frakbot / FWeather

A weather widget for Android based upon Tobias van Scheider's Authentic Weather design.
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Random location chooser dialog crash on L #122

Closed frapontillo closed 10 years ago

frapontillo commented 10 years ago

The location chooser dialog randomly crashes with a segmentation fault error, followed by a brutal signal 11 SIGSEGV on the whole process.

07-16 22:22:40.794  29457-29457/? E/SpannableStringBuilder﹕ SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length
07-16 22:22:40.857  25657-18971/? I/Adreno-EGL﹕ <qeglDrvAPI_eglInitialize:320>: EGL 1.4 QUALCOMM Build: I10246dbd022c719c705be805d5642cc8fdfbd2a2Date: 03/07/14
    --------- beginning of crash
07-16 22:22:40.990  29457-29515/? A/libc﹕ Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1, fault addr 0xb8618c1c in tid 29515 (RenderThread)
07-16 22:22:41.048      183-183/? I/DEBUG﹕ *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
07-16 22:22:41.048      183-183/? I/DEBUG﹕ Build fingerprint: 'google/hammerhead/hammerhead:L/LPV79/1236599:user/release-keys'
07-16 22:22:41.048      183-183/? I/DEBUG﹕ Revision: '11'
07-16 22:22:41.049      183-183/? I/DEBUG﹕ pid: 29457, tid: 29515, name: RenderThread  >>> net.frakbot.FWeather <<<
07-16 22:22:41.049      183-183/? I/DEBUG﹕ signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 0xb8618c1c


07-16 22:22:41.315  23248-23261/? I/art﹕ Heap transition to ProcessStateJankPerceptible took 481.136509ms saved at least -1487KB
07-16 22:22:41.330     768-3511/? I/am_create_service﹕ [0,1046393801,.AdvertisingIdService,10009,1096]
07-16 22:22:41.343      768-842/? I/am_destroy_service﹕ [0,1046393801,1096]
07-16 22:22:41.743      768-832/? I/BootReceiver﹕ Copying /data/tombstones/tombstone_04 to DropBox (SYSTEM_TOMBSTONE)
07-16 22:22:41.744    768-29871/? I/am_crash﹕ [768,0,net.frakbot.FWeather,8961606,Native crash,Segmentation fault,unknown,0]
07-16 22:22:41.759    768-29871/? W/ActivityManager﹕ Force finishing activity net.frakbot.FWeather/.activity.LocationChooserDialog
07-16 22:22:41.759    768-29871/? I/am_finish_activity﹕ [0,737651916,179,net.frakbot.FWeather/.activity.LocationChooserDialog,crashed]
07-16 22:22:41.760    768-29871/? I/am_pause_activity﹕ [0,737651916,net.frakbot.FWeather/.activity.LocationChooserDialog]
07-16 22:22:41.821     768-1194/? I/ActivityManager﹕ Process net.frakbot.FWeather (pid 29457) has died.
07-16 22:22:41.821     768-1194/? I/am_proc_died﹕ [0,29457,net.frakbot.FWeather]
07-16 22:22:41.823     768-1137/? I/WindowState﹕ WIN DEATH: Window{38eef6c6 u0 net.frakbot.FWeather/net.frakbot.FWeather.activity.SettingsActivity}
07-16 22:22:41.831      768-843/? I/WindowState﹕ WIN DEATH: Window{3fa3241b u0 net.frakbot.FWeather/net.frakbot.FWeather.activity.LocationChooserDialog}
07-16 22:22:41.835      185-185/? I/sf_frame_dur﹕ [net.frakbot.FWeather/net.frakbot.FWeather.activity.SettingsActivity,211,8,1,3,0,3,1]
07-16 22:22:41.867      199-199/? I/﹕ Process 29457 exited due to signal (11)
07-16 22:22:41.878     768-1194/? I/am_proc_start﹕ [0,29892,10078,net.frakbot.FWeather,activity,net.frakbot.FWeather/.activity.SettingsActivity]
07-16 22:22:41.878     768-1194/? I/ActivityManager﹕ Start proc net.frakbot.FWeather for activity net.frakbot.FWeather/.activity.SettingsActivity: pid=29892 uid=10078 gids={50078, 3003, 1028, 1015}
07-16 22:22:41.881  29892-29892/net.frakbot.FWeather I/art﹕ Late-enabling -Xcheck:jni
07-16 22:22:41.930     768-1138/? I/am_proc_bound﹕ [0,29892,net.frakbot.FWeather]
07-16 22:22:41.934  29892-29911/net.frakbot.FWeather I/art﹕ Profiler disabled.  To enable setprop dalvik.vm.profiler 1
07-16 22:22:41.936     768-1138/? I/am_restart_activity﹕ [0,923823291,179,net.frakbot.FWeather/.activity.SettingsActivity]
rock3r commented 10 years ago

This is an L Preview issue. Reported it here:

Not much we can do on our side beside this. Won't fix.

rock3r commented 10 years ago

@frapontillo Google has requested more info on this. Could you please chime in on the Android L Preview issue tracker? Thanks