frakbot / FWeather

A weather widget for Android based upon Tobias van Scheider's Authentic Weather design.
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Weird error on update rate #97

Closed frapontillo closed 10 years ago

frapontillo commented 10 years ago

A user reported a crash on every update. It looks like his SharedPreferences were pretty effed up, as it was trying to set an update for -1000 seconds. Yeah.

11-28 13:50:00.171  3317  3345 I FWeather-v18-WeatherHelper: Starting weather update
11-28 13:50:00.196  3317  3317 D AndroidRuntime: Shutting down VM
11-28 13:50:00.196  3317  3317 W dalvikvm: threadid=1: thread exiting with uncaught exception (group=0x41a457c0)
11-28 13:50:00.196  3317  3317 E AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: main
11-28 13:50:00.196  3317  3317 E AndroidRuntime: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: invalid interval: -1000
11-28 13:50:00.196  3317  3317 E AndroidRuntime: at Source)
11-28 13:50:00.196  3317  3317 E AndroidRuntime: at Source)
11-28 13:50:00.196  3317  3317 E AndroidRuntime: at net.frakbot.FWeather.util.LocationHelper$LocationClientListener.onConnected(
11-28 13:50:00.196  3317  3317 E AndroidRuntime: at Source)
11-28 13:50:00.196  3317  3317 E AndroidRuntime: at$f.a(Unknown Source)
11-28 13:50:00.196  3317  3317 E AndroidRuntime: at$f.a(Unknown Source)
11-28 13:50:00.196  3317  3317 E AndroidRuntime: at$b.D(Unknown Source)
11-28 13:50:00.196  3317  3317 E AndroidRuntime: at$a.handleMessage(Unknown Source)
11-28 13:50:00.196  3317  3317 E AndroidRuntime: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
11-28 13:50:00.196  3317  3317 E AndroidRuntime: at android.os.Looper.loop(
11-28 13:50:00.196  3317  3317 E AndroidRuntime: at
11-28 13:50:00.196  3317  3317 E AndroidRuntime: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
11-28 13:50:00.196  3317  3317 E AndroidRuntime: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
11-28 13:50:00.196  3317  3317 E AndroidRuntime: at$
11-28 13:50:00.196  3317  3317 E AndroidRuntime: at
11-28 13:50:00.196  3317  3317 E AndroidRuntime: at
11-28 13:50:00.196  3317  3317 E AndroidRuntime: at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)
11-28 13:50:01.011  3317  3345 I FWeather-v18-WeatherHelper: Weather update done
11-28 13:50:01.026  3317  3345 I FWeather-v18-UpdaterService: Updating the widget views for widget #4
11-28 13:50:01.056  3317  3345 I FWeather-v18-UpdaterService: All widgets updated successfully
frapontillo commented 10 years ago

Already fixed, me tired.