franMarz / TexTools-Blender

TexTools is a UV and Texture toolset created several years ago for Blender and Max by @renderhjs. In this open repository, originally created by @SavMartin, we develop the current version of this popular Blender add-on.
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Baking doesn't work with ACES installed #151

Closed Skyemou5 closed 1 year ago

Skyemou5 commented 1 year ago
  File "/home/ben/.config/blender/3.3/scripts/addons/TexTools_1_5/", line 191, in execute
  File "/home/ben/.config/blender/3.3/scripts/addons/TexTools_1_5/", line 348, in bake
    image, previous_image = setup_image(mode, name_texture, render_width, render_height, image, previous_image, material_load=False)
  File "/home/ben/.config/blender/3.3/scripts/addons/TexTools_1_5/", line 760, in setup_image
    image = image_create()
  File "/home/ben/.config/blender/3.3/scripts/addons/TexTools_1_5/", line 728, in image_create
  File "/home/ben/.config/blender/3.3/scripts/addons/TexTools_1_5/", line 710, in set_color_space = bpy.context.scene.texToolsSettings.bake_color_space
TypeError: bpy_struct: item.attr = val: enum "sRGB" not found in ('aces', 'ACES - ACES2065-1', 'ACES - ACEScc', 'ACES - ACEScct', 'ACES - ACEScg', 'ACES - ACESproxy', 'acescc', 'acescc_ap1', 'acescct', 'acescct_ap1', 'acescg', 'acesproxy', 'acesproxy_ap1', 'adx10', 'adx16', 'canonlog2_cgamutday', 'canonlog2_cgamuttung', 'canonlog2_rec2020day', 'canonlog2_rec2020tung', 'canonlog3_cgamutday', 'canonlog3_cgamuttung', 'canonlog3_rec2020day', 'canonlog3_rec2020tung', 'canonlog_cgamutday', 'canonlog_cgamuttung', 'canonlog_dcip3day', 'canonlog_dcip3tung', 'canonlog_rec2020day', 'canonlog_rec2020tung', 'canonlog_rec709day', 'canonlog_rec709tung', 'crv_canonlog', 'crv_canonlog2', 'crv_canonlog3', 'crv_dolbypq1000nitsshaper', 'crv_dolbypq2000nitsshaper', 'crv_dolbypq4000nitsshaper', 'crv_dolbypq48nitsshaper', 'crv_dolbypq_10000', 'crv_lmtshaper', 'crv_log21000nitsshaper', 'crv_log22000nitsshaper', 'crv_log24000nitsshaper', 'crv_log248nitsshaper', 'crv_logc3ei800', 'crv_protuneflat', 'crv_rec1886', 'crv_rec2020', 'crv_rec709', 'crv_rl3g10', 'crv_rlf', 'crv_slog1', 'crv_slog2', 'crv_slog3', 'crv_srgb', 'crv_vlog', 'dolbypq1000nitsshaper_ap1', 'dolbypq2000nitsshaper_ap1', 'dolbypq4000nitsshaper_ap1', 'dolbypq48nitsshaper_ap1', 'Input - ADX - ADX10', 'Input - ADX - ADX16', 'Input - ARRI - Curve - V3 LogC (EI800)', 'Input - ARRI - Linear - ALEXA Wide Gamut', 'Input - ARRI - V3 LogC (EI1000) - Wide Gamut', 'Input - ARRI - V3 LogC (EI1280) - Wide Gamut', 'Input - ARRI - V3 LogC (EI160) - Wide Gamut', 'Input - ARRI - V3 LogC (EI1600) - Wide Gamut', 'Input - ARRI - V3 LogC (EI200) - Wide Gamut', 'Input - ARRI - V3 LogC (EI2000) - Wide Gamut', 'Input - ARRI - V3 LogC (EI250) - Wide Gamut', 'Input - ARRI - V3 LogC (EI2560) - Wide Gamut', 'Input - ARRI - V3 LogC (EI320) - Wide Gamut', 'Input - ARRI - V3 LogC (EI3200) - Wide Gamut', 'Input - ARRI - V3 LogC (EI400) - Wide Gamut', 'Input - ARRI - V3 LogC (EI500) - Wide Gamut', 'Input - ARRI - V3 LogC (EI640) - Wide Gamut', 'Input - ARRI - V3 LogC (EI800) - Wide Gamut', 'Input - Canon - Canon-Log - Cinema Gamut Daylight', 'Input - Canon - Canon-Log - Cinema Gamut Tungsten', 'Input - Canon - Canon-Log - DCI-P3 Daylight', 'Input - Canon - Canon-Log - DCI-P3 Tungsten', 'Input - Canon - Canon-Log - Rec. 2020 Daylight', 'Input - Canon - Canon-Log - Rec. 2020 Tungsten', 'Input - Canon - Canon-Log - Rec. 709 Daylight', 'Input - Canon - Canon-Log - Rec. 709 Tungsten', 'Input - Canon - Canon-Log2 - Cinema Gamut Daylight', 'Input - Canon - Canon-Log2 - Cinema Gamut Tungsten', 'Input - Canon - Canon-Log2 - Rec. 2020 Daylight', 'Input - Canon - Canon-Log2 - Rec. 2020 Tungsten', 'Input - Canon - Canon-Log3 - Cinema Gamut Daylight', 'Input - Canon - Canon-Log3 - Cinema Gamut Tungsten', 'Input - Canon - Canon-Log3 - Rec. 2020 Daylight', 'Input - Canon - Canon-Log3 - Rec. 2020 Tungsten', 'Input - Canon - Curve - Canon-Log', 'Input - Canon - Curve - Canon-Log2', 'Input - Canon - Curve - Canon-Log3', 'Input - Canon - Linear - Canon Cinema Gamut Daylight', 'Input - Canon - Linear - Canon Cinema Gamut Tungsten', 'Input - Canon - Linear - Canon DCI-P3 Daylight', 'Input - Canon - Linear - Canon DCI-P3 Tungsten', 'Input - Canon - Linear - Canon Rec. 2020 Daylight', 'Input - Canon - Linear - Canon Rec. 2020 Tungsten', 'Input - Canon - Linear - Canon Rec. 709 Daylight', 'Input - Canon - Linear - Canon Rec. 709 Tungsten', 'Input - Generic - sRGB - Texture', 'Input - GoPro - Curve - Protune Flat', 'Input - GoPro - Linear - Protune Native - Experimental', 'Input - GoPro - Protune Flat - Protune Native - Experimental', 'Input - Panasonic - Curve - V-Log', 'Input - Panasonic - Linear - V-Gamut', 'Input - Panasonic - V-Log - V-Gamut', 'Input - RED - Curve - REDLog3G10', 'Input - RED - Curve - REDlogFilm', 'Input - RED - Linear - DRAGONcolor', 'Input - RED - Linear - DRAGONcolor2', 'Input - RED - Linear - REDcolor', 'Input - RED - Linear - REDcolor2', 'Input - RED - Linear - REDcolor3', 'Input - RED - Linear - REDcolor4', 'Input - RED - Linear - REDWideGamutRGB', 'Input - RED - REDLog3G10 - REDWideGamutRGB', 'Input - RED - REDlogFilm - DRAGONcolor', 'Input - RED - REDlogFilm - DRAGONcolor2', 'Input - RED - REDlogFilm - REDcolor', 'Input - RED - REDlogFilm - REDcolor2', 'Input - RED - REDlogFilm - REDcolor3', 'Input - RED - REDlogFilm - REDcolor4', 'Input - Sony - Curve - S-Log1', 'Input - Sony - Curve - S-Log2', 'Input - Sony - Curve - S-Log3', 'Input - Sony - Linear - S-Gamut', 'Input - Sony - Linear - S-Gamut Daylight', 'Input - Sony - Linear - S-Gamut Tungsten', 'Input - Sony - Linear - S-Gamut3', 'Input - Sony - Linear - S-Gamut3.Cine', 'Input - Sony - S-Log1 - S-Gamut', 'Input - Sony - S-Log2 - S-Gamut', 'Input - Sony - S-Log2 - S-Gamut Daylight', 'Input - Sony - S-Log2 - S-Gamut Tungsten', 'Input - Sony - S-Log3 - S-Gamut3', 'Input - Sony - S-Log3 - S-Gamut3.Cine', 'lin_adobergb', 'lin_adobewidegamutrgb', 'lin_alexawide', 'lin_ap0', 'lin_ap1', 'lin_canoncgamutday', 'lin_canoncgamuttung', 'lin_canondcip3day', 'lin_canondcip3tung', 'lin_canonrec2020day', 'lin_canonrec2020tung', 'lin_canonrec709day', 'lin_canonrec709tung', 'lin_dgn', 'lin_dgn2', 'lin_p3d60', 'lin_p3d65', 'lin_p3dci', 'lin_prophoto', 'lin_protunegamutexp', 'lin_rc', 'lin_rc2', 'lin_rc3', 'lin_rc4', 'lin_rec2020', 'lin_rec709', 'lin_rimm', 'lin_rwg', 'lin_sgamut', 'lin_sgamut3', 'lin_sgamut3cine', 'lin_sgamutday', 'lin_sgamuttung', 'lin_srgb', 'lin_vgamut', 'lin_xyz_d60', 'log21000nitsshaper_ap1', 'log22000nitsshaper_ap1', 'log24000nitsshaper_ap1', 'log248nitsshaper_ap1', 'logc3ei1000_alexawide', 'logc3ei1280_alexawide', 'logc3ei1600_alexawide', 'logc3ei160_alexawide', 'logc3ei2000_alexawide', 'logc3ei200_alexawide', 'logc3ei250_alexawide', 'logc3ei2560_alexawide', 'logc3ei3200_alexawide', 'logc3ei320_alexawide', 'logc3ei400_alexawide', 'logc3ei500_alexawide', 'logc3ei640_alexawide', 'logc3ei800_alexawide', 'look_aces10to01emulation', 'look_aces10to02emulation', 'look_aces10to07emulation', 'out_dcdm', 'out_dcdmp3gamutclip', 'out_p3d60', 'out_p3d60st20841000nits', 'out_p3d60st20842000nits', 'out_p3d60st20844000nits', 'out_p3dci', 'out_rec2020', 'out_rec2020st20841000nits', 'out_rec709', 'out_rec709d60sim', 'out_srgb', 'out_srgbd60sim', 'Output - DCDM', 'Output - DCDM (P3 gamut clip)', 'Output - P3-D60', 'Output - P3-D60 ST2084 (1000 nits)', 'Output - P3-D60 ST2084 (2000 nits)', 'Output - P3-D60 ST2084 (4000 nits)', 'Output - P3-DCI', 'Output - Rec.2020', 'Output - Rec.2020 ST2084 (1000 nits)', 'Output - Rec.709', 'Output - Rec.709 (D60 sim.)', 'Output - sRGB', 'Output - sRGB (D60 sim.)', 'protuneflat_protunegamutexp', 'raw', 'rec2020_camera', 'rec2020_display', 'rec709_camera', 'rec709_display', 'rl3g10_rwg', 'rlf_dgn', 'rlf_dgn2', 'rlf_rc', 'rlf_rc2', 'rlf_rc3', 'rlf_rc4', 'Role - color_picking', 'Role - color_timing', 'Role - compositing_linear', 'Role - compositing_log', 'Role - data', 'Role - default', 'Role - matte_paint', 'Role - reference', 'Role - rendering', 'Role - scene_linear', 'Role - texture_paint', 'role_color_picking', 'role_color_timing', 'role_compositing_linear', 'role_compositing_log', 'role_data', 'role_default', 'role_matte_paint', 'role_reference', 'role_rendering', 'role_scene_linear', 'role_texture_paint', 'slog1_sgamut', 'slog2_sgamut', 'slog2_sgamutday', 'slog2_sgamuttung', 'slog3_sgamut3', 'slog3_sgamutcine', 'srgb_texture', 'Utility - Curve - Rec.1886', 'Utility - Curve - Rec.2020', 'Utility - Curve - Rec.709', 'Utility - Curve - sRGB', 'Utility - Dolby PQ 1000 nits Shaper', 'Utility - Dolby PQ 1000 nits Shaper - AP1', 'Utility - Dolby PQ 10000', 'Utility - Dolby PQ 2000 nits Shaper', 'Utility - Dolby PQ 2000 nits Shaper - AP1', 'Utility - Dolby PQ 4000 nits Shaper', 'Utility - Dolby PQ 4000 nits Shaper - AP1', 'Utility - Dolby PQ 48 nits Shaper', 'Utility - Dolby PQ 48 nits Shaper - AP1', 'Utility - Linear - Adobe RGB', 'Utility - Linear - Adobe Wide Gamut RGB', 'Utility - Linear - P3-D60', 'Utility - Linear - P3-D65', 'Utility - Linear - P3-DCI', 'Utility - Linear - Rec.2020', 'Utility - Linear - Rec.709', 'Utility - Linear - RIMM ROMM (ProPhoto)', 'Utility - Linear - sRGB', 'Utility - LMT Shaper', 'Utility - Log2 1000 nits Shaper', 'Utility - Log2 1000 nits Shaper - AP1', 'Utility - Log2 2000 nits Shaper', 'Utility - Log2 2000 nits Shaper - AP1', 'Utility - Log2 4000 nits Shaper', 'Utility - Log2 4000 nits Shaper - AP1', 'Utility - Log2 48 nits Shaper', 'Utility - Log2 48 nits Shaper - AP1', 'Utility - Look - ACES 1.0 to 0.1 emulation', 'Utility - Look - ACES 1.0 to 0.2 emulation', 'Utility - Look - ACES 1.0 to 0.7 emulation', 'Utility - Raw', 'Utility - Rec.2020 - Camera', 'Utility - Rec.2020 - Display', 'Utility - Rec.709 - Camera', 'Utility - Rec.709 - Display', 'Utility - sRGB - Texture', 'Utility - XYZ - D60', 'vlog_vgamut')

I've seen this before in other tools that set up baking.

franMarz commented 1 year ago

I updated master, can you try to change the color space of the bake choosing one of the preferences added in the bake panel or the addon settings, and tell me if it works now?

franMarz commented 1 year ago

Closed due to inactivity