fractalide / fractalide-oz

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Knowing if the output port are connected #56

Open dmichiels opened 10 years ago

dmichiels commented 10 years ago

It must be possible in the main procedure to see if the output port are connected or not. The component will not always react on the same ways.

sjmackenzie commented 10 years ago

How does it behave if its connected? How does it behave if not connected?

dmichiels commented 10 years ago

That must be a developer choice, but the developer must be aware if the IP is well send or not. For example, when all QTk cards send their "create" actions, they wait that their handle are created. If the output port is not connected, they will wait forever. The developer must know if the IP will be received by someone!

sjmackenzie commented 10 years ago

No this is asynchronous. Its a send and pray model. when we go over the network we'll use the DSS that error handle for us. But I'm not entirely convinced we should care about that at this stage.

There are many different fail over models. Even if they are connected its still not guaranteed the message will get through.

Lets leave this for later. Its pretty damn intense and a whole research topic in and of itself.

What we have at the moment is perfect. IMHO

dmichiels commented 10 years ago

Yes, I don't say we have to do that now. It's just that this feature is present in classical FBP, and it's a good feature at long term I think. This issue is just to remember!

sjmackenzie commented 10 years ago

Ah I see! good!

Interesting Classical FBP has this...

dmichiels commented 10 years ago

Yes, but they don't live in a asynchronous world! As there is an entity that know all the graph (an assumption we haven't), it's much more easy. In fact, we will need a day to build perfect bounded buffer in asynchronous world, a little like TCP but without connection.

sjmackenzie commented 10 years ago

Wow what an amazing idea. Except I slightly disagree we should also have a connection esspecially over the NDN.

Excellent idea indeed!

dmichiels commented 10 years ago

Yes, perhaps I go a little quickly for the connection. But yes, there are things to do in this domain!