franc6 / ics_calendar

Provides an ICS (icalendar) platform for the Home Assistant calendar
Apache License 2.0
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Parsing Error when Event has No Title #125

Open Lucas44443 opened 4 months ago

Lucas44443 commented 4 months ago

Hello franc,

Firstly, I want to express my appreciation for the seamless integration provided. I encountered an issue while using a Google ICS for this integration. It seems that when an event is created without a title, the calendar fails to load, displaying a parsing error: "Failed to validate CalendarEvent: required key not provided @ data['summary']". Upon removing the event without a title, the calendar functions normally. It would be great if this issue could be addressed in future updates. Thank you for your attention to this matter.

franc6 commented 4 months ago

The HA calendar no longer allows events without a title/summary. I could probably either ignore such an event, or put in a dummy title, like “no summary”. If people will weigh in with their opinions, it’s an easy change when I get some time to do the next release. Oh, or better, take the first several characters (or words) of the description?

maxhamilius commented 4 months ago

Hi, Weighing in to this issue. Got the same error for a calendar I subscribe to Failed to validate CalendarEvent: required key not provided @ data['summary'] Unfortunately I cannot edit the calendar to remove the missing data since it is automatically generated from a scheduling platform. I really appreciate the work that has gone into this integration, looking forward to future releases.

franc6 commented 4 months ago

Do you have an opinion on what to put in the summary? The requirement that it have something is from HA, but it's easy for me to put something in there. I'd like to at least pretend I'm putting something useful there. :)

maxhamilius commented 4 months ago

I had a closer look at my calendar subscription. There are a few events without summary. In my case they could simply be ignored, or the summary could maybe replaced with a configurable string.