framer / motion

Open source, production-ready animation and gesture library for React
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[BUG] Elements do not animate in latest React 19 canaries #2624

Closed ZipBrandon closed 2 days ago

ZipBrandon commented 1 month ago

1. Read the FAQs 👇

2. Describe the bug

Elements won't animate off their initial props since 19.0.0-canary-7a2609eed-20240403.

19.0.0-canary-48ec17b86-20240402 does work.

3. IMPORTANT: Provide a CodeSandbox reproduction of the bug

4. Steps to reproduce

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. git clone && cd framer-motion-initial-bug && npm i && npm run dev
  2. See that the Test and Testing elements animate properly.
  3. Click the button to add a new element and see that it does not animate.

5. Expected behavior

Animations to work.

mattgperry commented 1 month ago

Thanks - we'll keep an eye on the situation but we're not going to spend any time on fixing issues in canaries/betas as the bugs are more potentially on their side

ZipBrandon commented 4 weeks ago

I understand. I do want to link since the ref did come to play over there.

o-alexandrov commented 3 weeks ago

React 19 has a blog post yesterday: react 19 enters beta.

This beta release is for libraries to prepare for React 19.

avarayr commented 2 days ago

As React 19 is now officially in RC, framer motion's compatibility would be crucial for beginning the gradual migration to v19.

Many hobby devs rely on Framer Motion, and they're the early adopters who start the migration beginning today, helping smoothen the rough edges. Love framer motion and can't imagine dropping it to use react compiler, please consider giving some love to this issue.

mattgperry commented 2 days ago

Closed in favour of

mattgperry commented 2 days ago

@avarayr I have started looking into it but at first glance it seems like a serious amount of work. It breaks almost every aspect of this repo. Because of the types situation I'm also fairly sure there's no way of doing it without breaking 18 backwards compatible but we'll see.

Given we're on 18 within Framer and will be for some time, I do have a number of things to do before I can back to this.