fralx / LimeReport

Report generator for Qt Framework
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LimeReport will crash when I called printReprot(Qprinter* printer) #435

Open ivy19891120 opened 1 year ago

fralx commented 1 year ago

There is no information about the problem, can I close the issue?

ivy19891120 commented 1 year ago

sorry about that ! I have debuged the dump file is the initDialogs() cause the crash but not everytime maybe in days 微信图片_20230502093125

fralx commented 1 year ago

Can you send me the report template you are using?

ivy19891120 commented 1 year ago

here is the code .My template is simple , I am using it in a thread about every two hours I called productPrintReport() and it worked but in couple days the application will crash code

fralx commented 1 year ago

I mean report template :) *.lrxml

ivy19891120 commented 1 year ago

Yeah, here it is

fralx commented 1 year ago

Unfortunately, I don't understand hieroglyphs, could you show me the stacktrace and error type in English?

fralx commented 1 year ago

And what limereport version do you use ?

fralx commented 1 year ago

The best option is if you could write a small application for me that reproduces this error.