francescotescari / XiaoMiToolV2

XiaomiTool V2 - Modding tool for xiaomi devices
Apache License 2.0
627 stars 124 forks source link

redmi note 7: info_retrive_failed - Failed to get the device unlock token #1

Open nicman23 opened 5 years ago

nicman23 commented 5 years ago
[14:43:48][WARN  ][15712ad3] Failed to load system language, switching to English
[14:43:48][ERROR ][15712ad3] Failed to load language: en_US, switching to english
[14:43:48][INFO  ][15712ad3] Starting XiaoMiTool V2 9.4.10 : Linux - amd64 - 5.0.9-arch1-1-bcachefs-00390-gd7dc010d7ea2
[14:43:48][INFO  ][15712ad3] Launching main window
[14:43:50][INFO  ][25e49e8e] Discalimer accepted
[14:43:50][INFO  ][25e49e8e] Action check for updates v2
[14:43:50][INFO  ][25e49e8e] Checking internet connection
[14:43:51][INFO  ][1eaf31f4] is reachable
[14:43:51][INFO  ][25e49e8e] Update status: UPDATED
[14:43:51][INFO  ][25e49e8e] Tool is updated
[14:43:51][LOG   ][5ebd1dbc] Feedback token request result: 200 - 02db96a6ef0f4d7e1fe1c56b1f43b421f5d19a06bd2cee1e428518a28121c783e2a0d25f26f4bb81edf2eca385821ffe
[14:43:51][LOG   ][5ebd1dbc] Feedback send result: 200 - 
[14:43:55][WARN  ][9feb625] is not reachable
[14:43:56][INFO  ][9feb625] but it is reachable on port 80
[14:43:56][WARN  ][3f67f167] is not reachable
[14:43:56][INFO  ][3f67f167] but it is reachable on port 80
[14:44:06][PSTA  ][25e49e8e] Start process (1): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/adb" "kill-server"
[14:44:06][INFO  ][25e49e8e] Process (1) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 0
[14:44:06][PSTA  ][25e49e8e] Start process (2): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/adb" "start-server"
[14:44:06][PROC  ][48e8b14d] Process (2) output: * daemon not running; starting now at tcp:5037
[14:44:09][PROC  ][48e8b14d] Process (2) output: * daemon started successfully
[14:44:09][INFO  ][25e49e8e] Process (2) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 76
[14:44:09][PSTA  ][d8f9900] Start process (3): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/adb" "track-devices"
[14:44:09][INFO  ][25e49e8e] Searching at least one device
[14:44:09][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (4): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/adb" "devices"
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2af8cd19] Process (3) output: 000fc0a7856    device
[14:44:09][PROC  ][63b83e7b] Process (4) output: List of devices attached
[14:44:09][PROC  ][63b83e7b] Process (4) output: c0a7856    device
[14:44:09][PROC  ][63b83e7b] Process (4) output: 
[14:44:09][INFO  ][42917958] Process (4) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 40
[14:44:09][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (5): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/fastboot" "devices"
[14:44:09][INFO  ][42917958] Process (5) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 0
[14:44:09][INFO  ][42917958] Connected device: c0a7856 -> device
[14:44:09][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (6): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/adb" "-s" "c0a7856" "shell" "-x" "getprop"
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [DEVICE_PROVISIONED]: [1]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [af.fast_track_multiplier]: [1]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: []: [true]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [audio.offload.min.duration.secs]: [30]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: []: [true]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [bt.max.hfpclient.connections]: [1]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [camera.aux.packagelist]: [org.codeaurora.snapcam,,com.qualcomm.qti.qmmi,com.longcheertel.cit]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [dalvik.vm.appimageformat]: [lz4]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: []: [2]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [dalvik.vm.boot-dex2oat-threads]: [6]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [dalvik.vm.dex2oat-Xms]: [64m]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [dalvik.vm.dex2oat-Xmx]: [512m]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [dalvik.vm.dex2oat-minidebuginfo]: [true]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [dalvik.vm.dex2oat-threads]: [6]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [dalvik.vm.dexopt.secondary]: [true]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [dalvik.vm.heapgrowthlimit]: [256m]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [dalvik.vm.heapmaxfree]: [8m]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [dalvik.vm.heapminfree]: [512k]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [dalvik.vm.heapsize]: [512m]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [dalvik.vm.heapstartsize]: [8m]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [dalvik.vm.heaptargetutilization]: [0.75]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [dalvik.vm.image-dex2oat-Xms]: [64m]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [dalvik.vm.image-dex2oat-Xmx]: [64m]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [dalvik.vm.isa.arm.features]: [default]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [dalvik.vm.isa.arm.variant]: [cortex-a73]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [dalvik.vm.isa.arm64.features]: [default]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [dalvik.vm.isa.arm64.variant]: [generic]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [dalvik.vm.stack-trace-dir]: [/data/anr]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [dalvik.vm.usejit]: [true]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [dalvik.vm.usejitprofiles]: [true]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [debug.atrace.tags.enableflags]: [0]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [debug.force_rtl]: [0]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [debug.gralloc.enable_fb_ubwc]: [0]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [debug.gralloc.gfx_ubwc_disable]: [1]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [debug.sf.disable_backpressure]: [1]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [debug.sf.enable_hwc_vds]: [1]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [debug.sf.hw]: [1]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [debug.sf.latch_unsignaled]: [1]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [dev.bootcomplete]: [1]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: []: [1]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [drm.service.enabled]: [true]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [events.cpu]: [true]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [gsm.apn.sim.operator.numeric]: [,20210]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: []: [1,1]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: []: [true]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: []: [Unknown,LTE]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [gsm.operator.alpha]: [,WIND GR ]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [gsm.operator.iso-country]: [,gr]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [gsm.operator.isroaming]: [false,false]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [gsm.operator.numeric]: [,20210]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [gsm.operator.orig.alpha]: [,WIND GR ]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [gsm.sim.operator.alpha]: [,WIND GR]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [gsm.sim.operator.iso-country]: [,gr]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [gsm.sim.operator.numeric]: [,20210]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [gsm.sim.operator.orig.alpha]: [,WIND GR]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [gsm.sim.state]: [ABSENT,LOADED]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [gsm.version.baseband]: [MPSS.AT.3.1-00777-SDM660_GEN_PACK-1.191301.1.192385.1]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: []: [Qualcomm RIL 1.0]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [hwservicemanager.ready]: [true]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [init.svc.adbd]: [running]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [init.svc.adsprpcd]: [running]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [init.svc.adsprpcd_root]: [running]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [init.svc.adswitch]: [stopped]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [init.svc.alarm-hal-1-0]: [running]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [init.svc.audioserver]: [running]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [init.svc.bootanim]: [stopped]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [init.svc.cameraserver]: [running]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [init.svc.charge_logger]: [running]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [init.svc.checknv]: [running]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [init.svc.cnss-daemon]: [running]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [init.svc.display-color-hal-1-0]: [running]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [init.svc.dpmQmiMgr]: [running]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [init.svc.dpmd]: [running]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [init.svc.drm]: [running]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: []: [stopped]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [init.svc.fdpp]: [running]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [init.svc.fidoca]: [running]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [init.svc.flash_recovery]: [stopped]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [init.svc.gatekeeper-1-0]: [running]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [init.svc.gatekeeperd]: [running]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [init.svc.hardcoder]: [stopped]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: []: [running]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [init.svc.healthd]: [running]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [init.svc.hidl_memory]: [running]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [init.svc.hwservicemanager]: [running]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [init.svc.incidentd]: [running]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [init.svc.installd]: [running]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [init.svc.irsc_util]: [stopped]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [init.svc.keymaster-4-0]: [running]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [init.svc.keystore]: [running]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [init.svc.lmkd]: [running]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [init.svc.loc_launcher]: [running]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [init.svc.logd]: [running]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [init.svc.logd-reinit]: [stopped]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [init.svc.mcd_init]: [stopped]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [init.svc.mcd_service]: [running]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: []: [running]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [init.svc.mediadrm]: [running]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [init.svc.mediaextractor]: [running]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [init.svc.mediametrics]: [running]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [init.svc.miui-early-boot]: [stopped]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [init.svc.mlid]: [running]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [init.svc.mqsasd]: [running]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [init.svc.netd]: [running]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [init.svc.nv_mac]: [stopped]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [init.svc.perf-hal-1-0]: [running]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [init.svc.ppd]: [running]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [init.svc.qcom-c_core-sh]: [stopped]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [init.svc.qcom-c_main-sh]: [stopped]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [init.svc.qcom-post-boot]: [stopped]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [init.svc.qcom-sh]: [stopped]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [init.svc.qdutils_disp-1-0]: [running]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [init.svc.qteeconnector-hal-1-0]: [running]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [init.svc.qti-testscripts]: [stopped]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [init.svc.qti_esepowermanager_service]: [running]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [init.svc.qti_gnss_service]: [running]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [init.svc.seemp_healthd]: [running]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [init.svc.seempd]: [running]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [init.svc.servicemanager]: [running]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [init.svc.setlockstate]: [stopped]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [init.svc.shelld]: [running]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [init.svc.smcinvoked]: [running]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [init.svc.soter-1-0]: [running]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [init.svc.ssgqmigd]: [running]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [init.svc.ssgtzd]: [running]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [init.svc.statsd]: [running]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [init.svc.storaged]: [running]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [init.svc.surfaceflinger]: [running]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [init.svc.system_perf_init]: [stopped]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [init.svc.thermal-engine]: [running]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [init.svc.thermalservice]: [running]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [init.svc.time_daemon]: [running]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [init.svc.tombstoned]: [running]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [init.svc.tui_comm-1-0]: [running]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [init.svc.ueventd]: [running]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [init.svc.usbd]: [stopped]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [init.svc.vendor-sensor-sh]: [stopped]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [init.svc.vndservicemanager]: [running]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [init.svc.vold]: [running]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [init.svc.wificond]: [running]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [init.svc.wifidisplayhalservice]: [running]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [init.svc.zygote]: [running]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [init.svc.zygote_secondary]: [running]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [keyguard.no_require_sim]: [true]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [log.tag.stats_log]: [I]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [mcd.extra.params]: []
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [media.aac_51_output_enabled]: [true]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [media.settings.xml]: [/vendor/etc/media_profiles_vendor.xml]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [media.stagefright.enable-aac]: [true]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [media.stagefright.enable-http]: [true]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [media.stagefright.enable-player]: [true]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [media.stagefright.enable-qcp]: [true]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [media.stagefright.enable-scan]: [true]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [mm.enable.smoothstreaming]: [true]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [mmp.enable.3g2]: [true]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: []: [Android]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [net.hostname]: [RedmiNote7-Redmi]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [net.qtaguid_enabled]: [1]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [net.tcp.2g_init_rwnd]: [10]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [net.tcp.buffersize.default]: [4096,87380,524288,4096,16384,110208]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [net.tcp.buffersize.edge]: [4093,26280,35040,4096,16384,35040]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [net.tcp.buffersize.evdo]: [4094,87380,524288,4096,16384,262144]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [net.tcp.buffersize.gprs]: [4092,8760,11680,4096,8760,11680]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [net.tcp.buffersize.hsdpa]: [4094,87380,1220608,4096,16384,1220608]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [net.tcp.buffersize.hspa]: [4094,87380,1220608,4096,16384,1220608]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [net.tcp.buffersize.hspap]: [4094,87380,1220608,4096,16384,1220608]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [net.tcp.buffersize.hsupa]: [4094,87380,1220608,4096,16384,1220608]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [net.tcp.buffersize.lte]: [2097152,4194304,8388608,262144,524288,1048576]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [net.tcp.buffersize.umts]: [4094,87380,110208,4096,16384,110208]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [net.tcp.buffersize.wifi]: [524288,2097152,4194304,262144,524288,1048576]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [net.tcp.default_init_rwnd]: [60]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [persist.backup.ntpServer]: [""]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: []: [true]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [persist.chg.max_volt_mv]: [9000]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [persist.cne.feature]: [1]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [persist.dalvik.vm.dex2oat-threads]: [6]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: []: [rmnet_usb0]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [persist.debug.coresight.config]: [stm-events]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [persist.debug.wfd.enable]: [1]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [persist.demo.hdmirotationlock]: [false]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [persist.dirac.acs.controller]: [qem]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [persist.dirac.acs.ignore_error]: [1]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [persist.dirac.acs.storeSettings]: [1]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [persist.dpm.feature]: [1]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [persist.enable_task_snapshots]: [false]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [persist.fuse_sdcard]: [true]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [persist.hwc.enable_vds]: [1]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [persist.logd.size.crash]: [1M]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: []: [4M]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [persist.logd.size.system]: [4M]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [persist.miui.density_v2]: [440]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: []: [true]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [persist.power.useautobrightadj]: [true]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: []: [2]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: []: [1]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: []: [1]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: []: [-1]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: []: [dsds]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: []: [1]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [persist.rild.nitz_long_ons_0]: []
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [persist.rild.nitz_long_ons_1]: []
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [persist.rild.nitz_long_ons_2]: []
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [persist.rild.nitz_long_ons_3]: []
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [persist.rild.nitz_plmn]: []
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [persist.rild.nitz_short_ons_0]: []
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [persist.rild.nitz_short_ons_1]: []
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [persist.rild.nitz_short_ons_2]: []
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [persist.rild.nitz_short_ons_3]: []
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: []: [1]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [persist.service.logd.enable]: []
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [persist.sys.ai_preload_cloud]: [0]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [persist.sys.apply_miui_browser]: [false]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [persist.sys.boot.reason]: [bootloader]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: []: [true]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: []: []
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [persist.sys.dalvik.vm.lib.2]: []
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [persist.sys.df.extcolor.proc]: [0]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [persist.sys.display_cabc]: [1]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [persist.sys.display_ce]: [4]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [persist.sys.display_prefer]: [2]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [persist.sys.display_srgb]: [2]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [persist.sys.emmc]: [000000]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [persist.sys.enable_inputopts]: [true]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [persist.sys.enable_ioprefetch]: [false]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [persist.sys.enable_pinfile]: [true]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: []: [0x0000012c120203ff]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [persist.sys.fp.module]: [Akerr]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [persist.sys.fp.uid]: [0x533139028a1a278f]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [persist.sys.gps.lpp]: [3]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: []: [miui_wechat]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [persist.sys.job_delay]: [true]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [persist.sys.language]: []
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [persist.sys.locale]: [en-US]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [persist.sys.localevar]: []
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [persist.sys.mcd_config_file]: [/system/etc/mcd_default.conf]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [persist.sys.memctrl]: [on]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [persist.sys.mitalk.enable]: [true]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [persist.sys.miui_optimization]: [false]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [persist.sys.notification_rank]: [0]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [persist.sys.notification_ver]: [1]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [persist.sys.opt_accessibility]: [false]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [persist.sys.released]: [true]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [persist.sys.sc_allow_conn]: [false]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [persist.sys.shutdown_state]: [3]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [persist.sys.smartcover_mode]: [0]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [persist.sys.strictmode.visual]: []
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [persist.sys.support_detect_fc]: [false]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [persist.sys.support_fakecell]: [false]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [persist.sys.task_isolation]: [true]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [persist.sys.timezone]: [Europe/Athens]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [persist.sys.usb.config]: [adb]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [persist.sys.usb.ffbm-02.func]: [adb]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [persist.sys.watchdog_enhanced]: [true]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [persist.sys.webview.vmsize]: [127196064]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [persist.sys.wfd.virtual]: [0]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [persist.sys.xspace_created]: [1]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [persist.timed.enable]: [true]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [persist.vendor.dpm.tcm]: [2]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [persist.vendor.sys.fp.vendor]: [fpc]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: []: [1]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [persist.vendor.sys.provision.status]: [true]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [pm.dexopt.ab-ota]: [speed-profile]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: []: [speed-profile]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [pm.dexopt.boot]: [verify]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [pm.dexopt.first-boot]: [quicken]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [pm.dexopt.inactive]: [verify]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [pm.dexopt.install]: [speed-profile]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [pm.dexopt.priv-apps-oob]: [false]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [pm.dexopt.priv-apps-oob-list]: [ALL]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [pm.dexopt.shared]: [speed]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [ril.ecclist]: [911,112,*911,#911]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [ril.ecclist1]: [911,112,*911,#911]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [ril.qcril_pre_init_lock_held]: [0]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [ril.subscription.types]: [NV,RUIM]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: []: [1]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [rild.libpath]: [/system/vendor/lib64/]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [ro.actionable_compatible_property.enabled]: [true]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: []: [1]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: []: [7168]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [ro.allow.mock.location]: [0]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [ro.appsflyer.preinstall.path]: [/cust/etc/pre_install.appsflyer]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: []: [true]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [ro.baseband]: [sdm]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [ro.bluetooth.emb_wp_mode]: [true]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [ro.bluetooth.library_name]: []
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [ro.bluetooth.wipower]: [true]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [ro.board.platform]: [sdm660]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: []: [/cust/etc/]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [ro.boot.avb_version]: [1.1]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [ro.boot.baseband]: [sdm]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [ro.boot.bootdevice]: [c0c4000.sdhci]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [ro.boot.bootreason]: [bootloader]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [ro.boot.console]: [ttyMSM0]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [ro.boot.cpuid]: [0x8faca6f7]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [ro.boot.dp]: [0x0]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [ro.boot.dtbo_idx]: [0]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [ro.boot.flash.locked]: [1]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [ro.boot.fpsensor]: [fpc]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [ro.boot.hardware]: [qcom]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [ro.boot.hwc]: [Global]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [ro.boot.hwlevel]: [MP]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [ro.boot.hwversion]: [1.29.0]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [ro.boot.keymaster]: [1]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [ro.boot.secureboot]: [1]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [ro.boot.serialno]: [c0a7856]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [ro.boot.vbmeta.avb_version]: [1.0]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [ro.boot.vbmeta.device_state]: [locked]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [ro.boot.vbmeta.digest]: [ec251841634f10f56a19763346f85f07c0b2901f42c3b6ceacc1bd9d879c1379]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [ro.boot.vbmeta.hash_alg]: [sha256]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [ro.boot.vbmeta.invalidate_on_error]: [yes]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [ro.boot.vbmeta.size]: [2688]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [ro.boot.verifiedbootstate]: [green]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [ro.boot.veritymode]: [enforcing]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: []: [Sun Apr 7 22:17:43 WIB 2019]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: []: [1554650263]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: []: [xiaomi/lavender_eea/lavender:9/PKQ1.180904.001/V10.2.7.0.PFGEUXM:user/release-keys]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [ro.bootloader]: [unknown]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [ro.bootmode]: [unknown]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: []: [default]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: []: [Sun Apr  7 22:17:43 WIB 2019]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: []: [1554650263]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: []: [lavender-user 9 PKQ1.180904.001 V10.2.7.0.PFGEUXM release-keys]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: []: [PKQ1.180904.001]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: []: [xiaomi/lavender_eea/lavender:9/PKQ1.180904.001/V10.2.7.0.PFGEUXM:user/release-keys]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: []: [lavender-user]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: []: [D7s-1]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: []: [mi-server]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: []: [PKQ1.180904.001]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: []: [lavender]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: []: []
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: []: [true]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: []: [release-keys]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: []: [user]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: []: [builder]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: []: [REL]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: []: []
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: []: [0.0.1_181015]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: []: [REL]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: []: []
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: []: [V10.2.7.0.PFGEUXM]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: []: []
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: []: [17]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: []: [0]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: []: [9]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: []: [28]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: []: [2019-03-05]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: []: []
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [ro.carrier]: [unknown]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [ro.channelid.ucbrowserintl]: [/cust/etc/ucconfiginfo]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [ro.colorpick_adjust]: [true]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: []: [false]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: []: [false]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: []: [android-xiaomi-rev1]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: []: [9_201902]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: []: []
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: []: [/system/etc/gboard_theme]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: []: [YG]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: []: [GOFU]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [ro.config.alarm_alert]: [Alarm_Classic.ogg]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [ro.config.elder-ringtone]: [Angel.mp3]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [ro.config.media_vol_default]: [10]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [ro.config.notification_sound]: [pixiedust.ogg]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [ro.config.ringtone]: [Ring_Synth_04.ogg]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [ro.config.sms_delivered_sound]: [MessageComplete.ogg]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [ro.config.sms_received_sound]: [FadeIn.ogg]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [ro.control_privapp_permissions]: [log]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [ro.crypto.fs_crypto_blkdev]: [/dev/block/dm-2]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [ro.crypto.state]: [encrypted]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [ro.crypto.type]: [block]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [ro.dalvik.vm.native.bridge]: [0]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [ro.debuggable]: [0]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [ro.device_owner]: [false]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [ro.expect.recovery_id]: [0xd75c4af55318d4a4a6786230e0bfd771a2ca237f000000000000000000000000]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [ro.frp.pst]: [/dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/frp]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [ro.hardware]: [qcom]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [ro.hardware.nfc_nci]: [nqx.default]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [ro.hwui.drop_shadow_cache_size]: [6]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [ro.hwui.gradient_cache_size]: [1]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [ro.hwui.layer_cache_size]: [48]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [ro.hwui.path_cache_size]: [32]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [ro.hwui.r_buffer_cache_size]: [8]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [ro.hwui.text_large_cache_height]: [2048]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [ro.hwui.text_large_cache_width]: [2048]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [ro.hwui.text_small_cache_height]: [1024]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [ro.hwui.text_small_cache_width]: [1024]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [ro.hwui.texture_cache_flushrate]: [0.4]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [ro.hwui.texture_cache_size]: [72]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [ro.logd.kernel]: [true]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [ro.logd.size.stats]: [64K]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [ro.malloc.impl]: [jemalloc]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: []: [eea]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [ro.miui.cust_variant]: [gr]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [ro.miui.customized_clientid]: [2]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [ro.miui.has_cust_partition]: [true]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [ro.miui.has_handy_mode_sf]: [1]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [ro.miui.has_real_blur]: [1]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [ro.miui.mcc]: [9202]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [ro.miui.mnc]: [9999]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [ro.miui.notch]: [1]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [ro.miui.region]: [GR]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [ro.miui.ui.version.code]: [8]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: []: [V10]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [ro.miui.version.code_time]: [1554570000]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: []: [Q660-13149-1]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [ro.nfc.port]: [I2C]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [ro.oem_unlock_supported]: [1]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [ro.opa.eligible_device]: [true]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [ro.opengles.version]: [196610]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [ro.product.board]: [sdm660]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [ro.product.brand]: [xiaomi]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [ro.product.cert]: [M1901F7G]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [ro.product.cpu.abi]: [arm64-v8a]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [ro.product.cpu.abilist]: [arm64-v8a,armeabi-v7a,armeabi]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [ro.product.cpu.abilist32]: [armeabi-v7a,armeabi]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [ro.product.cpu.abilist64]: [arm64-v8a]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [ro.product.cuptsm]: [XIAOMI|ESE|02|01]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [ro.product.device]: [lavender]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [ro.product.first_api_level]: [28]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [ro.product.locale]: [en-GB]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [ro.product.locale.language]: [el]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [ro.product.locale.region]: [GR]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [ro.product.manufacturer]: [Xiaomi]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [ro.product.mod_device]: [lavender_eea_global]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [ro.product.model]: [Redmi Note 7]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: []: [lavender_eea]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [ro.product.vendor.brand]: [xiaomi]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [ro.product.vendor.device]: [lavender]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [ro.product.vendor.manufacturer]: [Xiaomi]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [ro.product.vendor.model]: [Redmi Note 7]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: []: [lavender]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [ro.property_service.version]: [2]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [ro.qualcomm.cabl]: [0]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [ro.revision]: [0]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: []: [6]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: []: [866294046026243]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: []: [866294046326247]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: []: [2]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: []: [1]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [ro.secureboot.devicelock]: [1]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [ro.secureboot.lockstate]: [locked]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [ro.serialno]: [c0a7856]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [ro.setupwizard.mode]: [OPTIONAL]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [ro.sf.lcd_density]: [440]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [ro.telephony.call_ring.multiple]: [false]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [ro.telephony.default_network]: [9,9]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: []: [/cust/etc/lazadaconfiginfo]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [ro.treble.enabled]: [true]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: []: [Sun Apr 7 22:17:43 WIB 2019]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: []: [1554650263]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: []: [xiaomi/lavender_eea/lavender:9/PKQ1.180904.001/V10.2.7.0.PFGEUXM:user/release-keys]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: []: [2018-06-05]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [ro.vendor.miui.cust_variant]: [gr]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [ro.vendor.miui.mcc]: [9202]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [ro.vendor.miui.mnc]: [9999]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [ro.vendor.miui.region]: [GR]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [ro.vendor.qti.sys.fw.bservice_enable]: [true]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [ro.vndk.version]: [28]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [ro.wifi.channels]: []
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [ro.zygote]: [zygote64_32]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [sdm.debug.disable_skip_validate]: [1]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [sdm.debug.rotator_disable_ubwc]: [1]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [security.perf_harden]: [1]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [selinux.restorecon_recursive]: [/data/misc_ce/999]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [service.bootanim.exit]: [1]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [service.sf.present_timestamp]: [1]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [setupwizard.feature.predeferred_enabled]: [false]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [sys.autosuspend.timeout]: [500000]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [sys.boe_td4320_length]: [42]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [sys.boe_td4320_offset]: [-9]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [sys.boot.reason]: [bootloader]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [sys.boot_completed]: [1]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [sys.dump_progress]: [1000]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [sys.fp.vendor]: [fpc]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [sys.gyro.sensorname]: [ICM20607]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [sys.keyguard.screen_off_by_lid]: [false]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [sys.logbootcomplete]: [1]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [sys.miui.runtime.reboot]: [0]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [sys.miui.shutdown.waittime]: [500]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: []: [true]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [sys.oem_unlock_allowed]: [1]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [sys.panel.color]: [4137320100F73100]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [sys.panel.display]: [EBBG]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [sys.paper_mode_max_level]: [32]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [sys.power.starttimes]: [1]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [sys.provision.mtd]: []
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [sys.rescue_boot_count]: [1]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [sys.retaildemo.enabled]: [0]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [sys.shenchao_nt36672a_length]: [38]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [sys.shenchao_nt36672a_offset]: [-10]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [sys.sysctl.extra_free_kbytes]: [29615]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [sys.sysctl.tcp_def_init_rwnd]: [60]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [sys.tianma_nt36672a_length]: [42]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [sys.tianma_nt36672a_offset]: [6]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: []: [0]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [sys.uidcpupower]: []
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [sys.usb.config]: [adb]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [sys.usb.configfs]: [1]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [sys.usb.controller]: [a800000.dwc3]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [sys.usb.ffs.ready]: [1]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [sys.usb.state]: [adb]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [sys.user.0.ce_available]: [true]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [sys.vendor.shutdown.waittime]: [500]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [sys.white.x.value]: [130]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [sys.white.y.value]: [112]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [sys.wifitracing.started]: [1]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [telephony.lteOnCdmaDevice]: [1]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [vendor.gralloc.disable_ubwc]: [0]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [vendor.gralloc.enable_fb_ubwc]: [1]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [vendor.sys.listeners.registered]: [true]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [vendor.sys.rpmb_state]: [23]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [vidc.enc.dcvs.extra-buff-count]: [2]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [vidc.enc.target_support_bframe]: [1]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [vold.decrypt]: [trigger_restart_framework]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [vold.has_adoptable]: [1]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [vold.has_quota]: [1]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [vold.has_reserved]: [1]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [vold.post_fs_data_done]: [1]
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2d4afcc1] Process (6) output: [wifi.interface]: [wlan0]
[14:44:09][INFO  ][42917958] Process (6) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 18843
[14:44:09][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (7): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/adb" "-s" "c0a7856" "shell" "wm" "size"
[14:44:09][PROC  ][2a8b414f] Process (7) output: Physical size: 1080x2340
[14:44:09][INFO  ][42917958] Process (7) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 24
[14:44:09][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (8): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/adb" "-s" "c0a7856" "shell" "-x" "ls /system/xbin/su || echo return_code_is_not_zero"
[14:44:09][PROC  ][6aea5dd6] Process (8) output: ls: /system/xbin/su: No such file or directory
[14:44:09][PROC  ][6aea5dd6] Process (8) output: return_code_is_not_zero
[14:44:09][INFO  ][42917958] Process (8) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 70
[14:44:09][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (9): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/adb" "-s" "c0a7856" "shell" "-x" "ls /system/bin/su || echo return_code_is_not_zero"
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3575a5d5] Process (9) output: ls: /system/bin/su: No such file or directory
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3575a5d5] Process (9) output: return_code_is_not_zero
[14:44:09][INFO  ][42917958] Process (9) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 69
[14:44:09][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (10): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/adb" "-s" "c0a7856" "shell" "-x" "cat /proc/serial_num || echo return_code_is_not_zero"
[14:44:09][PROC  ][53440427] Process (10) output: 0x8faca6f7
[14:44:09][INFO  ][42917958] Process (10) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 10
[14:44:09][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (11): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/adb" "-s" "c0a7856" "shell" "-x" "cat /system/etc/device_features/lavender.xml || echo return_code_is_not_zero"
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output: <features>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <!--whether the device is pad-->
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <bool name="is_pad">false</bool>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <!--whether the device is xiaomi-->
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <bool name="is_xiaomi">false</bool>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <!--whether the device is hongmi-->
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <bool name="is_hongmi">true</bool>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <!--whether the device is redmi-->
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <bool name="is_redmi">true</bool>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <!--whether the device support alpha optimized-->
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <bool name="support_alpha_optimized">true</bool>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <!--whether the device supports torch-->
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <bool name="support_torch">true</bool>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <!--whether install the fm app-->
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <bool name="support_fm">true</bool>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <!--whether the device supports oldman mode-->
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <bool name="support_oldman_mode">true</bool>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <!--whether the device is dual sim card-->
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <bool name="support_dual_sim_card">true</bool>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <!--whether the device has dual systems-->
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <bool name="is_dual_system">false</bool>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <!--whether the device has dual sd card-->
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <bool name="support_dual_sd_card">true</bool>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <!--whether the device supports bt debug trace-->
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <bool name="btdebug_enabled">true</bool>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <!--whether the device supports page layout-->
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <bool name="support_page_layout">false</bool>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <!--whether the device supports record param-->
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <bool name="support_record_param">true</bool>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <!--whether the device supports interview record param-->
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <bool name="support_interview_record_param">true</bool>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <!--whether the device supports stereo record-->
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <bool name="support_stereo_record">true</bool>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <!--whether the device supports screen paper mode-->
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <bool name="support_screen_paper_mode">true</bool>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <!--whether the device supports button light-->
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <bool name="support_button_light">false</bool>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <!--whether the device supports emulated storage-->
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <bool name="support_emulated_storage">true</bool>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <!--whether the device supports internal sdcard-->
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <bool name="support_internal_sdcard">false</bool>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <!--whether the device supports power mode-->
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <bool name="support_power_mode">false</bool>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <!--whether the device supports dolby-->
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <bool name="support_dolby">false</bool>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <!--whether the device supports screen effect-->
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <bool name="support_screen_effect">true</bool>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <!--which screen effect options should be show-->
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <integer name="screen_effect_supported">7</integer>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <!--whether the device supports wapi-->
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <bool name="support_wapi">true</bool>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <!--whether the device is mediatek-->
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <bool name="is_mediatek">false</bool>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <!--whether the device supports media feedback-->
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <bool name="support_media_feedback">false</bool>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <!--whether the device supports phone call noise suppression-->
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <bool name="support_phone_call_noise_suppression">false</bool>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <!--whether the device supports touch sensitive-->
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <bool name="support_touch_sensitive">false</bool>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <!--whether the device supports broadcom wapi-->
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <bool name="support_broadcom_wapi">true</bool>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <!--whether the device supports erase external storage-->
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <bool name="support_erase_external_storage">true</bool>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <!--whether the device supports headset-->
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <bool name="support_headset">true</bool>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <!--whether the device supports nvdia wifi display-->
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <bool name="support_nvdia_wifi_display">false</bool>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <!--whether the device supports eap sim-->
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <bool name="support_eap_sim">true</bool>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <!--whether the device supports screen optimize-->
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <bool name="support_screen_optimize">false</bool>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <!--whether the device supports agps-->
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <bool name="support_agps">true</bool>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <!--whether the device supports feedback level-->
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <bool name="support_feedback_level">true</bool>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <!--whether the device supports miui lite-->
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <bool name="enable_miui_lite">false</bool>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <!--whether the device supports steps_provider-->
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <bool name="support_steps_provider">true</bool>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <!--whether the device supports hifi-->
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <bool name="support_hifi">false</bool>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <!--whether the device supports agps parameters-->
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <bool name="support_agps_paras">true</bool>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <!--whether the device supports agps roaming-->
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <bool name="support_agps_roaming">false</bool>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <!--whether the device supports IR-->
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <bool name="support_ir">true</bool>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <!-- whether the device supports app hiding-->
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <bool name="support_app_hiding">true</bool>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <!--whether the device can read cpu4 freq-->
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <bool name="is_read_cpu4_freq">false</bool>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <!--whether the device supports cit-->
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <bool name="support_cit">true</bool>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <!--whether the device is xiaomi-->
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <bool name="is_xiaomi_device">true</bool>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <!--whether the device supports encrypt-->
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <bool name="support_device_encrypt">true</bool>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <!--whether support burst shoot in camera-->
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <bool name="support_camera_burst_shoot">true</bool>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <!--whether support burst shoot denoise in camera-->
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <bool name="support_camera_burst_shoot_denoise">true</bool>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <!--whether support solid recording in camera-->
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <bool name="support_camera_movie_solid">true</bool>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <!--whether support shader effect in camera-->
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <bool name="support_camera_shader_effect">true</bool>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <!--whether support skin beauty in camera-->
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <bool name="support_camera_skin_beauty">true</bool>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <!--whether support age detection in camera-->
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <bool name="support_camera_age_detection">true</bool>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <!--whether support record location in camera-->
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <bool name="support_camera_record_location">true</bool>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <!--whether support time watermark in camera-->
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <bool name="support_camera_water_mark">true</bool>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <!--whether support new style time watermark in camera-->
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <bool name="support_camera_new_style_time_water_mark">true</bool>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <!--whether support face info watermark in camera-->
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <bool name="support_camera_face_info_water_mark">true</bool>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <!--whether support pause recording in camera-->
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <bool name="support_camera_video_pause">true</bool>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <!--whether support boosting screen brightness in camera-->
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <bool name="support_camera_boost_brightness">true</bool>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <!--whether taking lower size panorama in camera-->
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <bool name="is_lower_size_panorama">true</bool>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <!--whether taking lower size effect image in camera-->
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <bool name="is_lower_size_effect">false</bool>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <!--whether support aohdr in camera-->
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <bool name="support_camera_aohdr">false</bool>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <!--whether support high frame recording in camera-->
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <bool name="support_camera_hfr">true</bool>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <!--whether support chroma flash in camera-->
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <bool name="support_chroma_flash">false</bool>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <!--whether support object tracking in camera-->
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <bool name="support_object_track">false</bool>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <!--whether support 4k recording in camera-->
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <bool name="support_camera_4k_quality">false</bool>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <!--whether support audio focus recording in camera-->
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <bool name="support_camera_audio_focus">false</bool>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <!--whether use morpho lib in camera-->
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <bool name="is_camera_use_morpho_lib">true</bool>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <!--whether replace a lower cost effect to avoid preview lag-->
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <bool name="is_camera_replace_higher_cost_effect">false</bool>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <!--whether support manual focus/exposure_time in camera-->
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <bool name="support_camera_manual_function">true</bool>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <bool name="support_camera_manual_function_focus">true</bool>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <bool name="support_camera_manual_function_et">true</bool>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <!--whether capture when user press down the shutter in camera instead of left the shutter-->
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <bool name="support_camera_press_down_capture">true</bool>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <!--whether support capture in torch mode in camera-->
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <bool name="support_camera_torch_capture">true</bool>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <!--whether freeze preview after hdr capture in camera-->
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <bool name="is_camera_freeze_after_hdr_capture">false</bool>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <!--whether set orientation info for face detection in camera-->
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <bool name="is_camera_face_detection_need_orientation">false</bool>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <!--whether hold blured background for effects preview in camera-->
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <bool name="is_camera_hold_blur_background">true</bool>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <!--whether support peaking mf in camera-->
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <bool name="support_camera_peaking_mf">false</bool>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <!--whether support gradienter in camera-->
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <bool name="support_camera_gradienter">true</bool>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <!--whether scan qrcode with lower frequency in camera-->
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <bool name="is_camera_lower_qrscan_frequency">true</bool>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <!--whether listen frame with single subthread looper in camera-->
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <bool name="is_camera_preview_with_subthread_looper">true</bool>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <!--whether add watermark in camera app-->
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <bool name="is_camera_app_water_mark">true</bool>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <!--whether support tiltshift  in camera-->
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <bool name="support_camera_tilt_shift">true</bool>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <!--whether support magic mirror in camera-->
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <bool name="support_camera_magic_mirror">true</bool>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <!--whether support groupshot mode  in camera-->
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <bool name="support_camera_groupshot">true</bool>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <!--whether rotate the final image in camera isp-->
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <bool name="is_camera_isp_rotated">false</bool>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <!--whether support snap with screen off  in camera-->
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <bool name="support_camera_quick_snap">true</bool>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <!-- whether the device app permission detail show in provision-->
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <bool name="support_provision_app_permission">true</bool>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <!--whether support pre-installed application-->
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <bool name="support_pre_installed_application">true</bool>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <!--wheater support validate device when syste upadte -->
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <bool name="support_ota_validate">true</bool>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <!--wheater support show credentials-->
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <bool name="support_credentials">true</bool>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <!--the vendor feature, it's value may be qcom,mediatek,leadcore or nvidia-->
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <string name="vendor">qcom</string>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <!--release time for the device, should be an unix timestamp-->
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <string name="release_time">1470758400000</string>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <!--0:not support 1:close gamut 2:close ce-->
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <integer name="screen_standard_mode">2</integer>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <!--Flag of reduce preview size in camera(1:reduce, 0:do not reduce; 1st byte:rear camera, 2nd byte:front camera, 3rd byte:rear video, 4th byte:front video )-->
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <integer name="camera_reduce_preview_flag">14</integer>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <!--max number of burst images one time -->
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <integer name="burst_shoot_count">20</integer>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <!--b0:flash b1:hdr b2:motion b3:night-->
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <integer name="camera_supported_asd">11</integer>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <!--front asd b0:flash b1:hdr b2:motion b3:night-->
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <integer name="camera_supported_front_asd">10</integer>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <!-- camera is support scene -->
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <bool name="camera_supported_scene">false</bool>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <!-- front hht enhance-->
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <bool name="support_front_hht_enhance">true</bool>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <!--max cpu freq of the device-->
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <integer name="cpu_max_freq">220</integer>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <!--total steps number of camera compensation-->
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <float name="camera_exposure_compensation_steps_num">12.0</float>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <!--Left margin of count down parent layout for front camera-->
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <float name="camera_front_count_down_margin">0.3177</float>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <!--camera continuous shot callback class name-->
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <string name="camera_continuous_shot_callback_class">ContinuousShotCallback</string>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <!--camera continuous shot callback setter method name-->
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <string name="camera_continuous_shot_callback_setter">setContinuousShotCallback</string>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <bool name="fingerprint_wakeup_device">true</bool>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <!-- fingerprint navigation event name list -->
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <string-array name="fp_nav_event_name_list">
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:         <item>uinput-fpc</item>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:         <item>uinput-goodix</item>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     </string-array>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <!-- type of soter finger pay, config by owner of soter -->
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <integer name="type_soter_finger_pay">2</integer>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <!-- whether support double tap to wake up device -->
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <bool name="support_gesture_wakeup">true</bool>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <!--Led light features-->
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <bool name="support_led_light">true</bool>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <bool name="support_led_color">false</bool>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <bool name="support_audio_loopback">true</bool>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <!--Add for the system data-app which could uninstall by user-->
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <string-array name="system_data_packagename_list">
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:         <item>com.xiaomi.pass</item>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:         <item>com.xiaomi.scanner</item>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:         <item>com.xiaomi.gamecenter</item>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:         <item>com.miui.weather2</item>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:         <item>com.miui.notes</item>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:         <item>com.miui.compass</item>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:         <item>com.miui.calculator</item>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:         <item></item>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:         <item>com.miui.cleanmaster</item>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:         <item>com.mi.misupport</item>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:         <item>com.duokan.reader</item>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:         <item>com.mfashiongallery.emag</item>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:         <item>com.miui.personalassistant</item>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:         <item>com.miui.voip</item>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:         <item>com.miui.yellowpage</item>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:         <item>com.xiaomi.midrop</item>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:         <item></item>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:         <item>com.xiaomi.drivemode</item>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     </string-array>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <!--system data-app path list -->
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <string-array name="system_data_path_list">
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:         <item>/system/data-app/XMPass/XMPass.apk</item>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:         <item>/system/data-app/MiuiScanner/MiuiScanner.apk</item>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:         <item>/system/data-app/GameCenter/GameCenter.apk</item>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:         <item>/system/data-app/Weather/Weather.apk</item>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:         <item>/system/data-app/Notes/Notes.apk</item>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:         <item>/system/data-app/MiuiCompass/MiuiCompass.apk</item>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:         <item>/system/data-app/Calculator/Calculator.apk</item>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:         <item>/system/data-app/Email/Email.apk</item>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:         <item>/system/data-app/CleanMaster/CleanMaster.apk</item>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:         <item>/system/data-app/MiSupport/MiSupport.apk</item>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:         <item>/system/data-app/com.duokan.reader/com.duokan.reader.apk</item>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:         <item>/system/data-app/MiGalleryLockscreen/MiGalleryLockscreen.apk</item>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:         <item>/system/data-app/PersonalAssistant/PersonalAssistant.apk</item>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:         <item>/system/data-app/MiuiVoip/MiuiVoip.apk</item>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:         <item>/system/data-app/YellowPage/YellowPage.apk</item>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:         <item>/system/data-app/MiDrop/MiDrop.apk</item>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:         <item>/system/data-app/MiDrive/MiDrive.apk</item>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:         <item>/system/data-app/MiuiDriveMode/MiuiDriveMode.apk</item>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     </string-array>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <!-- whether camera support AI lens entry -->
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <bool name="camera_support_ai_lens">true</bool>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <!--whether show my device-->
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <bool name="support_my_device">true</bool>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <!-- whether support LDAC -->
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <bool name="support_ldac">false</bool>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <!--battery capacity typ of the device-->
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <string name="battery_capacity_typ">4000</string>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <!--whether show basic info items-->
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <bool name="support_show_basic_items">true</bool>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <!-- whether CN hardware can flash Global rom -->
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <bool name="enable_flash_global">false</bool>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <bool name="support_new_silentmode">true</bool>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <!--whether taking 18x9 ratio screen in camera-->
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <bool name="is_18x9_ratio_screen">false</bool>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <!--whether support portrait in camera-->
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <bool name="is_support_portrait">true</bool>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <!--whether camera support screen light-->
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <bool name="support_screen_light">true</bool>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <!--whether taking legacy face beauty in camera-->
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <bool name="is_legacy_face_beauty">false</bool>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <!--whether front camera support hdr or not-->
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <bool name="support_front_hdr">true</bool>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:   <!--whether front camera support hht or not-->
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <bool name="support_front_hht">true</bool>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <!--whether front camera support bokeh or not-->
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:    <bool name="support_front_bokeh">true</bool>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <!--whether support auto mirror in camera-->
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <bool name="support_auto_mirror">false</bool>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <!--whether support auto mirror in camera-->
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <bool name="enhance_beauty_with_hht">true</bool>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <!--whether support add watermark on bottom left of picture-->
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <bool name="support_picture_watermark">true</bool>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <!--whether need video stabilizatiion crop-->
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <bool name="need_video_stabilization_crop">true</bool>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <bool name="disable_video_stabilization_in_speed_slow_mode">true</bool>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <!--whether add algorithm in file name or not-->
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <bool name="enable_algorithm_in_file_suffix">false</bool>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <!--whether enable face detection in video and funmode or not-->
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <bool name="support_camera_video_face_detection">true</bool>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <!-- Camera HDR default value -->
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <integer name="support_camera_hdr_default_value">3</integer>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <integer name="support_camera_front_hdr_default_value">1</integer>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <!--whether camera support portrait mode switch -->
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <bool name="camera_is_support_portrait_front">true</bool>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <!--whether camera support portrait mode switch -->
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <bool name="camera_is_support_portrait_switch">true</bool>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <!-- Support Sign Verify In Cust Partition-->
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <bool name="support_sign_verify_in_cust">true</bool>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <bool name="support_super_resolution">true</bool>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <!--whether the device support hall sensor-->
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <bool name="support_hall_sensor">false</bool>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <!--whether sensor_has_latency-->
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <bool name="sensor_has_latency">true</bool>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <!-- device head sar value -->
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <float name="device_head_sar">0.962</float>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <!-- device body sar value -->
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output:     <float name="device_body_sar">0.838</float>
[14:44:09][PROC  ][3e08cd3b] Process (11) output: </features>
[14:44:09][INFO  ][42917958] Process (11) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 17195
[14:44:09][INFO  ][42917958] Properties parsed
[14:44:09][PSTA  ][2af8cd19] Start process (12): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/adb" "devices"
[14:44:09][PROC  ][f77a1cc] Process (12) output: List of devices attached
[14:44:09][PROC  ][f77a1cc] Process (12) output: c0a7856    device
[14:44:09][PROC  ][f77a1cc] Process (12) output: 
[14:44:09][INFO  ][2af8cd19] Process (12) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 40
[14:44:09][PSTA  ][2af8cd19] Start process (13): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/fastboot" "devices"
[14:44:09][INFO  ][2af8cd19] Process (13) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 0
[14:44:09][INFO  ][2af8cd19] Connected device: c0a7856 -> device
[14:44:09][PSTA  ][25e49e8e] Start process (14): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/adb" "devices"
[14:44:09][PROC  ][27b5d86d] Process (14) output: List of devices attached
[14:44:09][PROC  ][27b5d86d] Process (14) output: c0a7856   device
[14:44:09][PROC  ][27b5d86d] Process (14) output: 
[14:44:09][INFO  ][25e49e8e] Process (14) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 40
[14:44:09][PSTA  ][25e49e8e] Start process (15): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/fastboot" "devices"
[14:44:09][INFO  ][25e49e8e] Process (15) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 0
[14:44:09][INFO  ][25e49e8e] Connected device: c0a7856 -> device
[14:44:10][INFO  ][25e49e8e] Total connected device found: 1
[14:44:10][INFO  ][25e49e8e] Displaying found devices to choose
[14:44:12][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (16): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/adb" "devices"
[14:44:12][PROC  ][3f37680] Process (16) output: List of devices attached
[14:44:12][PROC  ][3f37680] Process (16) output: c0a7856    device
[14:44:12][PROC  ][3f37680] Process (16) output: 
[14:44:12][INFO  ][42917958] Process (16) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 40
[14:44:12][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (17): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/fastboot" "devices"
[14:44:12][INFO  ][42917958] Process (17) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 0
[14:44:12][INFO  ][42917958] Connected device: c0a7856 -> device
[14:44:13][INFO  ][25e49e8e] Rebooting and expecting device c0a7856 turned on with usb debug enabled, auth and connected
[14:44:13][INFO  ][25e49e8e] Expecting device authorized
[14:44:13][INFO  ][25e49e8e] Expecting device connected to the pc
[14:44:13][INFO  ][25e49e8e] Starting find_device_info visual procedure
[14:44:13][INFO  ][68ada7f2] Starting find_device_info reboot thread
[14:44:13][INFO  ][68ada7f2] Device fastboot properties are not parsed yet
[14:44:13][PSTA  ][68ada7f2] Start process (18): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/adb" "-s" "c0a7856" "reboot" "bootloader"
[14:44:14][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (19): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/adb" "devices"
[14:44:14][PROC  ][dc120da] Process (19) output: List of devices attached
[14:44:14][PROC  ][dc120da] Process (19) output: c0a7856    device
[14:44:14][PROC  ][dc120da] Process (19) output: 
[14:44:14][INFO  ][42917958] Process (19) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 40
[14:44:14][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (20): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/fastboot" "devices"
[14:44:14][INFO  ][42917958] Process (20) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 0
[14:44:14][INFO  ][42917958] Connected device: c0a7856 -> device
[14:44:16][INFO  ][68ada7f2] Process (18) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 0
[14:44:17][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (21): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/adb" "devices"
[14:44:17][PROC  ][56c2f2ab] Process (21) output: List of devices attached
[14:44:17][PROC  ][56c2f2ab] Process (21) output: 
[14:44:17][INFO  ][42917958] Process (21) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 25
[14:44:17][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (22): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/fastboot" "devices"
[14:44:17][INFO  ][42917958] Process (22) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 0
[14:44:19][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (23): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/adb" "devices"
[14:44:19][PROC  ][6989a1f0] Process (23) output: List of devices attached
[14:44:19][PROC  ][6989a1f0] Process (23) output: 
[14:44:19][INFO  ][42917958] Process (23) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 25
[14:44:19][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (24): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/fastboot" "devices"
[14:44:19][INFO  ][42917958] Process (24) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 0
[14:44:22][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (25): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/adb" "devices"
[14:44:22][PROC  ][2a51e479] Process (25) output: List of devices attached
[14:44:22][PROC  ][2a51e479] Process (25) output: 
[14:44:22][INFO  ][42917958] Process (25) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 25
[14:44:22][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (26): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/fastboot" "devices"
[14:44:22][PROC  ][66eb96bd] Process (26) output: c0a7856   fastboot
[14:44:22][INFO  ][42917958] Process (26) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 16
[14:44:22][INFO  ][42917958] Connected device: c0a7856 -> fastboot
[14:44:22][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (27): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/fastboot" "-s" "c0a7856" "oem" "device-info"
[14:44:22][PROC  ][4b3a76b2] Process (27) output:                                                    (bootloader) Verity mode: true
[14:44:22][PROC  ][4b3a76b2] Process (27) output: (bootloader) Device unlocked: false
[14:44:22][PROC  ][4b3a76b2] Process (27) output: (bootloader) Device critical unlocked: false
[14:44:22][PROC  ][4b3a76b2] Process (27) output: (bootloader) Charger screen enabled: false
[14:44:22][PROC  ][4b3a76b2] Process (27) output: OKAY [  0.001s]
[14:44:22][PROC  ][4b3a76b2] Process (27) output: Finished. Total time: 0.001s
[14:44:22][INFO  ][42917958] Process (27) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 250
[14:44:22][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (28): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/fastboot" "-s" "c0a7856" "getvar" "all"
[14:44:22][PROC  ][6cc7d725] Process (28) output: getvar:all                                         FAILED (remote: 'unknown command')
[14:44:22][PROC  ][6cc7d725] Process (28) output: Finished. Total time: 0.000s
[14:44:22][INFO  ][42917958] Process (28) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 114
[14:44:22][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (29): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/fastboot" "-s" "c0a7856" "getvar" "product"
[14:44:22][PROC  ][11425e36] Process (29) output: getvar:product                                     FAILED (remote: 'GetVar Variable Not found')
[14:44:22][PROC  ][11425e36] Process (29) output: Finished. Total time: 0.001s
[14:44:22][INFO  ][42917958] Process (29) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 124
[14:44:22][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (30): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/fastboot" "-s" "c0a7856" "getvar" "unlocked"
[14:44:22][PROC  ][7406c9fb] Process (30) output: getvar:unlocked                                    FAILED (remote: 'unknown command')
[14:44:22][PROC  ][7406c9fb] Process (30) output: Finished. Total time: 0.001s
[14:44:22][INFO  ][42917958] Process (30) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 114
[14:44:22][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (31): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/fastboot" "-s" "c0a7856" "getvar" "token"
[14:44:22][PROC  ][3d3f8a2c] Process (31) output: getvar:token                                       FAILED (remote: 'GetVar Variable Not found')
[14:44:22][PROC  ][3d3f8a2c] Process (31) output: Finished. Total time: 0.001s
[14:44:22][INFO  ][42917958] Process (31) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 124
[14:44:22][INFO  ][42917958] Properties parsed
[14:44:22][INFO  ][68ada7f2] Device rebooted to fastboot, parsing starting soon
[14:44:23][INFO  ][68ada7f2] Device sideload and recovery properties are not parsed yet
[14:44:23][INFO  ][68ada7f2] Bootloader il locked, we go to stock recovery now
[14:44:23][INFO  ][68ada7f2] Starting reboot to stock recovery visual procedure
[14:44:23][INFO  ][68ada7f2] Expecting device connected to the pc
[14:44:23][INFO  ][68ada7f2] Expecting device authorized
[14:44:23][PSTA  ][68ada7f2] Start process (32): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/fastboot" "-s" "c0a7856" "reboot"
[14:44:23][PROC  ][4fd19afe] Process (32) output: Rebooting                                          FAILED (remote: 'unknown command')
[14:44:23][PROC  ][4fd19afe] Process (32) output: fastboot: error: Command failed
[14:44:23][INFO  ][68ada7f2] Process (32) ended with exit code: 1, output len: 117
[14:44:24][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (33): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/adb" "devices"
[14:44:24][PROC  ][516c2bfe] Process (33) output: List of devices attached
[14:44:24][PROC  ][516c2bfe] Process (33) output: 
[14:44:24][INFO  ][42917958] Process (33) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 25
[14:44:24][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (34): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/fastboot" "devices"
[14:44:24][PROC  ][2f772062] Process (34) output: c0a7856   fastboot
[14:44:24][INFO  ][42917958] Process (34) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 16
[14:44:24][INFO  ][42917958] Connected device: c0a7856 -> fastboot
[14:44:24][INFO  ][68ada7f2] Expecting device connected to the pc
[14:44:24][INFO  ][68ada7f2] Expecting device authorized
[14:44:24][WARN  ][68ada7f2] Failed to reboot to recovery mode, skipping: Failed to reboot to stock recovery
[14:44:25][INFO  ][68ada7f2] Starting installation part main procedure
[14:44:25][INFO  ][68ada7f2] Main procedure loaded, starting now
[14:44:25][INFO  ][68ada7f2] Running now procedure: rebootNoWaitIfConnected
[14:44:25][INFO  ][68ada7f2] Rebooting to device mode if connected wait: false
[14:44:25][PSTA  ][68ada7f2] Start process (35): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/fastboot" "-s" "c0a7856" "reboot"
[14:44:25][PROC  ][18264707] Process (35) output: Rebooting                                          OKAY [  0.000s]
[14:44:26][PROC  ][18264707] Process (35) output: Finished. Total time: 0.051s
[14:44:26][INFO  ][68ada7f2] Process (35) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 95
[14:44:26][INFO  ][68ada7f2] Running now procedure: chooseRomCategory
[14:44:26][INFO  ][68ada7f2] Choosing rom category
[14:44:26][LOG   ][4a7c8ffe] Feedback token request result: 200 - 02db96a6ef0f4d7e1fe1c56b1f43b421f1b41f024b20bb9e747ec948b40c58e1265e62605a8e9f27ad75d8a1dc3410e9
[14:44:26][LOG   ][4a7c8ffe] Feedback send result: 200 - 
[14:44:27][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (36): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/adb" "devices"
[14:44:27][PROC  ][14a99a7d] Process (36) output: List of devices attached
[14:44:27][PROC  ][14a99a7d] Process (36) output: 
[14:44:27][INFO  ][42917958] Process (36) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 25
[14:44:27][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (37): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/fastboot" "devices"
[14:44:27][INFO  ][42917958] Process (37) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 0
[14:44:29][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (38): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/adb" "devices"
[14:44:29][PROC  ][3575d6b7] Process (38) output: List of devices attached
[14:44:29][PROC  ][3575d6b7] Process (38) output: 
[14:44:29][INFO  ][42917958] Process (38) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 25
[14:44:29][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (39): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/fastboot" "devices"
[14:44:29][INFO  ][42917958] Process (39) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 0
[14:44:32][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (40): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/adb" "devices"
[14:44:32][PROC  ][1eb8d07c] Process (40) output: List of devices attached
[14:44:32][PROC  ][1eb8d07c] Process (40) output: 
[14:44:32][INFO  ][42917958] Process (40) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 25
[14:44:32][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (41): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/fastboot" "devices"
[14:44:32][INFO  ][42917958] Process (41) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 0
[14:44:32][INFO  ][68ada7f2] Category choosen: 1, group: Unofficial roms
[14:44:32][INFO  ][68ada7f2] Running now procedure: runStackedProcedures
[14:44:32][INFO  ][68ada7f2] Running now procedure: suggestInternetIfMissing
[14:44:32][INFO  ][4f17c352] is reachable
[14:44:32][INFO  ][68ada7f2] Running now procedure: conditional
[14:44:32][INFO  ][68ada7f2] Running now procedure: fetchXiaomieuRom
[14:44:32][INFO  ][68ada7f2] Fetching latest rom: branch: STABLE
[14:44:32][INFO  ][68ada7f2] Searching latest ota rom for device: lavender, branch: STABLE
[14:44:33][INFO  ][68ada7f2] ota response: V10.3.1.0.PFGCNXM_da5223a754000f8e353595b7ffcac3d6_1554812336_1.6G_9
[14:44:33][INFO  ][68ada7f2] Running now procedure: fetchAllUnofficial
[14:44:33][INFO  ][68ada7f2] Running now procedure: fetchXiaomieuRom
[14:44:33][INFO  ][68ada7f2] Fetching latest rom: branch: DEVELOPER
[14:44:33][INFO  ][68ada7f2] Searching latest ota rom for device: lavender, branch: DEVELOPER
[14:44:34][INFO  ][68ada7f2] ota response: 9.4.25_df7a72415fe38fa580a332ba1423ef65_1556203060_1.7G_9
[14:44:34][INFO  ][68ada7f2] Running now procedure: fetchAllUnofficial
[14:44:34][INFO  ][68ada7f2] Running now procedure: stashContext
[14:44:34][INFO  ][68ada7f2] Running now procedure: chooseRom
[14:44:34][INFO  ][68ada7f2] Showing rom options to user
[14:44:34][INFO  ][68ada7f2] Showing installable: Choice: rom - Stable - Download and install rom - V10.3.1.0.PFGCNXM
[14:44:34][INFO  ][68ada7f2] Showing installable: Choice: rom - Developer - Download and install rom - 9.4.25
[14:44:34][INFO  ][68ada7f2] Showing procedure: Choice: Local rom file - Install a rom that you already downloaded on your pc. Both miui and non-miui roms accepted
[14:44:34][INFO  ][68ada7f2] Showing procedure: Choice: Back to categories - Go back and choose another category of installables
[14:44:34][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (42): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/adb" "devices"
[14:44:34][PROC  ][5f59b5d] Process (42) output: List of devices attached
[14:44:34][PROC  ][5f59b5d] Process (42) output: 
[14:44:34][INFO  ][42917958] Process (42) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 25
[14:44:34][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (43): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/fastboot" "devices"
[14:44:34][INFO  ][42917958] Process (43) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 0
[14:44:37][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (44): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/adb" "devices"
[14:44:37][PROC  ][3f4c2c2f] Process (44) output: List of devices attached
[14:44:37][PROC  ][3f4c2c2f] Process (44) output: 
[14:44:37][INFO  ][42917958] Process (44) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 25
[14:44:37][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (45): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/fastboot" "devices"
[14:44:37][INFO  ][42917958] Process (45) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 0
[14:44:37][WARN  ][2f73db8f] is not reachable
[14:44:37][INFO  ][2f73db8f] but it is reachable on port 80
[14:44:37][WARN  ][6828c80] is not reachable
[14:44:38][INFO  ][6828c80] but it is reachable on port 80
[14:44:39][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (46): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/adb" "devices"
[14:44:39][PROC  ][4086f71a] Process (46) output: List of devices attached
[14:44:39][PROC  ][4086f71a] Process (46) output: 
[14:44:39][INFO  ][42917958] Process (46) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 25
[14:44:39][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (47): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/fastboot" "devices"
[14:44:39][INFO  ][42917958] Process (47) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 0
[14:44:42][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (48): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/adb" "devices"
[14:44:42][PROC  ][183a6eb6] Process (48) output: List of devices attached
[14:44:42][PROC  ][183a6eb6] Process (48) output: 
[14:44:42][INFO  ][42917958] Process (48) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 25
[14:44:42][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (49): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/fastboot" "devices"
[14:44:42][INFO  ][42917958] Process (49) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 0
[14:44:44][INFO  ][68ada7f2] The user has choosen this procedure: Choice: Back to categories - Go back and choose another category of installables
[14:44:44][INFO  ][68ada7f2] Running now procedure: runStackedProcedures
[14:44:44][INFO  ][68ada7f2] Running now procedure: getInstallProcedure
[14:44:44][INFO  ][68ada7f2] Running now procedure: chooseRomCategory
[14:44:44][INFO  ][68ada7f2] Choosing rom category
[14:44:44][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (50): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/adb" "devices"
[14:44:44][PROC  ][1a7e6a9f] Process (50) output: List of devices attached
[14:44:44][PROC  ][1a7e6a9f] Process (50) output: 
[14:44:44][INFO  ][42917958] Process (50) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 25
[14:44:44][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (51): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/fastboot" "devices"
[14:44:44][INFO  ][42917958] Process (51) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 0
[14:44:46][INFO  ][68ada7f2] Category choosen: 2, group: Mods and stuff
[14:44:46][INFO  ][68ada7f2] Running now procedure: runStackedProcedures
[14:44:46][INFO  ][68ada7f2] Running now procedure: suggestInternetIfMissing
[14:44:46][INFO  ][2b79c129] is reachable
[14:44:46][INFO  ][68ada7f2] Running now procedure: conditional
[14:44:46][INFO  ][68ada7f2] Running now procedure: findTwrpMeInstallable
[14:44:46][INFO  ][68ada7f2] Searching latest TWRP for device: lavender on
[14:44:47][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (52): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/adb" "devices"
[14:44:47][PROC  ][3fac1b72] Process (52) output: List of devices attached
[14:44:47][PROC  ][3fac1b72] Process (52) output: 
[14:44:47][INFO  ][42917958] Process (52) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 25
[14:44:47][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (53): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/fastboot" "devices"
[14:44:47][INFO  ][42917958] Process (53) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 0
[14:44:47][WARN  ][68ada7f2] InstallException created: aborted - The installation was aborted by the user
[14:44:47][WARN  ][68ada7f2] InstallException created: rom_selection_error - Rom selection procedure error: Failed to retrive twrp json data
[14:44:47][WARN  ][68ada7f2] Fallback: skipping install exception: rom_selection_error - Rom selection procedure error: Failed to retrive twrp json data
[14:44:47][INFO  ][68ada7f2] Running now procedure: findAfhInstallable
[14:44:47][INFO  ][68ada7f2] Searching TWRP on android file host
[14:44:47][INFO  ][68ada7f2] Searching latest TWRP for device: lavender from android file host
[14:44:47][INFO  ][68ada7f2] Searching files in android file host directory: 50678
[14:44:49][INFO  ][68ada7f2] Searching download link of android file host file: 11410963190603910747
[14:44:49][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (54): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/adb" "devices"
[14:44:49][PROC  ][5af28348] Process (54) output: List of devices attached
[14:44:49][PROC  ][5af28348] Process (54) output: 
[14:44:49][INFO  ][42917958] Process (54) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 25
[14:44:49][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (55): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/fastboot" "devices"
[14:44:49][INFO  ][42917958] Process (55) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 0
[14:44:51][WARN  ][54afae5e] is not reachable
[14:44:51][WARN  ][1a9255d] is not reachable
[14:44:51][INFO  ][1a9255d] but it is reachable on port 80
[14:44:52][INFO  ][54afae5e] but it is reachable on port 80
[14:44:52][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (56): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/adb" "devices"
[14:44:52][PROC  ][11fba9f] Process (56) output: List of devices attached
[14:44:52][PROC  ][11fba9f] Process (56) output: 
[14:44:52][INFO  ][42917958] Process (56) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 25
[14:44:52][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (57): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/fastboot" "devices"
[14:44:52][INFO  ][42917958] Process (57) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 0
[14:44:54][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (58): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/adb" "devices"
[14:44:54][PROC  ][b721872] Process (58) output: List of devices attached
[14:44:54][PROC  ][b721872] Process (58) output: 
[14:44:54][INFO  ][42917958] Process (58) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 25
[14:44:54][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (59): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/fastboot" "devices"
[14:44:54][INFO  ][42917958] Process (59) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 0
[14:44:55][PROC  ][2af8cd19] Process (3) output: 00000010c0a7856    offline
[14:44:55][PSTA  ][2af8cd19] Start process (60): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/adb" "devices"
[14:44:55][PROC  ][29375843] Process (60) output: List of devices attached
[14:44:55][PROC  ][29375843] Process (60) output: c0a7856   offline
[14:44:55][PROC  ][29375843] Process (60) output: 
[14:44:55][INFO  ][2af8cd19] Process (60) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 41
[14:44:55][PSTA  ][2af8cd19] Start process (61): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/fastboot" "devices"
[14:44:55][INFO  ][2af8cd19] Process (61) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 0
[14:44:55][INFO  ][2af8cd19] Connected device: c0a7856 -> offline
[14:44:55][PROC  ][2af8cd19] Process (3) output: 000fc0a7856    device
[14:44:55][PSTA  ][2af8cd19] Start process (62): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/adb" "devices"
[14:44:55][PROC  ][9107b91] Process (62) output: List of devices attached
[14:44:55][PROC  ][9107b91] Process (62) output: c0a7856    device
[14:44:55][PROC  ][9107b91] Process (62) output: 
[14:44:55][INFO  ][2af8cd19] Process (62) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 40
[14:44:55][PSTA  ][2af8cd19] Start process (63): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/fastboot" "devices"
[14:44:55][INFO  ][2af8cd19] Process (63) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 0
[14:44:55][INFO  ][2af8cd19] Connected device: c0a7856 -> device
[14:44:56][INFO  ][68ada7f2] Running now procedure: fetchAllMods
[14:44:56][INFO  ][68ada7f2] Running now procedure: fetchMagiskStable
[14:44:56][INFO  ][68ada7f2] Fetching latest magisk stable
[14:44:56][INFO  ][68ada7f2] Magisk latest response: {
  "app": {
    "version": "7.1.2",
    "versionCode": "208",
    "link": "",
    "note": ""
  "uninstaller": {
    "link": ""
  "magisk": {
    "version": "19.1",
    "versionCode": "19100",
    "link": "",
    "note": "",
    "md5": "1205486d9302e2e8ea03d67bd1f67aa3"

[14:44:56][INFO  ][68ada7f2] Running now procedure: fetchAllMods
[14:44:56][INFO  ][68ada7f2] Running now procedure: doNothing
[14:44:56][INFO  ][68ada7f2] Running now procedure: chooseRom
[14:44:56][INFO  ][68ada7f2] Showing rom options to user
[14:44:56][INFO  ][68ada7f2] Showing installable: Choice: Twrp recovery - - Download and install twrp automatically
[14:44:56][INFO  ][68ada7f2] Showing installable: Choice: Root with magisk - Download and install magisk 19.1
[14:44:56][INFO  ][68ada7f2] Showing procedure: Choice: Local mod file - Install a twrp flashable zip mod already present on your pc
[14:44:56][INFO  ][68ada7f2] Showing procedure: Choice: Custom recovery - Install a custom local file recovery, such as TWRP recovery
[14:44:56][INFO  ][68ada7f2] Showing procedure: Choice: Back to categories - Go back and choose another category of installables
[14:44:57][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (64): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/adb" "devices"
[14:44:57][PROC  ][1f016dd9] Process (64) output: List of devices attached
[14:44:57][PROC  ][1f016dd9] Process (64) output: c0a7856   device
[14:44:57][PROC  ][1f016dd9] Process (64) output: 
[14:44:57][INFO  ][42917958] Process (64) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 40
[14:44:57][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (65): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/fastboot" "devices"
[14:44:57][INFO  ][42917958] Process (65) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 0
[14:44:57][INFO  ][42917958] Connected device: c0a7856 -> device
[14:44:59][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (66): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/adb" "devices"
[14:44:59][PROC  ][669b3a00] Process (66) output: List of devices attached
[14:44:59][PROC  ][669b3a00] Process (66) output: c0a7856   device
[14:44:59][PROC  ][669b3a00] Process (66) output: 
[14:44:59][INFO  ][42917958] Process (66) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 40
[14:44:59][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (67): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/fastboot" "devices"
[14:44:59][INFO  ][42917958] Process (67) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 0
[14:44:59][INFO  ][42917958] Connected device: c0a7856 -> device
[14:45:02][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (68): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/adb" "devices"
[14:45:02][PROC  ][3dcfaf0b] Process (68) output: List of devices attached
[14:45:02][PROC  ][3dcfaf0b] Process (68) output: c0a7856   device
[14:45:02][PROC  ][3dcfaf0b] Process (68) output: 
[14:45:02][INFO  ][42917958] Process (68) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 40
[14:45:02][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (69): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/fastboot" "devices"
[14:45:02][INFO  ][42917958] Process (69) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 0
[14:45:02][INFO  ][42917958] Connected device: c0a7856 -> device
[14:45:04][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (70): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/adb" "devices"
[14:45:04][PROC  ][2c8c1438] Process (70) output: List of devices attached
[14:45:04][PROC  ][2c8c1438] Process (70) output: c0a7856   device
[14:45:04][PROC  ][2c8c1438] Process (70) output: 
[14:45:04][INFO  ][42917958] Process (70) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 40
[14:45:04][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (71): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/fastboot" "devices"
[14:45:04][INFO  ][42917958] Process (71) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 0
[14:45:04][INFO  ][42917958] Connected device: c0a7856 -> device
[14:45:07][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (72): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/adb" "devices"
[14:45:07][PROC  ][7fbee37a] Process (72) output: List of devices attached
[14:45:07][PROC  ][7fbee37a] Process (72) output: c0a7856   device
[14:45:07][PROC  ][7fbee37a] Process (72) output: 
[14:45:07][INFO  ][42917958] Process (72) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 40
[14:45:07][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (73): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/fastboot" "devices"
[14:45:07][INFO  ][42917958] Process (73) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 0
[14:45:07][INFO  ][42917958] Connected device: c0a7856 -> device
[14:45:08][INFO  ][68ada7f2] The user has choosen this procedure: Choice: Local mod file - Install a twrp flashable zip mod already present on your pc
[14:45:08][INFO  ][68ada7f2] Running now procedure: runStackedProcedures
[14:45:08][INFO  ][68ada7f2] Running now procedure: getInstallProcedure
[14:45:09][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (74): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/adb" "devices"
[14:45:09][PROC  ][549ad92] Process (74) output: List of devices attached
[14:45:09][PROC  ][549ad92] Process (74) output: c0a7856    device
[14:45:09][PROC  ][549ad92] Process (74) output: 
[14:45:09][INFO  ][42917958] Process (74) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 40
[14:45:09][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (75): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/fastboot" "devices"
[14:45:09][INFO  ][42917958] Process (75) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 0
[14:45:09][INFO  ][42917958] Connected device: c0a7856 -> device
[14:45:12][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (76): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/adb" "devices"
[14:45:12][PROC  ][283bc917] Process (76) output: List of devices attached
[14:45:12][PROC  ][283bc917] Process (76) output: c0a7856   device
[14:45:12][PROC  ][283bc917] Process (76) output: 
[14:45:12][INFO  ][42917958] Process (76) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 40
[14:45:12][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (77): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/fastboot" "devices"
[14:45:12][INFO  ][42917958] Process (77) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 0
[14:45:12][INFO  ][42917958] Connected device: c0a7856 -> device
[14:45:14][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (78): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/adb" "devices"
[14:45:14][PROC  ][2de7f442] Process (78) output: List of devices attached
[14:45:14][PROC  ][2de7f442] Process (78) output: c0a7856   device
[14:45:14][PROC  ][2de7f442] Process (78) output: 
[14:45:14][INFO  ][42917958] Process (78) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 40
[14:45:14][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (79): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/fastboot" "devices"
[14:45:14][INFO  ][42917958] Process (79) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 0
[14:45:14][INFO  ][42917958] Connected device: c0a7856 -> device
[14:45:17][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (80): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/adb" "devices"
[14:45:17][PROC  ][baecb2c] Process (80) output: List of devices attached
[14:45:17][PROC  ][baecb2c] Process (80) output: c0a7856    device
[14:45:17][PROC  ][baecb2c] Process (80) output: 
[14:45:17][INFO  ][42917958] Process (80) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 40
[14:45:17][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (81): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/fastboot" "devices"
[14:45:17][INFO  ][42917958] Process (81) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 0
[14:45:17][INFO  ][42917958] Connected device: c0a7856 -> device
[14:45:19][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (82): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/adb" "devices"
[14:45:19][PROC  ][24bc6266] Process (82) output: List of devices attached
[14:45:19][PROC  ][24bc6266] Process (82) output: c0a7856   device
[14:45:19][PROC  ][24bc6266] Process (82) output: 
[14:45:19][INFO  ][42917958] Process (82) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 40
[14:45:19][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (83): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/fastboot" "devices"
[14:45:19][INFO  ][42917958] Process (83) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 0
[14:45:19][INFO  ][42917958] Connected device: c0a7856 -> device
[14:45:22][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (84): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/adb" "devices"
[14:45:22][PROC  ][6d78155d] Process (84) output: List of devices attached
[14:45:22][PROC  ][6d78155d] Process (84) output: c0a7856   device
[14:45:22][PROC  ][6d78155d] Process (84) output: 
[14:45:22][INFO  ][42917958] Process (84) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 40
[14:45:22][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (85): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/fastboot" "devices"
[14:45:22][INFO  ][42917958] Process (85) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 0
[14:45:22][INFO  ][42917958] Connected device: c0a7856 -> device
[14:45:24][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (86): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/adb" "devices"
[14:45:24][PROC  ][34bece2e] Process (86) output: List of devices attached
[14:45:24][PROC  ][34bece2e] Process (86) output: c0a7856   device
[14:45:24][PROC  ][34bece2e] Process (86) output: 
[14:45:24][INFO  ][42917958] Process (86) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 40
[14:45:24][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (87): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/fastboot" "devices"
[14:45:24][INFO  ][42917958] Process (87) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 0
[14:45:24][INFO  ][42917958] Connected device: c0a7856 -> device
[14:45:27][INFO  ][6545dfb5] Starting installation part main procedure
[14:45:27][INFO  ][6545dfb5] Main procedure loaded, starting now
[14:45:27][INFO  ][6545dfb5] Running now procedure: unstashContext
[14:45:27][INFO  ][6545dfb5] Running now procedure: stashContext
[14:45:27][INFO  ][6545dfb5] Running now procedure: chooseRom
[14:45:27][INFO  ][6545dfb5] Showing rom options to user
[14:45:27][INFO  ][6545dfb5] Showing installable: Choice: rom - Stable - Download and install rom - V10.3.1.0.PFGCNXM
[14:45:27][INFO  ][6545dfb5] Showing installable: Choice: rom - Developer - Download and install rom - 9.4.25
[14:45:27][INFO  ][6545dfb5] Showing procedure: Choice: Local rom file - Install a rom that you already downloaded on your pc. Both miui and non-miui roms accepted
[14:45:27][INFO  ][6545dfb5] Showing procedure: Choice: Back to categories - Go back and choose another category of installables
[14:45:27][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (88): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/adb" "devices"
[14:45:27][PROC  ][3727e586] Process (88) output: List of devices attached
[14:45:27][PROC  ][3727e586] Process (88) output: c0a7856   device
[14:45:27][PROC  ][3727e586] Process (88) output: 
[14:45:27][INFO  ][42917958] Process (88) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 40
[14:45:27][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (89): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/fastboot" "devices"
[14:45:27][INFO  ][42917958] Process (89) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 0
[14:45:27][INFO  ][42917958] Connected device: c0a7856 -> device
[14:45:28][INFO  ][6545dfb5] The user has choosen this procedure: Choice: Back to categories - Go back and choose another category of installables
[14:45:28][INFO  ][6545dfb5] Running now procedure: runStackedProcedures
[14:45:28][INFO  ][6545dfb5] Running now procedure: getInstallProcedure
[14:45:28][INFO  ][6545dfb5] Running now procedure: chooseRomCategory
[14:45:28][INFO  ][6545dfb5] Choosing rom category
[14:45:29][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (90): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/adb" "devices"
[14:45:29][PROC  ][29ea0a2e] Process (90) output: List of devices attached
[14:45:29][PROC  ][29ea0a2e] Process (90) output: c0a7856   device
[14:45:29][PROC  ][29ea0a2e] Process (90) output: 
[14:45:29][INFO  ][42917958] Process (90) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 40
[14:45:29][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (91): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/fastboot" "devices"
[14:45:29][INFO  ][42917958] Process (91) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 0
[14:45:29][INFO  ][42917958] Connected device: c0a7856 -> device
[14:45:32][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (92): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/adb" "devices"
[14:45:32][PROC  ][156ffed6] Process (92) output: List of devices attached
[14:45:32][PROC  ][156ffed6] Process (92) output: c0a7856   device
[14:45:32][PROC  ][156ffed6] Process (92) output: 
[14:45:32][INFO  ][42917958] Process (92) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 40
[14:45:32][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (93): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/fastboot" "devices"
[14:45:32][INFO  ][42917958] Process (93) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 0
[14:45:32][INFO  ][42917958] Connected device: c0a7856 -> device
[14:45:32][INFO  ][6545dfb5] Category choosen: 3, group: Xiaomi Procedures
[14:45:32][INFO  ][6545dfb5] Running now procedure: runStackedProcedures
[14:45:32][INFO  ][6545dfb5] Running now procedure: doNothing
[14:45:32][INFO  ][6545dfb5] Running now procedure: chooseRom
[14:45:32][INFO  ][6545dfb5] Showing rom options to user
[14:45:32][INFO  ][6545dfb5] Showing procedure: Choice: Unlock bootloader - Unlock the bootloader of this device
[14:45:32][INFO  ][6545dfb5] Showing procedure: Choice: Back to categories - Go back and choose another category of installables
[14:45:34][INFO  ][6545dfb5] The user has choosen this procedure: Choice: Unlock bootloader - Unlock the bootloader of this device
[14:45:34][INFO  ][6545dfb5] Running now procedure: runStackedProcedures
[14:45:34][INFO  ][6545dfb5] Running now procedure: waitDevice
[14:45:34][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (94): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/adb" "devices"
[14:45:34][PROC  ][4426e16d] Process (94) output: List of devices attached
[14:45:34][PROC  ][4426e16d] Process (94) output: c0a7856   device
[14:45:34][PROC  ][4426e16d] Process (94) output: 
[14:45:34][INFO  ][42917958] Process (94) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 40
[14:45:34][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (95): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/fastboot" "devices"
[14:45:34][INFO  ][42917958] Process (95) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 0
[14:45:34][INFO  ][42917958] Connected device: c0a7856 -> device
[14:45:35][PSTA  ][6545dfb5] Start process (96): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/adb" "devices"
[14:45:35][PROC  ][46e7b30a] Process (96) output: List of devices attached
[14:45:35][PROC  ][46e7b30a] Process (96) output: c0a7856   device
[14:45:35][PROC  ][46e7b30a] Process (96) output: 
[14:45:35][INFO  ][6545dfb5] Process (96) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 40
[14:45:35][PSTA  ][6545dfb5] Start process (97): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/fastboot" "devices"
[14:45:35][INFO  ][6545dfb5] Process (97) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 0
[14:45:35][INFO  ][6545dfb5] Connected device: c0a7856 -> device
[14:45:35][INFO  ][6545dfb5] Running now procedure: requireConnected
[14:45:35][PSTA  ][6545dfb5] Start process (98): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/adb" "devices"
[14:45:35][PROC  ][35960446] Process (98) output: List of devices attached
[14:45:35][PROC  ][35960446] Process (98) output: c0a7856   device
[14:45:35][PROC  ][35960446] Process (98) output: 
[14:45:35][INFO  ][6545dfb5] Process (98) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 40
[14:45:35][PSTA  ][6545dfb5] Start process (99): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/fastboot" "devices"
[14:45:35][INFO  ][6545dfb5] Process (99) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 0
[14:45:35][INFO  ][6545dfb5] Connected device: c0a7856 -> device
[14:45:35][INFO  ][6545dfb5] Running now procedure: requireNoUnauthOffline
[14:45:35][PSTA  ][6545dfb5] Start process (100): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/adb" "devices"
[14:45:35][PROC  ][18d73b36] Process (100) output: List of devices attached
[14:45:35][PROC  ][18d73b36] Process (100) output: c0a7856  device
[14:45:35][PROC  ][18d73b36] Process (100) output: 
[14:45:35][INFO  ][6545dfb5] Process (100) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 40
[14:45:35][PSTA  ][6545dfb5] Start process (101): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/fastboot" "devices"
[14:45:35][INFO  ][6545dfb5] Process (101) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 0
[14:45:35][INFO  ][6545dfb5] Connected device: c0a7856 -> device
[14:45:35][INFO  ][6545dfb5] Running now procedure: requireFastboot
[14:45:35][INFO  ][6545dfb5] Requiring device fastboot status
[14:45:35][PSTA  ][6545dfb5] Start process (102): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/adb" "devices"
[14:45:35][PROC  ][1010f305] Process (102) output: List of devices attached
[14:45:35][PROC  ][1010f305] Process (102) output: c0a7856  device
[14:45:35][PROC  ][1010f305] Process (102) output: 
[14:45:35][INFO  ][6545dfb5] Process (102) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 40
[14:45:35][PSTA  ][6545dfb5] Start process (103): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/fastboot" "devices"
[14:45:35][INFO  ][6545dfb5] Process (103) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 0
[14:45:35][INFO  ][6545dfb5] Connected device: c0a7856 -> device
[14:45:35][INFO  ][6545dfb5] Running now procedure: requireConnected
[14:45:35][PSTA  ][6545dfb5] Start process (104): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/adb" "devices"
[14:45:35][PROC  ][66e0a83d] Process (104) output: List of devices attached
[14:45:35][PROC  ][66e0a83d] Process (104) output: c0a7856  device
[14:45:35][PROC  ][66e0a83d] Process (104) output: 
[14:45:35][INFO  ][6545dfb5] Process (104) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 40
[14:45:35][PSTA  ][6545dfb5] Start process (105): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/fastboot" "devices"
[14:45:35][INFO  ][6545dfb5] Process (105) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 0
[14:45:35][INFO  ][6545dfb5] Connected device: c0a7856 -> device
[14:45:35][INFO  ][6545dfb5] Running now procedure: requireNoUnauthOffline
[14:45:35][PSTA  ][6545dfb5] Start process (106): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/adb" "devices"
[14:45:35][PROC  ][6771a167] Process (106) output: List of devices attached
[14:45:35][PROC  ][6771a167] Process (106) output: c0a7856  device
[14:45:35][PROC  ][6771a167] Process (106) output: 
[14:45:35][INFO  ][6545dfb5] Process (106) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 40
[14:45:35][PSTA  ][6545dfb5] Start process (107): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/fastboot" "devices"
[14:45:35][INFO  ][6545dfb5] Process (107) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 0
[14:45:35][INFO  ][6545dfb5] Connected device: c0a7856 -> device
[14:45:35][INFO  ][6545dfb5] Running now procedure: rebootBootloader
[14:45:35][INFO  ][6545dfb5] Rebooting to bootloader mode: wait: true, force: false
[14:45:35][PSTA  ][6545dfb5] Start process (108): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/adb" "-s" "c0a7856" "reboot" "bootloader"
[14:45:37][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (109): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/adb" "devices"
[14:45:37][PROC  ][27641e46] Process (109) output: List of devices attached
[14:45:37][PROC  ][27641e46] Process (109) output: c0a7856  device
[14:45:37][PROC  ][27641e46] Process (109) output: 
[14:45:37][INFO  ][42917958] Process (109) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 40
[14:45:37][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (110): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/fastboot" "devices"
[14:45:37][INFO  ][42917958] Process (110) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 0
[14:45:37][INFO  ][42917958] Connected device: c0a7856 -> device
[14:45:39][INFO  ][6545dfb5] Process (108) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 0
[14:45:39][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (111): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/adb" "devices"
[14:45:39][PROC  ][151085d] Process (111) output: List of devices attached
[14:45:39][PROC  ][151085d] Process (111) output: 
[14:45:39][INFO  ][42917958] Process (111) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 25
[14:45:39][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (112): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/fastboot" "devices"
[14:45:39][INFO  ][42917958] Process (112) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 0
[14:45:42][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (113): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/adb" "devices"
[14:45:42][PROC  ][6983f2b1] Process (113) output: List of devices attached
[14:45:42][PROC  ][6983f2b1] Process (113) output: 
[14:45:42][INFO  ][42917958] Process (113) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 25
[14:45:42][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (114): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/fastboot" "devices"
[14:45:42][INFO  ][42917958] Process (114) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 0
[14:45:44][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (115): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/adb" "devices"
[14:45:44][PROC  ][400c5ba0] Process (115) output: List of devices attached
[14:45:44][PROC  ][400c5ba0] Process (115) output: 
[14:45:44][INFO  ][42917958] Process (115) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 25
[14:45:44][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (116): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/fastboot" "devices"
[14:45:44][PROC  ][2d5d017] Process (116) output: c0a7856   fastboot
[14:45:44][INFO  ][42917958] Process (116) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 16
[14:45:44][INFO  ][42917958] Connected device: c0a7856 -> fastboot
[14:45:44][INFO  ][6545dfb5] Running now procedure: unlockBootloader
[14:45:44][INFO  ][6545dfb5] Starting unlock procedure
[14:45:47][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (117): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/adb" "devices"
[14:45:47][PROC  ][3d10d92a] Process (117) output: List of devices attached
[14:45:47][PROC  ][3d10d92a] Process (117) output: 
[14:45:47][INFO  ][42917958] Process (117) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 25
[14:45:47][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (118): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/fastboot" "devices"
[14:45:47][PROC  ][3dde4bcc] Process (118) output: c0a7856  fastboot
[14:45:47][INFO  ][42917958] Process (118) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 16
[14:45:47][INFO  ][42917958] Connected device: c0a7856 -> fastboot
[14:45:49][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (119): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/adb" "devices"
[14:45:49][PROC  ][1da0926d] Process (119) output: List of devices attached
[14:45:49][PROC  ][1da0926d] Process (119) output: 
[14:45:49][INFO  ][42917958] Process (119) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 25
[14:45:49][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (120): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/fastboot" "devices"
[14:45:49][PROC  ][659fd421] Process (120) output: c0a7856  fastboot
[14:45:49][INFO  ][42917958] Process (120) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 16
[14:45:49][INFO  ][42917958] Connected device: c0a7856 -> fastboot
[14:45:52][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (121): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/adb" "devices"
[14:45:52][PROC  ][2db4a5ae] Process (121) output: List of devices attached
[14:45:52][PROC  ][2db4a5ae] Process (121) output: 
[14:45:52][INFO  ][42917958] Process (121) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 25
[14:45:52][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (122): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/fastboot" "devices"
[14:45:52][PROC  ][5e5564cf] Process (122) output: c0a7856  fastboot
[14:45:52][INFO  ][42917958] Process (122) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 16
[14:45:52][INFO  ][42917958] Connected device: c0a7856 -> fastboot
[14:45:54][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (123): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/adb" "devices"
[14:45:54][PROC  ][32e35329] Process (123) output: List of devices attached
[14:45:54][PROC  ][32e35329] Process (123) output: 
[14:45:54][INFO  ][42917958] Process (123) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 25
[14:45:54][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (124): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/fastboot" "devices"
[14:45:54][PROC  ][1a76d1c4] Process (124) output: c0a7856  fastboot
[14:45:54][INFO  ][42917958] Process (124) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 16
[14:45:54][INFO  ][42917958] Connected device: c0a7856 -> fastboot
[14:45:57][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (125): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/adb" "devices"
[14:45:57][PROC  ][263e108c] Process (125) output: List of devices attached
[14:45:57][PROC  ][263e108c] Process (125) output: 
[14:45:57][INFO  ][42917958] Process (125) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 25
[14:45:57][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (126): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/fastboot" "devices"
[14:45:57][PROC  ][a3d4b64] Process (126) output: c0a7856   fastboot
[14:45:57][INFO  ][42917958] Process (126) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 16
[14:45:57][INFO  ][42917958] Connected device: c0a7856 -> fastboot
[14:45:57][INFO  ][3aed1d7d] Logged in succesfulyl: 1589083547
[14:45:57][PSTA  ][6545dfb5] Start process (127): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/fastboot" "-s" "c0a7856" "getvar" "token"
[14:45:57][PROC  ][3f3ded1a] Process (127) output: Finished. Total time: 0.001s
[14:45:57][PROC  ][3f3ded1a] Process (127) output: token: VQEBIgEQysBxXZLBtswj2Vuq0P21wgMIbGF2ZW5kZXICBI+spvc=
[14:45:57][INFO  ][6545dfb5] Process (127) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 88
[14:45:57][INFO  ][6545dfb5] First trial unlock token: VQEBIgEQysBxXZLBtswj2Vuq0P21wgMIbGF2ZW5kZXICBI+spvc=
[14:45:57][PSTA  ][6545dfb5] Start process (128): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/fastboot" "-s" "c0a7856" "getvar" "product"
[14:45:57][PROC  ][5eb81a04] Process (128) output: getvar:product                                     FAILED (remote: 'unknown command')
[14:45:57][PROC  ][5eb81a04] Process (128) output: Finished. Total time: 0.000s
[14:45:57][INFO  ][6545dfb5] Process (128) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 114
[14:45:59][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (129): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/adb" "devices"
[14:45:59][PROC  ][3c212045] Process (129) output: List of devices attached
[14:45:59][PROC  ][3c212045] Process (129) output: 
[14:45:59][INFO  ][42917958] Process (129) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 25
[14:45:59][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (130): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/fastboot" "devices"
[14:45:59][PROC  ][2c2d6fde] Process (130) output: c0a7856  fastboot
[14:45:59][INFO  ][42917958] Process (130) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 16
[14:45:59][INFO  ][42917958] Connected device: c0a7856 -> fastboot
[14:46:01][INFO  ][6545dfb5] Unlock request (/api/v2/nonce) params: r=zyataxqsiseesevs&sid=miui_unlocktool_client&sign=d408792dbc98fdb6780a9b715136cf31420ddc5e
[14:46:02][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (131): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/adb" "devices"
[14:46:02][PROC  ][6b7e5785] Process (131) output: List of devices attached
[14:46:02][PROC  ][6b7e5785] Process (131) output: 
[14:46:02][INFO  ][42917958] Process (131) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 25
[14:46:02][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (132): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/fastboot" "devices"
[14:46:02][PROC  ][6f2c3856] Process (132) output: c0a7856  fastboot
[14:46:02][INFO  ][42917958] Process (132) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 16
[14:46:02][INFO  ][42917958] Connected device: c0a7856 -> fastboot
[14:46:03][INFO  ][6545dfb5] Unlock request (/api/v2/nonce) response: {"code":0,"nonce":"eyJzIjoiMTUxODMxNjhkNWJjODgzYzA4N2RjZjM2NGFhY2IzYjdhNmJiZjU4NCIsInQiOjE1NTY4ODM5NjM3MjYsInIiOiJ1bHpJOSJ9","description":"成功"}
[14:46:03][INFO  ][6545dfb5] Unlock request (/api/v3/unlock/userinfo) params: data=ewogICAidWlkIjogIjE1ODkwODM1NDciLAogICAibGFuZ3VhZ2UiOiAiZW4iLAogICAicGNJZCI6ICJjOWMxMWM1ODQ3NTNhMmI0ZTU3NGQyMjcxMzQyZmUyYSIsCiAgICJjbGllbnRJZCI6ICIxIiwKICAgImNsaWVudFZlcnNpb24iOiAiMy4zLjgyNy4zMSIsCiAgICJyZWdpb24iOiAiIgp9&nonce=eyJzIjoiMTUxODMxNjhkNWJjODgzYzA4N2RjZjM2NGFhY2IzYjdhNmJiZjU4NCIsInQiOjE1NTY4ODM5NjM3MjYsInIiOiJ1bHpJOSJ9&sid=miui_unlocktool_client&sign=608e9fc7f054126fc45da32ec5856cd94686bc5a
[14:46:04][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (133): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/adb" "devices"
[14:46:04][PROC  ][dec3ef0] Process (133) output: List of devices attached
[14:46:04][PROC  ][dec3ef0] Process (133) output: 
[14:46:04][INFO  ][42917958] Process (133) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 25
[14:46:04][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (134): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/fastboot" "devices"
[14:46:04][PROC  ][48610b44] Process (134) output: c0a7856  fastboot
[14:46:04][INFO  ][42917958] Process (134) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 16
[14:46:04][INFO  ][42917958] Connected device: c0a7856 -> fastboot
[14:46:05][INFO  ][6545dfb5] Unlock request (/api/v3/unlock/userinfo) response: {"code":0,"uid":"1589083547","shouldApply":false,"applyStatus":2}
[14:46:05][INFO  ][6545dfb5] Unlock request user info: {"code":0,"uid":"1589083547","shouldApply":false,"applyStatus":2}
[14:46:05][INFO  ][6545dfb5] Unlock request (/api/v2/nonce) params: r=jddjibfdjilegowz&sid=miui_unlocktool_client&sign=d69ae0d9585a9037d036039b9a6fe2de5ec8f6a2
[14:46:06][INFO  ][6545dfb5] Unlock request (/api/v2/nonce) response: {"code":0,"nonce":"eyJzIjoiZWViYTM4NWY3M2Q3YmM2MzFmMTA3OWIwZmQ2MjI4M2I2YWIzMzViNyIsInQiOjE1NTY4ODM5NjYyMzcsInIiOiIySHVMaSJ9","description":"成功"}
[14:46:06][INFO  ][6545dfb5] Unlock request (/api/v2/unlock/device/clear) params: appId=1&data=ewogICAibGFuZ3VhZ2UiOiAiZW4iLAogICAicGNJZCI6ICJjOWMxMWM1ODQ3NTNhMmI0ZTU3NGQyMjcxMzQyZmUyYSIsCiAgICJjbGllbnRJZCI6ICIxIiwKICAgImNsaWVudFZlcnNpb24iOiAiMy4zLjgyNy4zMSIsCiAgICJyZWdpb24iOiAiIgp9&nonce=eyJzIjoiZWViYTM4NWY3M2Q3YmM2MzFmMTA3OWIwZmQ2MjI4M2I2YWIzMzViNyIsInQiOjE1NTY4ODM5NjYyMzcsInIiOiIySHVMaSJ9&sid=miui_unlocktool_client&sign=2511bb2175f040d75ae848023949f49d43f686f0
[14:46:07][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (135): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/adb" "devices"
[14:46:07][PROC  ][6ff23fa3] Process (135) output: List of devices attached
[14:46:07][PROC  ][6ff23fa3] Process (135) output: 
[14:46:07][INFO  ][42917958] Process (135) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 25
[14:46:07][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (136): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/fastboot" "devices"
[14:46:07][PROC  ][432971ad] Process (136) output: c0a7856  fastboot
[14:46:07][INFO  ][42917958] Process (136) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 16
[14:46:07][INFO  ][42917958] Connected device: c0a7856 -> fastboot
[14:46:07][INFO  ][6545dfb5] Unlock request (/api/v2/unlock/device/clear) response: {"code":0,"notice":"An unlocked device is an easy target for malware which may damage your device or cause financial loss.","cleanOrNot":-1,"description":"该设备解锁不清除用户数据"}
[14:46:07][INFO  ][6545dfb5] Unlock request device clear: {"code":0,"notice":"An unlocked device is an easy target for malware which may damage your device or cause financial loss.","cleanOrNot":-1,"description":"该设备解锁不清除用户数据"}
[14:46:09][INFO  ][6545dfb5] Unlock request confirmation success
[14:46:09][PSTA  ][6545dfb5] Start process (137): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/fastboot" "-s" "c0a7856" "getvar" "token"
[14:46:09][PROC  ][53ae4198] Process (137) output: getvar:token                                       FAILED (remote: 'GetVar Variable Not found')
[14:46:09][PROC  ][53ae4198] Process (137) output: Finished. Total time: 0.001s
[14:46:09][INFO  ][6545dfb5] Process (137) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 124
[14:46:09][WARN  ][6545dfb5] InstallException created: info_retrive_failed - Failed to get the device unlock token
[14:46:09][WARN  ][6545dfb5] rebootNoWaitIfConnected {
    } rebootNoWaitIfConnected
chooseRomCategory {
    } chooseRomCategory
runStackedProcedures {
    suggestInternetIfMissing {
        } suggestInternetIfMissing
    conditional {
        fetchXiaomieuRom {
            } fetchXiaomieuRom
        fetchAllUnofficial {
            } fetchAllUnofficial
        fetchXiaomieuRom {
            } fetchXiaomieuRom
        fetchAllUnofficial {
            } fetchAllUnofficial
        } conditional
    } runStackedProcedures
stashContext {
    } stashContext
chooseRom {
    } chooseRom
runStackedProcedures {
    getInstallProcedure {
        } getInstallProcedure
    chooseRomCategory {
        } chooseRomCategory
    runStackedProcedures {
        suggestInternetIfMissing {
            } suggestInternetIfMissing
        conditional {
            findTwrpMeInstallable {
                findAfhInstallable {
                    } findAfhInstallable
                fetchAllMods {
                    } fetchAllMods
                fetchMagiskStable {
                    } fetchMagiskStable
                fetchAllMods {
                    } fetchAllMods
                doNothing {
                    } doNothing
                } conditional
            } runStackedProcedures
        chooseRom {
            } chooseRom
        runStackedProcedures {
            getInstallProcedure {
                unstashContext {
                    } unstashContext
                stashContext {
                    } stashContext
                chooseRom {
                    } chooseRom
                runStackedProcedures {
                    getInstallProcedure {
                        } getInstallProcedure
                    chooseRomCategory {
                        } chooseRomCategory
                    runStackedProcedures {
                        doNothing {
                            } doNothing
                        } runStackedProcedures
                    chooseRom {
                        } chooseRom
                    runStackedProcedures {
                        waitDevice {
                            } waitDevice
                        requireConnected {
                            } requireConnected
                        requireNoUnauthOffline {
                            } requireNoUnauthOffline
                        requireFastboot {
                            requireConnected {
                                } requireConnected
                            requireNoUnauthOffline {
                                } requireNoUnauthOffline
                            rebootBootloader {
                                } rebootBootloader
                            } requireFastboot
                        unlockBootloader {

[14:46:09][WARN  ][6545dfb5] Not aborted exception thrown, show error
[14:46:09][ERROR ][6545dfb5] rebootNoWaitIfConnected {
    } rebootNoWaitIfConnected
chooseRomCategory {
    } chooseRomCategory
runStackedProcedures {
    suggestInternetIfMissing {
        } suggestInternetIfMissing
    conditional {
        fetchXiaomieuRom {
            } fetchXiaomieuRom
        fetchAllUnofficial {
            } fetchAllUnofficial
        fetchXiaomieuRom {
            } fetchXiaomieuRom
        fetchAllUnofficial {
            } fetchAllUnofficial
        } conditional
    } runStackedProcedures
stashContext {
    } stashContext
chooseRom {
    } chooseRom
runStackedProcedures {
    getInstallProcedure {
        } getInstallProcedure
    chooseRomCategory {
        } chooseRomCategory
    runStackedProcedures {
        suggestInternetIfMissing {
            } suggestInternetIfMissing
        conditional {
            findTwrpMeInstallable {
                findAfhInstallable {
                    } findAfhInstallable
                fetchAllMods {
                    } fetchAllMods
                fetchMagiskStable {
                    } fetchMagiskStable
                fetchAllMods {
                    } fetchAllMods
                doNothing {
                    } doNothing
                } conditional
            } runStackedProcedures
        chooseRom {
            } chooseRom
        runStackedProcedures {
            getInstallProcedure {
                unstashContext {
                    } unstashContext
                stashContext {
                    } stashContext
                chooseRom {
                    } chooseRom
                runStackedProcedures {
                    getInstallProcedure {
                        } getInstallProcedure
                    chooseRomCategory {
                        } chooseRomCategory
                    runStackedProcedures {
                        doNothing {
                            } doNothing
                        } runStackedProcedures
                    chooseRom {
                        } chooseRom
                    runStackedProcedures {
                        waitDevice {
                            } waitDevice
                        requireConnected {
                            } requireConnected
                        requireNoUnauthOffline {
                            } requireNoUnauthOffline
                        requireFastboot {
                            requireConnected {
                                } requireConnected
                            requireNoUnauthOffline {
                                } requireNoUnauthOffline
                            rebootBootloader {
                                } rebootBootloader
                            } requireFastboot
                        unlockBootloader {

[14:46:09][FATAL ][6545dfb5] InstallException - info_retrive_failed - Failed to get the device unlock token
[14:46:09][ERROR ][6545dfb5] InstallException - info_retrive_failed - Failed to get the device unlock token
    at com.xiaomitool.v2.procedure.install.FastbootInstall$ Source)
    at com.xiaomitool.v2.procedure.RInstall.runInternal(Unknown Source)
    at com.xiaomitool.v2.procedure.RNode$ Source)
    at com.xiaomitool.v2.procedure.RNode.runInternal(Unknown Source)
    at com.xiaomitool.v2.procedure.RNode$ Source)
    at com.xiaomitool.v2.procedure.RNode.runInternal(Unknown Source)
    at com.xiaomitool.v2.procedure.RNode$ Source)
    at com.xiaomitool.v2.procedure.Procedures$ Source)
    at com.xiaomitool.v2.procedure.RInstall.runInternal(Unknown Source)
    at com.xiaomitool.v2.procedure.RNode$ Source)
    at com.xiaomitool.v2.procedure.RNode.runInternal(Unknown Source)
    at com.xiaomitool.v2.procedure.RNode$ Source)
    at com.xiaomitool.v2.procedure.RNode.runInternal(Unknown Source)
    at com.xiaomitool.v2.procedure.RNode$ Source)
    at com.xiaomitool.v2.procedure.Procedures$ Source)
    at com.xiaomitool.v2.procedure.RInstall.runInternal(Unknown Source)
    at com.xiaomitool.v2.procedure.RNode$ Source)
    at com.xiaomitool.v2.procedure.RNode.runInternal(Unknown Source)
    at com.xiaomitool.v2.procedure.RNode$ Source)
    at com.xiaomitool.v2.procedure.RNode.runInternal(Unknown Source)
    at com.xiaomitool.v2.procedure.RNode$ Source)
    at com.xiaomitool.v2.engine.actions.ActionsDynamic$ Source)
    at com.xiaomitool.v2.procedure.install.GenericInstall$8$ Source)
    at java.base/ Source)

[14:46:09][ERROR ][6545dfb5] java.lang.Exception: TraceBackException
    at com.xiaomitool.v2.gui.visual.InstallPane$1.onException(Unknown Source)
    at com.xiaomitool.v2.procedure.GuiListener.exception(Unknown Source)
    at com.xiaomitool.v2.procedure.ProcedureRunner.handleException(Unknown Source)
    at com.xiaomitool.v2.procedure.RNode$ Source)
    at com.xiaomitool.v2.procedure.RNode.runInternal(Unknown Source)
    at com.xiaomitool.v2.procedure.RNode$ Source)
    at com.xiaomitool.v2.procedure.RNode.runInternal(Unknown Source)
    at com.xiaomitool.v2.procedure.RNode$ Source)
    at com.xiaomitool.v2.procedure.Procedures$ Source)
    at com.xiaomitool.v2.procedure.RInstall.runInternal(Unknown Source)
    at com.xiaomitool.v2.procedure.RNode$ Source)
    at com.xiaomitool.v2.procedure.RNode.runInternal(Unknown Source)
    at com.xiaomitool.v2.procedure.RNode$ Source)
    at com.xiaomitool.v2.procedure.RNode.runInternal(Unknown Source)
    at com.xiaomitool.v2.procedure.RNode$ Source)
    at com.xiaomitool.v2.procedure.Procedures$ Source)
    at com.xiaomitool.v2.procedure.RInstall.runInternal(Unknown Source)
    at com.xiaomitool.v2.procedure.RNode$ Source)
    at com.xiaomitool.v2.procedure.RNode.runInternal(Unknown Source)
    at com.xiaomitool.v2.procedure.RNode$ Source)
    at com.xiaomitool.v2.procedure.RNode.runInternal(Unknown Source)
    at com.xiaomitool.v2.procedure.RNode$ Source)
    at com.xiaomitool.v2.engine.actions.ActionsDynamic$ Source)
    at com.xiaomitool.v2.procedure.install.GenericInstall$8$ Source)
    at java.base/ Source)

[14:46:09][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (138): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/adb" "devices"
[14:46:09][PROC  ][3c7716d7] Process (138) output: List of devices attached
[14:46:09][PROC  ][3c7716d7] Process (138) output: 
[14:46:09][INFO  ][42917958] Process (138) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 25
[14:46:09][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (139): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/fastboot" "devices"
[14:46:09][PROC  ][3ec7bf91] Process (139) output: c0a7856  fastboot
[14:46:09][INFO  ][42917958] Process (139) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 16
[14:46:09][INFO  ][42917958] Connected device: c0a7856 -> fastboot
[14:46:12][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (140): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/adb" "devices"
[14:46:12][PROC  ][196db0aa] Process (140) output: List of devices attached
[14:46:12][PROC  ][196db0aa] Process (140) output: 
[14:46:12][INFO  ][42917958] Process (140) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 25
[14:46:12][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (141): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/fastboot" "devices"
[14:46:12][PROC  ][46657ee7] Process (141) output: c0a7856  fastboot
[14:46:12][INFO  ][42917958] Process (141) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 16
[14:46:12][INFO  ][42917958] Connected device: c0a7856 -> fastboot
[14:46:14][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (142): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/adb" "devices"
[14:46:14][PROC  ][38bc2ed4] Process (142) output: List of devices attached
[14:46:14][PROC  ][38bc2ed4] Process (142) output: 
[14:46:14][INFO  ][42917958] Process (142) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 25
[14:46:14][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (143): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/fastboot" "devices"
[14:46:14][PROC  ][265918ab] Process (143) output: c0a7856  fastboot
[14:46:14][INFO  ][42917958] Process (143) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 16
[14:46:14][INFO  ][42917958] Connected device: c0a7856 -> fastboot
[14:46:15][INFO  ][6545dfb5] Running now procedure: unlockBootloader
[14:46:15][INFO  ][6545dfb5] Starting unlock procedure
[14:46:15][PSTA  ][6545dfb5] Start process (144): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/fastboot" "-s" "c0a7856" "getvar" "token"
[14:46:15][PROC  ][27f9c0c8] Process (144) output: getvar:token                                       FAILED (remote: 'unknown command')
[14:46:15][PROC  ][27f9c0c8] Process (144) output: Finished. Total time: 0.000s
[14:46:15][INFO  ][6545dfb5] Process (144) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 114
[14:46:15][WARN  ][6545dfb5] InstallException created: info_retrive_failed - Failed to get the device unlock token
[14:46:15][WARN  ][6545dfb5] rebootNoWaitIfConnected {
    } rebootNoWaitIfConnected
chooseRomCategory {
    } chooseRomCategory
runStackedProcedures {
    suggestInternetIfMissing {
        } suggestInternetIfMissing
    conditional {
        fetchXiaomieuRom {
            } fetchXiaomieuRom
        fetchAllUnofficial {
            } fetchAllUnofficial
        fetchXiaomieuRom {
            } fetchXiaomieuRom
        fetchAllUnofficial {
            } fetchAllUnofficial
        } conditional
    } runStackedProcedures
stashContext {
    } stashContext
chooseRom {
    } chooseRom
runStackedProcedures {
    getInstallProcedure {
        } getInstallProcedure
    chooseRomCategory {
        } chooseRomCategory
    runStackedProcedures {
        suggestInternetIfMissing {
            } suggestInternetIfMissing
        conditional {
            findTwrpMeInstallable {
                findAfhInstallable {
                    } findAfhInstallable
                fetchAllMods {
                    } fetchAllMods
                fetchMagiskStable {
                    } fetchMagiskStable
                fetchAllMods {
                    } fetchAllMods
                doNothing {
                    } doNothing
                } conditional
            } runStackedProcedures
        chooseRom {
            } chooseRom
        runStackedProcedures {
            getInstallProcedure {
                unstashContext {
                    } unstashContext
                stashContext {
                    } stashContext
                chooseRom {
                    } chooseRom
                runStackedProcedures {
                    getInstallProcedure {
                        } getInstallProcedure
                    chooseRomCategory {
                        } chooseRomCategory
                    runStackedProcedures {
                        doNothing {
                            } doNothing
                        } runStackedProcedures
                    chooseRom {
                        } chooseRom
                    runStackedProcedures {
                        waitDevice {
                            } waitDevice
                        requireConnected {
                            } requireConnected
                        requireNoUnauthOffline {
                            } requireNoUnauthOffline
                        requireFastboot {
                            requireConnected {
                                } requireConnected
                            requireNoUnauthOffline {
                                } requireNoUnauthOffline
                            rebootBootloader {
                                } rebootBootloader
                            } requireFastboot
                        unlockBootloader {
                            unlockBootloader {

[14:46:15][WARN  ][6545dfb5] Not aborted exception thrown, show error
[14:46:15][ERROR ][6545dfb5] rebootNoWaitIfConnected {
    } rebootNoWaitIfConnected
chooseRomCategory {
    } chooseRomCategory
runStackedProcedures {
    suggestInternetIfMissing {
        } suggestInternetIfMissing
    conditional {
        fetchXiaomieuRom {
            } fetchXiaomieuRom
        fetchAllUnofficial {
            } fetchAllUnofficial
        fetchXiaomieuRom {
            } fetchXiaomieuRom
        fetchAllUnofficial {
            } fetchAllUnofficial
        } conditional
    } runStackedProcedures
stashContext {
    } stashContext
chooseRom {
    } chooseRom
runStackedProcedures {
    getInstallProcedure {
        } getInstallProcedure
    chooseRomCategory {
        } chooseRomCategory
    runStackedProcedures {
        suggestInternetIfMissing {
            } suggestInternetIfMissing
        conditional {
            findTwrpMeInstallable {
                findAfhInstallable {
                    } findAfhInstallable
                fetchAllMods {
                    } fetchAllMods
                fetchMagiskStable {
                    } fetchMagiskStable
                fetchAllMods {
                    } fetchAllMods
                doNothing {
                    } doNothing
                } conditional
            } runStackedProcedures
        chooseRom {
            } chooseRom
        runStackedProcedures {
            getInstallProcedure {
                unstashContext {
                    } unstashContext
                stashContext {
                    } stashContext
                chooseRom {
                    } chooseRom
                runStackedProcedures {
                    getInstallProcedure {
                        } getInstallProcedure
                    chooseRomCategory {
                        } chooseRomCategory
                    runStackedProcedures {
                        doNothing {
                            } doNothing
                        } runStackedProcedures
                    chooseRom {
                        } chooseRom
                    runStackedProcedures {
                        waitDevice {
                            } waitDevice
                        requireConnected {
                            } requireConnected
                        requireNoUnauthOffline {
                            } requireNoUnauthOffline
                        requireFastboot {
                            requireConnected {
                                } requireConnected
                            requireNoUnauthOffline {
                                } requireNoUnauthOffline
                            rebootBootloader {
                                } rebootBootloader
                            } requireFastboot
                        unlockBootloader {
                            unlockBootloader {

[14:46:15][FATAL ][6545dfb5] InstallException - info_retrive_failed - Failed to get the device unlock token
[14:46:15][ERROR ][6545dfb5] InstallException - info_retrive_failed - Failed to get the device unlock token
    at com.xiaomitool.v2.procedure.install.FastbootInstall$ Source)
    at com.xiaomitool.v2.procedure.RInstall.runInternal(Unknown Source)
    at com.xiaomitool.v2.procedure.RNode$ Source)
    at com.xiaomitool.v2.procedure.RNode.runInternal(Unknown Source)
    at com.xiaomitool.v2.procedure.RNode$ Source)
    at com.xiaomitool.v2.procedure.RNode.runInternal(Unknown Source)
    at com.xiaomitool.v2.procedure.RNode$ Source)
    at com.xiaomitool.v2.procedure.Procedures$ Source)
    at com.xiaomitool.v2.procedure.RInstall.runInternal(Unknown Source)
    at com.xiaomitool.v2.procedure.RNode$ Source)
    at com.xiaomitool.v2.procedure.RNode.runInternal(Unknown Source)
    at com.xiaomitool.v2.procedure.RNode$ Source)
    at com.xiaomitool.v2.procedure.RNode.runInternal(Unknown Source)
    at com.xiaomitool.v2.procedure.RNode$ Source)
    at com.xiaomitool.v2.procedure.Procedures$ Source)
    at com.xiaomitool.v2.procedure.RInstall.runInternal(Unknown Source)
    at com.xiaomitool.v2.procedure.RNode$ Source)
    at com.xiaomitool.v2.procedure.RNode.runInternal(Unknown Source)
    at com.xiaomitool.v2.procedure.RNode$ Source)
    at com.xiaomitool.v2.procedure.RNode.runInternal(Unknown Source)
    at com.xiaomitool.v2.procedure.RNode$ Source)
    at com.xiaomitool.v2.engine.actions.ActionsDynamic$ Source)
    at com.xiaomitool.v2.procedure.install.GenericInstall$8$ Source)
    at java.base/ Source)

[14:46:15][ERROR ][6545dfb5] java.lang.Exception: TraceBackException
    at com.xiaomitool.v2.gui.visual.InstallPane$1.onException(Unknown Source)
    at com.xiaomitool.v2.procedure.GuiListener.exception(Unknown Source)
    at com.xiaomitool.v2.procedure.ProcedureRunner.handleException(Unknown Source)
    at com.xiaomitool.v2.procedure.RNode$ Source)
    at com.xiaomitool.v2.procedure.RNode.runInternal(Unknown Source)
    at com.xiaomitool.v2.procedure.RNode$ Source)
    at com.xiaomitool.v2.procedure.RNode.runInternal(Unknown Source)
    at com.xiaomitool.v2.procedure.RNode$ Source)
    at com.xiaomitool.v2.procedure.Procedures$ Source)
    at com.xiaomitool.v2.procedure.RInstall.runInternal(Unknown Source)
    at com.xiaomitool.v2.procedure.RNode$ Source)
    at com.xiaomitool.v2.procedure.RNode.runInternal(Unknown Source)
    at com.xiaomitool.v2.procedure.RNode$ Source)
    at com.xiaomitool.v2.procedure.RNode.runInternal(Unknown Source)
    at com.xiaomitool.v2.procedure.RNode$ Source)
    at com.xiaomitool.v2.procedure.Procedures$ Source)
    at com.xiaomitool.v2.procedure.RInstall.runInternal(Unknown Source)
    at com.xiaomitool.v2.procedure.RNode$ Source)
    at com.xiaomitool.v2.procedure.RNode.runInternal(Unknown Source)
    at com.xiaomitool.v2.procedure.RNode$ Source)
    at com.xiaomitool.v2.procedure.RNode.runInternal(Unknown Source)
    at com.xiaomitool.v2.procedure.RNode$ Source)
    at com.xiaomitool.v2.engine.actions.ActionsDynamic$ Source)
    at com.xiaomitool.v2.procedure.install.GenericInstall$8$ Source)
    at java.base/ Source)

[14:46:15][LOG   ][372365ed] Feedback token request result: 200 - 02db96a6ef0f4d7e1fe1c56b1f43b421876e7a5c3a10dcfb465e9343e2c8136edd1988985c0dd0f617f7206b1a8bb728
[14:46:16][INFO  ][6545dfb5] Running now procedure: unlockBootloader
[14:46:16][INFO  ][6545dfb5] Starting unlock procedure
[14:46:16][PSTA  ][6545dfb5] Start process (145): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/fastboot" "-s" "c0a7856" "getvar" "token"
[14:46:16][PROC  ][1ef63c20] Process (145) output: Finished. Total time: 0.001s
[14:46:16][PROC  ][1ef63c20] Process (145) output: token: VQEBIgEQysBxXZLBtswj2Vuq0P21wgMIbGF2ZW5kZXICBI+spvc=
[14:46:16][INFO  ][6545dfb5] Process (145) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 88
[14:46:16][INFO  ][6545dfb5] First trial unlock token: VQEBIgEQysBxXZLBtswj2Vuq0P21wgMIbGF2ZW5kZXICBI+spvc=
[14:46:16][PSTA  ][6545dfb5] Start process (146): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/fastboot" "-s" "c0a7856" "getvar" "product"
[14:46:16][PROC  ][7ec4932c] Process (146) output: getvar:product                                     FAILED (remote: 'unknown command')
[14:46:16][PROC  ][7ec4932c] Process (146) output: Finished. Total time: 0.000s
[14:46:16][INFO  ][6545dfb5] Process (146) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 114
[14:46:16][INFO  ][6545dfb5] Unlock request (/api/v2/nonce) params: r=zsapzbqyeoozljpe&sid=miui_unlocktool_client&sign=e448891b23d6b60542b039348c95cf4499c3ae97
[14:46:16][LOG   ][372365ed] Feedback send result: 200 - 
[14:46:16][LOG   ][72e22ddc] Feedback token request result: 200 - 02db96a6ef0f4d7e1fe1c56b1f43b4210f1b503f2c031eb4d4c39700fdb82b36f55aeeefbb708078c4664e236900aa09
[14:46:16][LOG   ][72e22ddc] Feedback send result: 200 - 
[14:46:17][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (147): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/adb" "devices"
[14:46:17][PROC  ][546315f7] Process (147) output: List of devices attached
[14:46:17][PROC  ][546315f7] Process (147) output: 
[14:46:17][INFO  ][42917958] Process (147) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 25
[14:46:17][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (148): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/fastboot" "devices"
[14:46:17][PROC  ][4d199d12] Process (148) output: c0a7856  fastboot
[14:46:17][INFO  ][42917958] Process (148) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 16
[14:46:17][INFO  ][42917958] Connected device: c0a7856 -> fastboot
[14:46:17][INFO  ][6545dfb5] Unlock request (/api/v2/nonce) response: {"code":0,"nonce":"eyJzIjoiMDJmNTk0ZjZlMjJiOWM5YTVlN2IyZmQwMzRhNDg1NmJiYWUzOTQzMSIsInQiOjE1NTY4ODM5NzcyNTksInIiOiJhZVNvcCJ9","description":"成功"}
[14:46:17][INFO  ][6545dfb5] Unlock request (/api/v3/unlock/userinfo) params: data=ewogICAidWlkIjogIjE1ODkwODM1NDciLAogICAibGFuZ3VhZ2UiOiAiZW4iLAogICAicGNJZCI6ICJjOWMxMWM1ODQ3NTNhMmI0ZTU3NGQyMjcxMzQyZmUyYSIsCiAgICJjbGllbnRJZCI6ICIxIiwKICAgImNsaWVudFZlcnNpb24iOiAiMy4zLjgyNy4zMSIsCiAgICJyZWdpb24iOiAiIgp9&nonce=eyJzIjoiMDJmNTk0ZjZlMjJiOWM5YTVlN2IyZmQwMzRhNDg1NmJiYWUzOTQzMSIsInQiOjE1NTY4ODM5NzcyNTksInIiOiJhZVNvcCJ9&sid=miui_unlocktool_client&sign=dc1b378703023afb7e4e665b812dfda757321a00
[14:46:19][INFO  ][6545dfb5] Unlock request (/api/v3/unlock/userinfo) response: {"code":0,"uid":"1589083547","shouldApply":false,"applyStatus":2}
[14:46:19][INFO  ][6545dfb5] Unlock request user info: {"code":0,"uid":"1589083547","shouldApply":false,"applyStatus":2}
[14:46:19][INFO  ][6545dfb5] Unlock request (/api/v2/nonce) params: r=rhbkididglqsoajo&sid=miui_unlocktool_client&sign=37b7c7936b0c7a5c8a8a1f6aaa15accbd418df41
[14:46:19][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (149): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/adb" "devices"
[14:46:19][PROC  ][154e79a2] Process (149) output: List of devices attached
[14:46:19][PROC  ][154e79a2] Process (149) output: 
[14:46:19][INFO  ][42917958] Process (149) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 25
[14:46:19][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (150): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/fastboot" "devices"
[14:46:19][PROC  ][4ad5677e] Process (150) output: c0a7856  fastboot
[14:46:19][INFO  ][42917958] Process (150) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 16
[14:46:19][INFO  ][42917958] Connected device: c0a7856 -> fastboot
[14:46:20][INFO  ][6545dfb5] Unlock request (/api/v2/nonce) response: {"code":0,"nonce":"eyJzIjoiYTc4Yjk5ZjQ1Mjc3ZDZhMmY3ZDFjYTM0MjJhNGEzYmQ5MDllNGE1MiIsInQiOjE1NTY4ODM5ODA1MjUsInIiOiJ0eDdXWSJ9","description":"成功"}
[14:46:20][INFO  ][6545dfb5] Unlock request (/api/v2/unlock/device/clear) params: appId=1&data=ewogICAibGFuZ3VhZ2UiOiAiZW4iLAogICAicGNJZCI6ICJjOWMxMWM1ODQ3NTNhMmI0ZTU3NGQyMjcxMzQyZmUyYSIsCiAgICJjbGllbnRJZCI6ICIxIiwKICAgImNsaWVudFZlcnNpb24iOiAiMy4zLjgyNy4zMSIsCiAgICJyZWdpb24iOiAiIgp9&nonce=eyJzIjoiYTc4Yjk5ZjQ1Mjc3ZDZhMmY3ZDFjYTM0MjJhNGEzYmQ5MDllNGE1MiIsInQiOjE1NTY4ODM5ODA1MjUsInIiOiJ0eDdXWSJ9&sid=miui_unlocktool_client&sign=efee486c29dd6df267b79124bbc6c4cc6248f3d5
[14:46:21][INFO  ][6545dfb5] Unlock request (/api/v2/unlock/device/clear) response: {"code":0,"notice":"An unlocked device is an easy target for malware which may damage your device or cause financial loss.","cleanOrNot":-1,"description":"该设备解锁不清除用户数据"}
[14:46:21][INFO  ][6545dfb5] Unlock request device clear: {"code":0,"notice":"An unlocked device is an easy target for malware which may damage your device or cause financial loss.","cleanOrNot":-1,"description":"该设备解锁不清除用户数据"}
[14:46:22][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (151): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/adb" "devices"
[14:46:22][PROC  ][67385e33] Process (151) output: List of devices attached
[14:46:22][PROC  ][67385e33] Process (151) output: 
[14:46:22][INFO  ][42917958] Process (151) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 25
[14:46:22][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (152): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/fastboot" "devices"
[14:46:22][PROC  ][6f045ea0] Process (152) output: c0a7856  fastboot
[14:46:22][INFO  ][42917958] Process (152) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 16
[14:46:22][INFO  ][42917958] Connected device: c0a7856 -> fastboot
[14:46:23][INFO  ][6545dfb5] Unlock request confirmation success
[14:46:23][PSTA  ][6545dfb5] Start process (153): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/fastboot" "-s" "c0a7856" "getvar" "token"
[14:46:23][PROC  ][8320699] Process (153) output: Finished. Total time: 0.001s
[14:46:23][PROC  ][8320699] Process (153) output: token: VQEBIgEQysBxXZLBtswj2Vuq0P21wgMIbGF2ZW5kZXICBI+spvc=
[14:46:23][INFO  ][6545dfb5] Process (153) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 88
[14:46:23][INFO  ][6545dfb5] Unlock request token: VQEBIgEQysBxXZLBtswj2Vuq0P21wgMIbGF2ZW5kZXICBI+spvc=
[14:46:23][WARN  ][6545dfb5] InstallException created: xiaomi_exception - Xiaomi procedure failed: Invalid input argument: null product
[14:46:23][WARN  ][6545dfb5] rebootNoWaitIfConnected {
    } rebootNoWaitIfConnected
chooseRomCategory {
    } chooseRomCategory
runStackedProcedures {
    suggestInternetIfMissing {
        } suggestInternetIfMissing
    conditional {
        fetchXiaomieuRom {
            } fetchXiaomieuRom
        fetchAllUnofficial {
            } fetchAllUnofficial
        fetchXiaomieuRom {
            } fetchXiaomieuRom
        fetchAllUnofficial {
            } fetchAllUnofficial
        } conditional
    } runStackedProcedures
stashContext {
    } stashContext
chooseRom {
    } chooseRom
runStackedProcedures {
    getInstallProcedure {
        } getInstallProcedure
    chooseRomCategory {
        } chooseRomCategory
    runStackedProcedures {
        suggestInternetIfMissing {
            } suggestInternetIfMissing
        conditional {
            findTwrpMeInstallable {
                findAfhInstallable {
                    } findAfhInstallable
                fetchAllMods {
                    } fetchAllMods
                fetchMagiskStable {
                    } fetchMagiskStable
                fetchAllMods {
                    } fetchAllMods
                doNothing {
                    } doNothing
                } conditional
            } runStackedProcedures
        chooseRom {
            } chooseRom
        runStackedProcedures {
            getInstallProcedure {
                unstashContext {
                    } unstashContext
                stashContext {
                    } stashContext
                chooseRom {
                    } chooseRom
                runStackedProcedures {
                    getInstallProcedure {
                        } getInstallProcedure
                    chooseRomCategory {
                        } chooseRomCategory
                    runStackedProcedures {
                        doNothing {
                            } doNothing
                        } runStackedProcedures
                    chooseRom {
                        } chooseRom
                    runStackedProcedures {
                        waitDevice {
                            } waitDevice
                        requireConnected {
                            } requireConnected
                        requireNoUnauthOffline {
                            } requireNoUnauthOffline
                        requireFastboot {
                            requireConnected {
                                } requireConnected
                            requireNoUnauthOffline {
                                } requireNoUnauthOffline
                            rebootBootloader {
                                } rebootBootloader
                            } requireFastboot
                        unlockBootloader {
                            unlockBootloader {
                                unlockBootloader {

[14:46:23][WARN  ][6545dfb5] Not aborted exception thrown, show error
[14:46:23][ERROR ][6545dfb5] rebootNoWaitIfConnected {
    } rebootNoWaitIfConnected
chooseRomCategory {
    } chooseRomCategory
runStackedProcedures {
    suggestInternetIfMissing {
        } suggestInternetIfMissing
    conditional {
        fetchXiaomieuRom {
            } fetchXiaomieuRom
        fetchAllUnofficial {
            } fetchAllUnofficial
        fetchXiaomieuRom {
            } fetchXiaomieuRom
        fetchAllUnofficial {
            } fetchAllUnofficial
        } conditional
    } runStackedProcedures
stashContext {
    } stashContext
chooseRom {
    } chooseRom
runStackedProcedures {
    getInstallProcedure {
        } getInstallProcedure
    chooseRomCategory {
        } chooseRomCategory
    runStackedProcedures {
        suggestInternetIfMissing {
            } suggestInternetIfMissing
        conditional {
            findTwrpMeInstallable {
                findAfhInstallable {
                    } findAfhInstallable
                fetchAllMods {
                    } fetchAllMods
                fetchMagiskStable {
                    } fetchMagiskStable
                fetchAllMods {
                    } fetchAllMods
                doNothing {
                    } doNothing
                } conditional
            } runStackedProcedures
        chooseRom {
            } chooseRom
        runStackedProcedures {
            getInstallProcedure {
                unstashContext {
                    } unstashContext
                stashContext {
                    } stashContext
                chooseRom {
                    } chooseRom
                runStackedProcedures {
                    getInstallProcedure {
                        } getInstallProcedure
                    chooseRomCategory {
                        } chooseRomCategory
                    runStackedProcedures {
                        doNothing {
                            } doNothing
                        } runStackedProcedures
                    chooseRom {
                        } chooseRom
                    runStackedProcedures {
                        waitDevice {
                            } waitDevice
                        requireConnected {
                            } requireConnected
                        requireNoUnauthOffline {
                            } requireNoUnauthOffline
                        requireFastboot {
                            requireConnected {
                                } requireConnected
                            requireNoUnauthOffline {
                                } requireNoUnauthOffline
                            rebootBootloader {
                                } rebootBootloader
                            } requireFastboot
                        unlockBootloader {
                            unlockBootloader {
                                unlockBootloader {

[14:46:23][FATAL ][6545dfb5] InstallException - xiaomi_exception - Xiaomi procedure failed: Invalid input argument: null product
[14:46:23][ERROR ][6545dfb5] InstallException - xiaomi_exception - Xiaomi procedure failed: Invalid input argument: null product
    at com.xiaomitool.v2.procedure.install.FastbootInstall$ Source)
    at com.xiaomitool.v2.procedure.RInstall.runInternal(Unknown Source)
    at com.xiaomitool.v2.procedure.RNode$ Source)
    at com.xiaomitool.v2.procedure.RNode.runInternal(Unknown Source)
    at com.xiaomitool.v2.procedure.RNode$ Source)
    at com.xiaomitool.v2.procedure.RNode.runInternal(Unknown Source)
    at com.xiaomitool.v2.procedure.RNode$ Source)
    at com.xiaomitool.v2.procedure.Procedures$ Source)
    at com.xiaomitool.v2.procedure.RInstall.runInternal(Unknown Source)
    at com.xiaomitool.v2.procedure.RNode$ Source)
    at com.xiaomitool.v2.procedure.RNode.runInternal(Unknown Source)
    at com.xiaomitool.v2.procedure.RNode$ Source)
    at com.xiaomitool.v2.procedure.RNode.runInternal(Unknown Source)
    at com.xiaomitool.v2.procedure.RNode$ Source)
    at com.xiaomitool.v2.procedure.Procedures$ Source)
    at com.xiaomitool.v2.procedure.RInstall.runInternal(Unknown Source)
    at com.xiaomitool.v2.procedure.RNode$ Source)
    at com.xiaomitool.v2.procedure.RNode.runInternal(Unknown Source)
    at com.xiaomitool.v2.procedure.RNode$ Source)
    at com.xiaomitool.v2.procedure.RNode.runInternal(Unknown Source)
    at com.xiaomitool.v2.procedure.RNode$ Source)
    at com.xiaomitool.v2.engine.actions.ActionsDynamic$ Source)
    at com.xiaomitool.v2.procedure.install.GenericInstall$8$ Source)
    at java.base/ Source)

[14:46:23][ERROR ][6545dfb5] java.lang.Exception: TraceBackException
    at com.xiaomitool.v2.gui.visual.InstallPane$1.onException(Unknown Source)
    at com.xiaomitool.v2.procedure.GuiListener.exception(Unknown Source)
    at com.xiaomitool.v2.procedure.ProcedureRunner.handleException(Unknown Source)
    at com.xiaomitool.v2.procedure.RNode$ Source)
    at com.xiaomitool.v2.procedure.RNode.runInternal(Unknown Source)
    at com.xiaomitool.v2.procedure.RNode$ Source)
    at com.xiaomitool.v2.procedure.RNode.runInternal(Unknown Source)
    at com.xiaomitool.v2.procedure.RNode$ Source)
    at com.xiaomitool.v2.procedure.Procedures$ Source)
    at com.xiaomitool.v2.procedure.RInstall.runInternal(Unknown Source)
    at com.xiaomitool.v2.procedure.RNode$ Source)
    at com.xiaomitool.v2.procedure.RNode.runInternal(Unknown Source)
    at com.xiaomitool.v2.procedure.RNode$ Source)
    at com.xiaomitool.v2.procedure.RNode.runInternal(Unknown Source)
    at com.xiaomitool.v2.procedure.RNode$ Source)
    at com.xiaomitool.v2.procedure.Procedures$ Source)
    at com.xiaomitool.v2.procedure.RInstall.runInternal(Unknown Source)
    at com.xiaomitool.v2.procedure.RNode$ Source)
    at com.xiaomitool.v2.procedure.RNode.runInternal(Unknown Source)
    at com.xiaomitool.v2.procedure.RNode$ Source)
    at com.xiaomitool.v2.procedure.RNode.runInternal(Unknown Source)
    at com.xiaomitool.v2.procedure.RNode$ Source)
    at com.xiaomitool.v2.engine.actions.ActionsDynamic$ Source)
    at com.xiaomitool.v2.procedure.install.GenericInstall$8$ Source)
    at java.base/ Source)

[14:46:24][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (154): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/adb" "devices"
[14:46:24][PROC  ][349ecfd6] Process (154) output: List of devices attached
[14:46:24][PROC  ][349ecfd6] Process (154) output: 
[14:46:24][INFO  ][42917958] Process (154) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 25
[14:46:25][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (155): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/fastboot" "devices"
[14:46:25][PROC  ][b3db1fa] Process (155) output: c0a7856   fastboot
[14:46:25][INFO  ][42917958] Process (155) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 16
[14:46:25][INFO  ][42917958] Connected device: c0a7856 -> fastboot
[14:46:27][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (156): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/adb" "devices"
[14:46:27][PROC  ][2b48f25a] Process (156) output: List of devices attached
[14:46:27][PROC  ][2b48f25a] Process (156) output: 
[14:46:27][INFO  ][42917958] Process (156) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 25
[14:46:27][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (157): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/fastboot" "devices"
[14:46:27][PROC  ][46d553f3] Process (157) output: c0a7856  fastboot
[14:46:27][INFO  ][42917958] Process (157) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 16
[14:46:27][INFO  ][42917958] Connected device: c0a7856 -> fastboot
[14:46:30][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (158): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/adb" "devices"
[14:46:30][PROC  ][7a4b6775] Process (158) output: List of devices attached
[14:46:30][PROC  ][7a4b6775] Process (158) output: 
[14:46:30][INFO  ][42917958] Process (158) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 25
[14:46:30][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (159): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/fastboot" "devices"
[14:46:30][PROC  ][7644010c] Process (159) output: c0a7856  fastboot
[14:46:30][INFO  ][42917958] Process (159) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 16
[14:46:30][INFO  ][42917958] Connected device: c0a7856 -> fastboot
[14:46:32][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (160): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/adb" "devices"
[14:46:32][PROC  ][3227b81f] Process (160) output: List of devices attached
[14:46:32][PROC  ][3227b81f] Process (160) output: 
[14:46:32][INFO  ][42917958] Process (160) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 25
[14:46:32][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (161): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/fastboot" "devices"
[14:46:32][PROC  ][25d61718] Process (161) output: c0a7856  fastboot
[14:46:32][INFO  ][42917958] Process (161) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 16
[14:46:32][INFO  ][42917958] Connected device: c0a7856 -> fastboot
[14:46:35][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (162): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/adb" "devices"
[14:46:35][PROC  ][77747e00] Process (162) output: List of devices attached
[14:46:35][PROC  ][77747e00] Process (162) output: 
[14:46:35][INFO  ][42917958] Process (162) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 25
[14:46:35][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (163): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/fastboot" "devices"
[14:46:35][PROC  ][633b351e] Process (163) output: c0a7856  fastboot
[14:46:35][INFO  ][42917958] Process (163) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 16
[14:46:35][INFO  ][42917958] Connected device: c0a7856 -> fastboot
[14:46:37][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (164): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/adb" "devices"
[14:46:37][PROC  ][2e2ff3f4] Process (164) output: List of devices attached
[14:46:37][PROC  ][2e2ff3f4] Process (164) output: 
[14:46:37][INFO  ][42917958] Process (164) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 25
[14:46:37][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (165): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/fastboot" "devices"
[14:46:37][PROC  ][7493ef4f] Process (165) output: c0a7856  fastboot
[14:46:37][INFO  ][42917958] Process (165) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 16
[14:46:37][INFO  ][42917958] Connected device: c0a7856 -> fastboot
[14:46:40][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (166): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/adb" "devices"
[14:46:40][PROC  ][4571bdf] Process (166) output: List of devices attached
[14:46:40][PROC  ][4571bdf] Process (166) output: 
[14:46:40][INFO  ][42917958] Process (166) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 25
[14:46:40][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (167): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/fastboot" "devices"
[14:46:40][PROC  ][62034499] Process (167) output: c0a7856  fastboot
[14:46:40][INFO  ][42917958] Process (167) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 16
[14:46:40][INFO  ][42917958] Connected device: c0a7856 -> fastboot
[14:46:42][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (168): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/adb" "devices"
[14:46:42][PROC  ][18b07c0f] Process (168) output: List of devices attached
[14:46:42][PROC  ][18b07c0f] Process (168) output: 
[14:46:42][INFO  ][42917958] Process (168) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 25
[14:46:42][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (169): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/fastboot" "devices"
[14:46:42][PROC  ][6f1d3cfa] Process (169) output: c0a7856  fastboot
[14:46:42][INFO  ][42917958] Process (169) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 16
[14:46:42][INFO  ][42917958] Connected device: c0a7856 -> fastboot
[14:46:45][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (170): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/adb" "devices"
[14:46:45][PROC  ][182adb24] Process (170) output: List of devices attached
[14:46:45][PROC  ][182adb24] Process (170) output: 
[14:46:45][INFO  ][42917958] Process (170) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 25
[14:46:45][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (171): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/fastboot" "devices"
[14:46:45][PROC  ][5e96c61f] Process (171) output: c0a7856  fastboot
[14:46:45][INFO  ][42917958] Process (171) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 16
[14:46:45][INFO  ][42917958] Connected device: c0a7856 -> fastboot
[14:46:47][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (172): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/adb" "devices"
[14:46:47][PROC  ][36c6a7d] Process (172) output: List of devices attached
[14:46:47][PROC  ][36c6a7d] Process (172) output: 
[14:46:47][INFO  ][42917958] Process (172) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 25
[14:46:47][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (173): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/fastboot" "devices"
[14:46:47][PROC  ][a31798d] Process (173) output: c0a7856   fastboot
[14:46:47][INFO  ][42917958] Process (173) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 16
[14:46:47][INFO  ][42917958] Connected device: c0a7856 -> fastboot
[14:46:50][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (174): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/adb" "devices"
[14:46:50][PROC  ][5001e731] Process (174) output: List of devices attached
[14:46:50][PROC  ][5001e731] Process (174) output: 
[14:46:50][INFO  ][42917958] Process (174) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 25
[14:46:50][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (175): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/fastboot" "devices"
[14:46:50][PROC  ][4097ecc7] Process (175) output: c0a7856  fastboot
[14:46:50][INFO  ][42917958] Process (175) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 16
[14:46:50][INFO  ][42917958] Connected device: c0a7856 -> fastboot
[14:46:52][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (176): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/adb" "devices"
[14:46:52][PROC  ][4e55b774] Process (176) output: List of devices attached
[14:46:52][PROC  ][4e55b774] Process (176) output: 
[14:46:52][INFO  ][42917958] Process (176) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 25
[14:46:52][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (177): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/fastboot" "devices"
[14:46:52][PROC  ][dc2bc85] Process (177) output: c0a7856   fastboot
[14:46:52][INFO  ][42917958] Process (177) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 16
[14:46:52][INFO  ][42917958] Connected device: c0a7856 -> fastboot
[14:46:55][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (178): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/adb" "devices"
[14:46:55][PROC  ][233c8a5f] Process (178) output: List of devices attached
[14:46:55][PROC  ][233c8a5f] Process (178) output: 
[14:46:55][INFO  ][42917958] Process (178) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 25
[14:46:55][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (179): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/fastboot" "devices"
[14:46:55][PROC  ][35ec008] Process (179) output: c0a7856   fastboot
[14:46:55][INFO  ][42917958] Process (179) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 16
[14:46:55][INFO  ][42917958] Connected device: c0a7856 -> fastboot
[14:46:57][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (180): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/adb" "devices"
[14:46:57][PROC  ][8f849b6] Process (180) output: List of devices attached
[14:46:57][PROC  ][8f849b6] Process (180) output: 
[14:46:57][INFO  ][42917958] Process (180) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 25
[14:46:57][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (181): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/fastboot" "devices"
[14:46:57][PROC  ][4f8efab2] Process (181) output: c0a7856  fastboot
[14:46:57][INFO  ][42917958] Process (181) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 16
[14:46:57][INFO  ][42917958] Connected device: c0a7856 -> fastboot
[14:47:00][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (182): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/adb" "devices"
[14:47:00][PROC  ][3b507eb4] Process (182) output: List of devices attached
[14:47:00][PROC  ][3b507eb4] Process (182) output: 
[14:47:00][INFO  ][42917958] Process (182) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 25
[14:47:00][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (183): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/fastboot" "devices"
[14:47:00][PROC  ][730d8c82] Process (183) output: c0a7856  fastboot
[14:47:00][INFO  ][42917958] Process (183) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 16
[14:47:00][INFO  ][42917958] Connected device: c0a7856 -> fastboot
[14:47:02][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (184): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/adb" "devices"
[14:47:02][PROC  ][1396256b] Process (184) output: List of devices attached
[14:47:02][PROC  ][1396256b] Process (184) output: 
[14:47:02][INFO  ][42917958] Process (184) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 25
[14:47:02][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (185): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/fastboot" "devices"
[14:47:02][PROC  ][28c19f86] Process (185) output: c0a7856  fastboot
[14:47:02][INFO  ][42917958] Process (185) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 16
[14:47:02][INFO  ][42917958] Connected device: c0a7856 -> fastboot
[14:47:05][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (186): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/adb" "devices"
[14:47:05][PROC  ][5fcaaa1] Process (186) output: List of devices attached
[14:47:05][PROC  ][5fcaaa1] Process (186) output: 
[14:47:05][INFO  ][42917958] Process (186) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 25
[14:47:05][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (187): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/fastboot" "devices"
[14:47:05][PROC  ][62c7daf2] Process (187) output: c0a7856  fastboot
[14:47:05][INFO  ][42917958] Process (187) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 16
[14:47:05][INFO  ][42917958] Connected device: c0a7856 -> fastboot
[14:47:07][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (188): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/adb" "devices"
[14:47:07][PROC  ][5f993c8] Process (188) output: List of devices attached
[14:47:07][PROC  ][5f993c8] Process (188) output: 
[14:47:07][INFO  ][42917958] Process (188) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 25
[14:47:07][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (189): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/fastboot" "devices"
[14:47:07][PROC  ][462f4b4e] Process (189) output: c0a7856  fastboot
[14:47:07][INFO  ][42917958] Process (189) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 16
[14:47:07][INFO  ][42917958] Connected device: c0a7856 -> fastboot
[14:47:10][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (190): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/adb" "devices"
[14:47:10][PROC  ][644e8ce1] Process (190) output: List of devices attached
[14:47:10][PROC  ][644e8ce1] Process (190) output: 
[14:47:10][INFO  ][42917958] Process (190) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 25
[14:47:10][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (191): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/fastboot" "devices"
[14:47:10][PROC  ][778ea576] Process (191) output: c0a7856  fastboot
[14:47:10][INFO  ][42917958] Process (191) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 16
[14:47:10][INFO  ][42917958] Connected device: c0a7856 -> fastboot
[14:47:12][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (192): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/adb" "devices"
[14:47:12][PROC  ][735620a9] Process (192) output: List of devices attached
[14:47:12][PROC  ][735620a9] Process (192) output: 
[14:47:12][INFO  ][42917958] Process (192) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 25
[14:47:12][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (193): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/fastboot" "devices"
[14:47:12][PROC  ][7085762] Process (193) output: c0a7856   fastboot
[14:47:12][INFO  ][42917958] Process (193) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 16
[14:47:12][INFO  ][42917958] Connected device: c0a7856 -> fastboot
[14:47:15][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (194): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/adb" "devices"
[14:47:15][PROC  ][445c5269] Process (194) output: List of devices attached
[14:47:15][PROC  ][445c5269] Process (194) output: 
[14:47:15][INFO  ][42917958] Process (194) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 25
[14:47:15][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (195): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/fastboot" "devices"
[14:47:15][PROC  ][488aee29] Process (195) output: c0a7856  fastboot
[14:47:15][INFO  ][42917958] Process (195) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 16
[14:47:15][INFO  ][42917958] Connected device: c0a7856 -> fastboot
[14:47:17][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (196): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/adb" "devices"
[14:47:17][PROC  ][538a5bb8] Process (196) output: List of devices attached
[14:47:17][PROC  ][538a5bb8] Process (196) output: 
[14:47:17][INFO  ][42917958] Process (196) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 25
[14:47:17][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (197): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/fastboot" "devices"
[14:47:17][PROC  ][77b7ff98] Process (197) output: c0a7856  fastboot
[14:47:17][INFO  ][42917958] Process (197) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 16
[14:47:17][INFO  ][42917958] Connected device: c0a7856 -> fastboot
[14:47:19][LOG   ][5221a77a] Feedback token request result: 200 - 884194d063664ac53f6a078cf563927eba5ca38e904928c551b3a5b4ee8b542ca97d488b01326dee2befb837c43ef9b3
[14:47:19][LOG   ][5221a77a] Sending feedback with token: ba5ca38e904928c551b3a5b4ee8b542ca97d488b01326dee2befb837c43ef9b3
[14:47:19][LOG   ][5221a77a] Feedback send result: 200 - 
[14:47:19][LOG   ][5b116252] Feedback token request result: 200 - 02db96a6ef0f4d7e1fe1c56b1f43b421b4f1cf5c19e9304e02e1504233365ffe344e21c0a0e9c88d3ae07426d73ebd9e
[14:47:20][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (198): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/adb" "devices"
[14:47:20][PROC  ][39e8b952] Process (198) output: List of devices attached
[14:47:20][PROC  ][39e8b952] Process (198) output: 
[14:47:20][INFO  ][42917958] Process (198) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 25
[14:47:20][PSTA  ][42917958] Start process (199): "/home/nikos/Downloads/New Folder/opt/xiaomitool/res/tools/fastboot" "devices"
[14:47:20][PROC  ][3f6e43f2] Process (199) output: c0a7856  fastboot
[14:47:20][INFO  ][42917958] Process (199) ended with exit code: 0, output len: 16
[14:47:20][INFO  ][42917958] Connected device: c0a7856 -> fastboot
[14:47:20][LOG   ][5b116252] Feedback send result: 200 - 
ghost commented 5 years ago

I have the same issue it seems. Running MiUi global on a Pocophone f1, flashing from debian based system, 95% sure I am not subject to the 72 hour bootloader unlock window

DDvO commented 2 years ago

A also get "failed to get device unlock token" for a Xiaomi Redmi Note 8 2021. I had logged in with a Xiaomi account on the phone before trying to unlock. I tried with an account that had been active for about 3 months, and with another account I created yesterday. Yet with the official Xiamia unlock tool (available only for Windows), with the account I created yesterday, I apparently got one step further and am now told to wait 146 hours.

Dipaarif commented 2 years ago


pyramid3d commented 2 years ago

Running ArchLinux and XiaoMiToolV2 V20.7.28 (beta). Did get "failed to get the device unlock token" for a Xiaomi Redmi Note 8 2021. code: info_retrieve_failed (origin:com.xiomitool.v2.procedure.install.FasybootInstall$ Source) I had logged in with a Xiaomi account on the phone before trying to unlock. Did not factory reset or data wipe. I tried with a Xiaomi account that had been active for about 1 month and on the device registration of phone to account was successful.