fragaria / angular-daterangepicker

Angular.js wrapper for dangrossman/bootstrap-daterangepicker
MIT License
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Using Single Date is not updating startDate until endDate picked #192

Closed dennisbrandt closed 5 years ago

dennisbrandt commented 8 years ago

Hi there,

I am using the datepicker inline and have it set to single date. This works fine so far. I watch the date model to detect changes and then apply the new date to my factory. This works like a treat for a date range, However when I only select one date, the date model never changes on setting the start date, therefore my factory doesn't get updated.

app.controller("OnewayPickerCtrl",["$scope","$rootScope", "searchFactory", function($scope, $rootScope, searchFactory) { $rootScope.flyDates = { departureDate : "" }; $ = {}; $scope.opts = { autoApply: true, minDate: moment(), //alwaysShowCalendars: true, parentEl: ".cal-block .form-group", autoUpdateInput: true, singleDatePicker: true }; $scope.$watch("date", function(newDate) {[0].departuredate = moment(newDate.endDate).format("YYYY-MM-DD"); }, false); } ]);

After some logging and disabling singleDate, I noticed that the date model only changes when the end date has been chosen. Is this a bug, or am I missing something? How can I watch for the start date updating in order to use singleDate instead of a range.

Appreciate any help

dennisbrandt commented 8 years ago

No one? I would be very grateful as this is really is starting to become a problem. SO question

dennisbrandt commented 8 years ago

autoUpdateInput is forcefully being set to false? if I set it to true I get some output as invalid date in my model watch function, but at least on the single selection something is changing...

dennisbrandt commented 8 years ago

The issue is that the singleDatepicker is not meant to be run inline. Without it "closing" the date model will not update. This is not a bug, but a limitation of the current implementation. Triggering a click on the input can get it to work partially, but it's very hacky.

slavede commented 7 years ago

Yup, noticed as well that "autoUpdateInput is forcefully being set to false":

          el.daterangepicker(angular.extend(opts, {
            autoUpdateInput: false
          }), function(start, end) {
            return $scope.$apply(function() {
              return $scope.model = opts.singleDatePicker ? start : {
                startDate: start,
                endDate: end

Any reason for that?

mjy78 commented 6 years ago

I had the same issue with startDate/endDate not being updated when the singleDatePicker:true option was set. In the end I discovered that for single date picker mode, you can just bind the model as a single date rather than an object containing startDate/endDate properties.

$scope.datepicker = {};
$scope.datepicker.opts = {
  singleDatePicker: true
$ = moment();
<input date-range-picker options="datepicker.options" ng-model="" />