fractalide / fractalide-oz

Proof of concept
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
12 stars 3 forks source link

magic number error #65

Closed sjmackenzie closed 10 years ago

sjmackenzie commented 10 years ago

Pulled the latest and this appeared!


%***************** Error: distributed programming ***************
%** Magic header not found (not a pickle?)
%** File: '/home/stewart/fractalide/launcher.oz'
%** In statement: {<P/2 URL.load> '/'#[104 111 109 101]#'/'#[115 116 101 119 97 114 116]#'/'#[102 114 97 99 116 97 108 105 100 101]#'/'#(108|97|117|110|99|104|101|114|46|111|,,,|,,,) _}
%** Call Stack:
%** procedure 'Meth_load' in file "/tmp/buildd/mozart-1.4.0/share/lib/init/Resolve.oz", line 61, column 3, PC = 157331820
%** procedure 'Do_Method' in file "/tmp/buildd/mozart-1.4.0/share/lib/init/Resolve.oz", line 87, column 3, PC = 157333216
dmichiels commented 10 years ago

don't forget the "f" at launcher.ozf!

sjmackenzie commented 10 years ago
