fractal-bootcamp / fractal-coding-bootcamp

Coding Bootcamp
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Sebastian hodge/get started #33

Open SebastianHodge opened 8 months ago

SebastianHodge commented 8 months ago

Hey Jake! So I installed and set-up Windows Subsystem for Linux on my Windows Thinkpad, and was still unable to get the React App, as downloaded from the fractal-coding-bootcamp repository, to run. So what I've done is actually just set-up my own React App on my computer (in Windows) in order to make sure that my students.Sebastian.tsx and students.Sebastian.css files run properly (something about the set-up of the fractal-coding-bootcamp React set-up seems perhaps fundamentally incompatible with my machine, even when I run it with Linux -- I've tried so many different things), and then I've copy and pasted them, along with all the included image files, into my local version of fractal-coding-bootcamp repository and git added, committed, and pushed from there. The page runs and loads on my computer, so I'm hoping it will work on your end as well and be compatible with the main branch! Let me know if it doesn't though. Thanks!

It seems like it would probably be ideal if I had a Mac for this project, but I only recently just bought a brand new Thinkpad, so I'd really rather not buy another computer at the moment, so I'm going to do my best to try to follow along with the course in Windows if possible.

Sidenote: while troubleshooting I/we had made some changes to the package.json and tsconfig.json files on my branch. These changes did not end up solving any of the issues, but I did not undo them (I couldn't really remember what was changed precisely).