franciscofranco / FK-Kernel-Manager-IssuesAndFeatureRequest

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[BUG] Battery life tips - Power-Saving Profile - 'Restore' Changes To 'Apply' On Boot! - I made a Donation - Please Help. #140

Open 0pLuS0 opened 3 years ago

0pLuS0 commented 3 years ago


I'm using the latest FK Kernel Manager 6.1

I am using a OnePlus 5T with OxygenOS 9.0.11 Pie.

In the Battery life tips - Power-Saving Profile I noticed, when I click Apply then click the gear icon and click on Set on boot, when I reboot the phone, and go back and look at the Power-Saving Profile, the word Restore changes to Apply.

The word should not be changing back to Apply if it's Set on boot, because that makes me feel like the setting is lost on a reboot and it needs to be clicked on Apply again to turn back on the Power-Saving Profile.

The word should still show as Restore when rebooting the phone, making it look like the settings is still applied.

So for now, I don't know if it's working when I reboot the phone, but for now, I just leave the Set on boot off, and if I reboot the phone, I just click on Apply over to make sure it's working correctly.


I hope this issue will be fixed soon it makes it confusing as to know if it's working properly with the words changing. I also made a DONATION, so I hope as someone who is trying to support and help you, this will be given attention as a Supporter of your app

Please see the attached screen shot of which I'm talking about. Right now it shows as Restore, that is the issue, that word changing as I mentioned on reboot...

Battery Power Saving Profile

0pLuS0 commented 3 years ago

By the way, using the Power Saving Profile, I am not seeing any difference in battery savings compared to Balance, the usage is the same....
