frabbitry / Ulysses

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Outputting Location HTML Files #19

Open ebeshero opened 5 years ago

ebeshero commented 5 years ago

@frabbitry will try to output a separate HTML files with names reachable from the distinct ids we are generating from the XSLT code for reading views that @KSD32 and @ebeshero worked on on Monday 4/15.

To do this, consult Michael Kay on <xsl:result-document> . We'll need to <xsl:for-each> over distinct-values of all //location/@name, and for each, generate a new HTML file.

@ebeshero did something similar for Pokemon project, and the code is here:

ebeshero commented 5 years ago

@frabbitry To construct filenames that mostly match the @id's we've constructed, here's what you need:

 <xsl:variable name="apos" select='"[&apos; ]"'/>

This gets you a regex option that contains a literal apostrophe and a white space (which we remove to generate the distinct id using the replace() function, with:

replace(current(),$apos, '')