framer / motion

Open source, production-ready animation and gesture library for React
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[BUG] AnimatePresence + nested motion & before/afterChildren: TypeError: Failed to execute 'getComputedStyle' + enter/exit triggered multiple times #2387

Open giliamverheide opened 8 months ago

giliamverheide commented 8 months ago

1. Describe the bug

Inside AnimatePresence, I have nested motion 3 levels deep, with a structure something like this (see codesandbox):

  {show ? (
    <motion.div>  // outer container, level 1
      <motion.div> // button container, level 2
        <motion.div> // button wrapper, level 3
  ) : null}

Each motion element uses variants to set either a 'visible' (animate) or 'hidden' (exit) state. On enter, each motion element animates after its parent has animated (1 → 2 → 3) via beforeChildren. On exit, each motion parent animates after its child has animated (3 → 2 → 1) via afterChildren.

Issue 1 - Animating width causes TypeError:

If I click the button that toggles between the 'hidden' and 'visible' state twice in a row, before any of the animations have completed, the error TypeError: Failed to execute 'getComputedStyle' on 'Window': parameter 1 is not of type 'Element'. appears.

Additionally, this will now only trigger the enter (visible) animation for all motion elements no matter the state.

The TypeError specifically seems to be caused by animating the width from/to "auto" - "72px" AND also using when: 'afterChildren' on the exit/hidden variant. If we were to animate just the opacity, we CAN use when and the TypeError never occurs (see codesandbox).

// level 2
const buttonContainer: Variants = {
  visible: {
    width: "auto", // Causes TypeError: Failed to execute 'getComputedStyle'
    // opacity: 1, // Does not cause error
    transition: {
      when: "beforeChildren",
      duration: 0.6,
  hidden: {
    width: "72px", // Causes TypeError: Failed to execute 'getComputedStyle'
    // opacity: 0, // Does not cause error
    transition: {
      bounce: 0,
      when: "afterChildren", // Removing this line will allow animating from auto <--> '72px' without causing TypeError
      duration: 0.6,

Issue 2 - Enter/exit animations are triggered (started) twice

When the 'hidden' state is triggered, level 3 (the most inner child) starts animating. If I toggle the state back to 'visible' before any animations have completed, those enter animations will trigger twice.

For example, I set the state to 'hidden' and immediately switch it back to 'visible' before any animations have completed, then the animation sequence looks like this:

---------- HIDE ----------
1. outerContainer start
2. buttonContainer start
3. buttonWrapper start
---------- SHOW ----------
1. outerContainer start
2. buttonContainer start
3. buttonWrapper start

1. outerContainer start
2. buttonContainer start
3. buttonWrapper start

3. buttonWrapper complete - (visible)
2. buttonContainer complete - (visible)
1. outerContainer complete - (visible)

Or visa versa, I set the state to 'visible' and immediately switch it back to 'hidden', right after the first element (out of 3) has started animating, then the animations sequence looks like this:

---------- SHOW ----------
1. outerContainer start
---------- HIDE ----------
1. outerContainer start
2. buttonContainer start
3. buttonWrapper start
2. buttonContainer start
3. buttonWrapper complete - (hidden)
3. buttonWrapper start
2. buttonContainer complete - (hidden)
3. buttonWrapper complete - (visible)
2. buttonContainer complete - (visible)
1. outerContainer complete - (visible)
1. outerContainer complete - (hidden)

2. CodeSandbox reproduction of the bug

3. Expected behavior

When changing the variant / toggling between 2 animation states, I expect the animation to stop and reverse and not start over (multiple times).

In other words, imagine we animated the opacity from 0 → 1 over 1 second linearly. After 0.7s, when the opacity is 0.7, I change/toggle the variant back to its previous value, I expect the opacity to go from 0.7 → 0 in 0.7s, the exact reverse of the animation thus far.

And when we take the above scenario of several nested motion components that animate after each other; if I start the animation (top level starts animating) and toggle the state back to the initial/previous state before the animation has completed, I don't expect the nested component (level 2) to start animating at all. Rather, the first animation should reverse / animate to the initial state.

4. Environment details

Google Chrome

"next": "^13.5.6", "react": "18.2.0", "react-dom": "18.2.0", "framer-motion": "^10.16.4"

KevinEdry commented 5 months ago

Issue 2 occurs for me as well. Does anyone have an idea of what is the issue?

CarlosSimon02 commented 4 months ago

I'm facing the same problem mentioned in issue 2. If I click the button before the transition is done, the first animation happens twice. The only fix I found is to use useAnimate()

<AnimatePresence initial={false}>
  {currentTheme === ThemeType.Light ? (
    <AnimatedMoonIcon key="moon" {...iconAnimateProps} />
  ) : (
    <AnimatedSunIcon key="sun" {...iconAnimateProps} />

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