framed-data / overseer

Overseer is a library for building and running data pipelines in Clojure.
Eclipse Public License 1.0
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0.4.0: First implementation of harnessing #20

Closed andrewberls closed 9 years ago

andrewberls commented 9 years ago

Straight from the docs:

A mechanism to 'wrap' job handlers, giving one the ability to provide additional context prior to execution.

Accepts a standard job handler (map or function) and a wrapper function which will be called with the function specified in your handler and is expected to return a new function with the same signature. If your handler is a map, it will be transparently constructed/deconstructed; harnesses work solely in terms of functions.

For example, a harness that simply implements the default behavior is:

  (defn my-harness [f]
    (fn [job]
      (f job)))

A more substantive harnesses can be used to provide jobs with additional context, for example a database connection:

  (defn my-harness [f]
    (fn [job]
      (-> job
          (assoc :conn (d/connect my-datomic-uri))

In the job-handlers map, one specifies

  {:my-job (overseer.api/harness my-job/run my-harness)}

then within your handler:

  (defn run [{:keys [conn] :as job}] ...)

If your handler is a map, you can optionally specify a key to harness a specific stage; the default is :process. To harness a post-processor:

  {:my-job (overseer.api/harness my-job/run :post-process my-harness)}
elliot42 commented 9 years ago


(Though the test coverage is a bit less than the scope of the functionality, I think)

Although for comparison, I think it's worth reading and considering the following:

Basically what we've implemented here is almost exactly equivalent to Ring middlewares, so you can take everything in the above document and apply it to what we're doing here

elliot42 commented 9 years ago

:+1: although the test I don't think proves exactly what it says it proves

andrewberls commented 9 years ago

@elliot42 I think this becomes redundant and can be scrapped in favor of better defaults for processors as in - we can write a default pre-processor that will emulate the current system/harness. What do you think?

andrewberls commented 9 years ago

Closing this in favor of #21

unforced commented 9 years ago

Reopening PR so it can be used in

andrewberls commented 9 years ago

:+1: once conflicts

elliot42 commented 9 years ago

So, if you read the Pedestal article, I think the point it's trying to make is that function wrapper and :pre and :post hooking are both two separate pipeline composition methods. I think they would argue that you should have one uniform composition method, not two composition methods :pre-hooking AND function composition. I think we're running down a weird path here that can/should be simplified, and we should pause and decide intentionally what the single uniform interface/composition method should be overseer rather than throwing tons of "this OR this OR this" options into the system.