWarningShowed=True CANOptimizeMaxInRequest=6 CANOptimizeMode22=True CANOptimizeMode22MaxInRequest=3 CANOptimizeMode22SelfLearningMode=True CANOptimizeRequests=True CANRequestSegmentationSTNLevel=True CANResponseSegmentationSTNLevel=False ChartDisplayStyle=FastLine ChartShowAverageValue=False ChartsView=0 ChartsVisible=1 CheckBluetoothTurnedOn=True CheckIsELMWhenConnecting=False CheckOnlyPositiveResponseMarker=False CodingLastPlatformSelected= ConnectionType=BluetoothLE ConnectOnLaunch=False Currency=€ CurrentCarId=0 CurrentCarName=Mein Fahrzeug CustomFuelAF=14,7 CustomFuelDensity=0,73 CustomInitString=ATZ ATE0 ATH1 ATSP0 ATS0 ATM0 ATAT1 CustomPidLastId=1001 DaihatsuKLine=False DarkMode=True DashboardAlignItemsToGrid=True DashboardAnimation=False DashboardCircularGaugeAnimation=False DashboardHideTopControls=True DashboardHUDMode=False DashboardLastPage=0 DashboardRearrangeOnRotation=True DashboardResizeHintDisplayed=False DashboardTheme=2 DataRecordLineSplitterTime=30 DatasetUploadMaxBlockSize=4095 DecodeMUT2Compatible=True DefaultFunctionalHeader= DelayBeforeReconnect=0 DetectECUConnectionPID=0100 DetectZeroFuelConsumption=True DisableOptimizationIfItFails=True DroidAskForBluetoothPermissions=True DroidDisplayConnectionStatusInStatusBar=False DroidTryTurnOnBluetooth=True DTCMode=Auto ELM327ConnectionAttempts=3 EngineCylinders=4 EngineDisplacement=1,6 EV_Power_InvertValue=False ExpectedResponseCountOptimization=True ExpectedResponseCountOptimizationAlways1ForKWPMode01=False FilterRPM300=False FilterWrongAFValues=True FirstConnectionAttempted=True Flow_use_grams_sec=True FlowControlOverrideMode=Off FontSizePatch=0 ForceOnlyOneProtocol=False ForceProfileUpdateScheduled=False ForceUseManualFlowControlForCodingOperations=True ForceUseManualFlowControlWhileReadingData=True FuelConsumptionUnit=LitersPer100km FuelFlowCalculationScheme=Auto FuelFlowCalculationSchemeIdx=0 FuelFlowCorrectionFactor=1 FuelFlowUseFixedAFR=False FuelHybridCar=False FuelPriceForLitre=1,01 FuelTankCapacity=50 FuelType=Gasoline FuelTypeIdx=0 HideArchiveDTC=False HideDTCWithUncomplitedTests=True Hstld4Apl=False IgnoreCodingErrors=True IgnoreProfilePidsTestScheduled=False IgnoreSupportedFlagForPIDs0166_0183=False InjectorFlow=250 InjectorPid=122 iOSDashboardUseFullscreen=False IOTimeout=10 IsCalibrationStartTimeSet=False IsRuIPCached=False KWPConcatResponseLines=False Language=0 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LastSuccessfulProtocol=0 LastTimeDBUpdateChecked=638567329728399730 LastTimeLicenceChecked=0 LastWiFiName= LatestVersion=1.108.6 LiveDataListPageUpdateOnlyVisible=True LiveDataPIDId0=0 LiveDataPIDId1=0 LiveDataPIDId2=0 LiveDataPIDId3=0 LiveDataShowTime=15 MainPageButtonsConfiguration= ManageSubscriptionsVisible=False MergeDriveCyclesTime=20 Mode01Prefix=01 MultiChartPauseHidden=True MultiPidsSelected= NoDataLimit=40 NoDelayELM327Init=False NoWiFiWarning=True OpenDashboardOnLaunch=False OptimizedRequestStuckCounter=0 PerformSensorsScanByTesting=False PIDSelectorWithValuePreview=True PIDSortingMode=Id Pressure_use_kpa=True ProfileUpdateAlias=052be56b1eea40649e42b37f0a6943ee ProtocolNumber=0 ReadPartialErrorAction=Ignore RecentColors= RecordData=True RecordLocationData=False ReplaceATTAWithATCER=False RequestECUInfo=True ResponseMarkerLength=0 RPMFixWarningShowed=False SearchForBTLEIfConnectionFailed=True SelectedBrand=Renault SelectedProfileName=Megane III / Megane IV / Scenic III / Scenic IV / SM3 / Fluence / Kangoo ZE / Lodgy / Clio IV / Captur / Duster ph.2 / Kadjar / Talisman 1.5 dCi K9K 656 SelectedProfileV2Name=Megane III / Megane IV / Scenic III / Scenic IV / SM3 / Fluence / Kangoo ZE / Lodgy / Clio IV / Captur / Duster ph.2 / Kadjar / Talisman 1.5 dCi K9K 656 SendATZATE=True SendDefaultFunctionalHeader=True SendDelay=20 SendStatistics=True SendTesterPresentWhileLongUploadTimeMs=750 SensorsSearchOrderDefault=True SetChartMinMaxOnlyVisibleArea=True ShouldCheckProfilePIDs=False ShowAirFuelBasedOnStoichiometric=True ShowBadELMWarning=False ShowCodingAndService=True ShowExperimental=False ShowMinMaxValues=False ShowPing=False ShowUSGallonSelector=False SkipHeadersDTC= SpeedCalibrationTaskPending=False SpeedCorrectionFactor=1 SpeedPID2Bytes=False StopConnectionAttemptsAfterFailsMinutes=25 TesterPresentCommand=0100 ToyotaJDMMode21=False TraceLogs=False TryConnectToLastWiFiNetwork=True TurnOffBluetoothIfWasTurnedOn=False Use_celcium=True Use_km=True UseCustomPIDForZeroConsumption=False UseDefaultInit=True UseGPS=False UseGPSForFuelConsumption=False UseHoursePower=True UseL100ForFuel=True UseLitersForVolume=True UseNmForTorque=True UseOBD2=True UseRPMFix=False UseServiceResponseForPositiveResponseMarker=True UseUSGallon=True VE1000=70 VE2000=75 VE3000=80 VE4000=85 VE5000=85 VE6000=85 VE7000=80 VE8000=75 VWTP_ActiveConnectionTestTimeout=1000 VWTP_ChannelSetupATST=0A VWTP_SendConnectionConfirmationPeriod=600 VWTP20OpenSessionForDTCOperations=True WiFiPort=35000 WiFiServer= ZeroConsumptionPIDId=-1 ZeroConsumptionWhenZero=False Override_roles= ATST=64 P=False FPGC=4 CC=0 OS version=13 Platform=Android Idiom=Phone DeviceModel=Pixel 4a DeviceManufacturer=Google OrigCulture=de-DE OrigUICulture=de-DE LocationPermission=False StoragePermission=False BluetoothPermission=True NearbyDevicesPermission=Granted Version=1.108.6/401086 PrVersion=1.109.2 [***/// END OF CONTACT DEVELOPER REPORT] [///**** CONTACT DEVELOPER REPORT:[Car Scanner settings:] AccelerationItems=5 AccelerationTestSpeedSourcePid=13 AccelerationUseG=True AdaptiveTimings=1 AddNissanConsult3Pids=False AllowProfilesBackgroundUpdate=True AlwaysPingECU=True AlwaysRecordFuelConsumption=False AndroidBluetoothConnectionMethod=0 AndroidChartRenderingSafeMode=True AndroidRecolorNavBar=False AndroidRecolorStatusBarInDarkTheme=True AndroidRequestedLocationPermission=False AndroidRequestedStoragePermission=False AndroidStartBackgroundService=True AndroidUseFullscreen=True AndroidWiFiMode=Auto ATCommandStateOptimization=True ATCRAOptimization=False ATSTIdx=6 AutomaticallySwitchTheme=True AutomaticallySwitchThemeAvailable=True AutomaticReoptimization=True BindSocketToFirstWiFiNetwork=True BindSocketToWiFiNetwork=True BluetoothLocationWarningShowed=False BoostCalculationMethod=Auto BoostCalculationMethodIdx=0 BrandForDTC=Renault BTDeviceID=00:1A:22:01:B4:A7 BTDeviceName=Carly9DC986 BTLEDeviceID=00000000-0000-0000-0000-001a2201b4a7 BTLEDeviceName=Carly9DC986 BTLEInputID=0000ffe1-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb BTLEOutputID=0000ffe1-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb BTLEServiceID=0000ffe0-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb BTLEShowDevicesWithoutName=False CalibrationStartOdometer=0 CalibrationStartTime=01.01.0001 00:00:00 CANOptimizationWarningShowed=True CANOptimizeMaxInRequest=6 CANOptimizeMode22=True CANOptimizeMode22MaxInRequest=3 CANOptimizeMode22SelfLearningMode=True CANOptimizeRequests=True CANRequestSegmentationSTNLevel=True CANResponseSegmentationSTNLevel=False ChartDisplayStyle=FastLine ChartShowAverageValue=False ChartsView=0 ChartsVisible=1 CheckBluetoothTurnedOn=True CheckIsELMWhenConnecting=False CheckOnlyPositiveResponseMarker=False CodingLastPlatformSelected= ConnectionType=BluetoothLE ConnectOnLaunch=False Currency=€ CurrentCarId=0 CurrentCarName=Mein Fahrzeug CustomFuelAF=14,7 CustomFuelDensity=0,73 CustomInitString=ATZ ATE0 ATH1 ATSP0 ATS0 ATM0 ATAT1 CustomPidLastId=1001 DaihatsuKLine=False DarkMode=True DashboardAlignItemsToGrid=True 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ForceUseManualFlowControlForCodingOperations=True ForceUseManualFlowControlWhileReadingData=True FuelConsumptionUnit=LitersPer100km FuelFlowCalculationScheme=Auto FuelFlowCalculationSchemeIdx=0 FuelFlowCorrectionFactor=1 FuelFlowUseFixedAFR=False FuelHybridCar=False FuelPriceForLitre=1,01 FuelTankCapacity=50 FuelType=Gasoline FuelTypeIdx=0 HideArchiveDTC=False HideDTCWithUncomplitedTests=True Hstld4Apl=False IgnoreCodingErrors=True IgnoreProfilePidsTestScheduled=False IgnoreSupportedFlagForPIDs0166_0183=False InjectorFlow=250 InjectorPid=122 iOSDashboardUseFullscreen=False IOTimeout=10 IsCalibrationStartTimeSet=False IsRuIPCached=False KWPConcatResponseLines=False Language=0 LastCarAvailableSensors=0;2;3;5;6;7;11;12;13;14;15;17;20;21;22;23;36;39;41;44;45;62;64;65;67;89;90;91;92;93;94;95;97;98;100;121;800;806;904;635;237;230;231;233;234;632;804;236;901;63;633;634;238;900;229;232;631;235;630;12285000;12285001;12285002;12285003;12285004;12285005;12285006;12285007;12285008;12285009;12285010;12285011;12285012;12285013;12285014;12285015;12285016;12285017;12285018;12285019;12285020;12285021;12285022;12285023;12285024;12285025;12285026;12285027;12285028;12285029;12285030;12285031;12285032;12285033;12285034;12285035;12285036;12285037;12285038;12285039;12285040;12285041;12285042;12285043;12285044;12285045;12285046;12285047;12285048;12285049;12285050;12285051;12285052;12285053;12285054;12285055;12285056;12285057;12285058;12285059;12285060;12285062;12285063;12285064;12285065;12285066;12285067;12285068;12285069;12285070;12285071;12285072;12285073;12285074;12285075;12285076;12285077;12285078;12285079;12285080;12285081;12285082;12285083;12285084;12285085;12285086;12285087;12285088;12285089;12285090;12285091;12285092;12285093;12285094;12285096;12285097;12285098;12285101;12285106;12285107;12285110;12285115;12285116;12285117;12285118;12285119;12285120;12285121;12285138;12285139;12285140;12285142;12285151;12285152;12285153;12285154;12285155;12285156;12285157;12285158;12285159;12285160;12285161;12285162;12285163;12285164;12285165;12285166;12285167;12285168;12285169;12285170;12285171;12285172;12285175;12285177;12285182;12285183;12285184;12285185;12285191;12285194;12285195;12285197;12285198;12285199;12285200;12285201;12285202;12285203;12285204;12285205;12285206;12285207;12285208; LastSuccessfulProtocol=0 LastTimeDBUpdateChecked=638567329728399730 LastTimeLicenceChecked=0 LastWiFiName= LatestVersion=1.108.6 LiveDataListPageUpdateOnlyVisible=True LiveDataPIDId0=0 LiveDataPIDId1=0 LiveDataPIDId2=0 LiveDataPIDId3=0 LiveDataShowTime=15 MainPageButtonsConfiguration= ManageSubscriptionsVisible=False MergeDriveCyclesTime=20 Mode01Prefix=01 MultiChartPauseHidden=True MultiPidsSelected= NoDataLimit=40 NoDelayELM327Init=False NoWiFiWarning=True OpenDashboardOnLaunch=False OptimizedRequestStuckCounter=0 PerformSensorsScanByTesting=False PIDSelectorWithValuePreview=True PIDSortingMode=Id Pressure_use_kpa=True ProfileUpdateAlias=052be56b1eea40649e42b37f0a6943ee ProtocolNumber=0 ReadPartialErrorAction=Ignore RecentColors= RecordData=True RecordLocationData=False ReplaceATTAWithATCER=False RequestECUInfo=True ResponseMarkerLength=0 RPMFixWarningShowed=False SearchForBTLEIfConnectionFailed=True SelectedBrand=Renault SelectedProfileName=Megane III / Megane IV / Scenic III / Scenic IV / SM3 / Fluence / Kangoo ZE / Lodgy / Clio IV / Captur / Duster ph.2 / Kadjar / Talisman 1.5 dCi K9K 656 SelectedProfileV2Name=Megane III / Megane IV / Scenic III / Scenic IV / SM3 / Fluence / Kangoo ZE / Lodgy / Clio IV / Captur / Duster ph.2 / Kadjar / Talisman 1.5 dCi K9K 656 SendATZATE=True SendDefaultFunctionalHeader=True SendDelay=20 SendStatistics=True SendTesterPresentWhileLongUploadTimeMs=750 SensorsSearchOrderDefault=True SetChartMinMaxOnlyVisibleArea=True ShouldCheckProfilePIDs=False ShowAirFuelBasedOnStoichiometric=True ShowBadELMWarning=False ShowCodingAndService=True ShowExperimental=False ShowMinMaxValues=False ShowPing=False ShowUSGallonSelector=False SkipHeadersDTC= SpeedCalibrationTaskPending=False SpeedCorrectionFactor=1 SpeedPID2Bytes=False StopConnectionAttemptsAfterFailsMinutes=25 TesterPresentCommand=0100 ToyotaJDMMode21=False TraceLogs=False TryConnectToLastWiFiNetwork=True TurnOffBluetoothIfWasTurnedOn=False Use_celcium=True Use_km=True UseCustomPIDForZeroConsumption=False UseDefaultInit=True UseGPS=False UseGPSForFuelConsumption=False UseHoursePower=True UseL100ForFuel=True UseLitersForVolume=True UseNmForTorque=True UseOBD2=True UseRPMFix=False UseServiceResponseForPositiveResponseMarker=True UseUSGallon=True VE1000=70 VE2000=75 VE3000=80 VE4000=85 VE5000=85 VE6000=85 VE7000=80 VE8000=75 VWTP_ActiveConnectionTestTimeout=1000 VWTP_ChannelSetupATST=0A VWTP_SendConnectionConfirmationPeriod=600 VWTP20OpenSessionForDTCOperations=True WiFiPort=35000 WiFiServer= ZeroConsumptionPIDId=-1 ZeroConsumptionWhenZero=False Override_roles= ATST=64 P=False FPGC=4 CC=0 OS version=13 Platform=Android Idiom=Phone DeviceModel=Pixel 4a DeviceManufacturer=Google OrigCulture=de-DE OrigUICulture=de-DE LocationPermission=False StoragePermission=False BluetoothPermission=True NearbyDevicesPermission=Granted Version=1.108.6/401086 PrVersion=1.109.2 [***/// END OF CONTACT DEVELOPER REPORT] ```
I can confirm this issue with the 2.7.0 test release. On the OBDLink CX you have 3 LED's. The blue one is the important one for this test. Its the Bluetooth LED. Its flashing until a connection is made. It never stop flashing when AndrOBD try to connect. All other apps that connect over BLE show that they connected by a not flashing blue LED on the OBDLink CX adapter. I cycled the power of the adapter few times. Connection always work with all other OBD2 BLE capable apps, but never with AndrOBD. The search functionality in AndrOBD is working. I can see the BLE adapter. From the usability point of view i would scan automatic when the window is shown instead of having to press the search icon.
Pls could you attach a log file?
Sadly i can not. See But in the logcat of AndrOBD i can see: I wm_on_stop_called: [Token=247565260,Component Name=de.kai_morich.simple_bluetooth_le_terminal.MainActivity,Reason=LIFECYCLER_STOP_ACTIVITY,time=1ms] I wm_on_destroy_called: [Token=247565260,Component Name=de.kai_morich.simple_bluetooth_le_terminal.MainActivity,Reason=performDestroy,time=5ms] --------- switch to main W WindowOnBackDispatcher: sendCancelIfRunning: isInProgress=falsecallback=android.view.ViewRootImpl$$ExternalSyntheticLambda11@449327f I CommService: Closing BT socket D BluetoothSocket: close() this: PRIVACY-REMOVED-MAC, channel: -1, mSocketIS:$SocketInputStream@4509b4f, mSocketOS:$SocketOutputStream@3be62dc, mSocket:, mSocketState: INIT I CommService: Fallback attempt to create RfComm socket I CommService: Fallback socket - UUIDs:NONE (Invalid BT implementation) E CommService: read failed, socket might closed or timeout, read ret: -1 I CommService: Closing BT socket
And from the functionality point of view what happens with the other OBD-BLE apps that work: The Android-OS is showing a dropdown window, then showing me the BLE-Pin and when i confirm the BLE connection to the OBD adapter works. This BLE-Pin is never shown with AndrOBD and i do not get any dropdown shown from the Android-OS.
After i did this i got now the logfile.
INFO AndrOBD AndrOBD V2.7.0 starting INFO AndrOBD Conversion: metric FINE CommService connect to: PRIVACY-REMOVED-MAC FINE CommService setState() NONE -> CONNECTING INFO CommService BT socket - UUIDs:NONE (Invalid BT implementation) INFO CommService BEGIN mBtConnectThread SocketType:Secure FINE CommService Connect BT socket FINE CommService read failed, socket might closed or timeout, read ret: -1 INFO CommService Closing BT socket INFO CommService Fallback attempt to create RfComm socket INFO CommService Fallback socket - UUIDs:NONE (Invalid BT implementation) SEVERE CommService read failed, socket might closed or timeout, read ret: -1 FINE CommService stop INFO CommService Closing BT socket FINE CommService setState() CONNECTING -> OFFLINE FINE CommService setState() OFFLINE -> OFFLINE
Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. Currently the AndrOBD app does not support BLE adapters, which then need to operate in BT mode.
Describe the solution you'd like Support for BLE adapters connectivity
other The issue was mentioned in the telegram channel, so i posted it for future reference.