fractalbach / float-up

The Balloon Game
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Build a Playtesting Mode #8

Closed fractalbach closed 5 years ago

fractalbach commented 5 years ago


The touchscreen controls are shit.πŸ’© They are unintuitive, confusing, and sometimes unpredictable. πŸ€¨πŸ“²β“ Currently, they can cause players to ragequit within 20-30 seconds.🀬

After experimenting with several different types of controls, there is no clear-cut solution. The only consensus is that "something's not quite right".

How to find better controls

The way forward appears to be constructing a way to compare and contrast different controls schemes.

When given a bad control scheme, it's challenging to identify the "way it should be". It seems to be easier to compare 2 different ones, and say "this feels better than that".πŸ‘πŸ‘Ž

what's playtest mode?

Able to swap between multiple different control schemes, and compare then on different scales:

For the🎈 Balloon Grab🎈 game, here are some of the control schemes to try. Can try different combinations and mix-and-match different parts together:

fractalbach commented 5 years ago

Started a highscores server, see

fractalbach commented 5 years ago

The issue has been essentially resolved after a lot of play-testing and tweaking. From this point on, there isn't really a need to make different versions of the game that use different controls, they can be tweaked incrementally.

Non-Touch Controls:

Touch Controls: