Closed shaokun closed 6 years ago
I find that using eventbus could perfectly solve this problem, especially suitable for small applications without using vuex. For example, you can register a global event bus:
Vue.prototype.eventBus = new Vue();
In Vue1 object:
created() {
this.eventBus.$on('some-event', someFunction); // register observer
beforeDestroy() {
this.eventBus.$off('some-event', someFunction); // remove observer, important
In Vue2 object
Issue is closed because of outdated/irrelevant/not actual
If this issue is still actual and reproducible for latest version of Framework7 & Framework7-Vue, please create new issue and fill the issue template correctly:
The F7-Vue router is different from the Vue one, so it's difficult to follow the standard "props down, events up". A developer has to pass data into the next page by using the url query. While in the back direction, it seems no easy way to pass data back to the previous page.
Is there a way to support passing data back to the previous page?