franciscofranco / FK-Kernel-Manager-IssuesAndFeatureRequest

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Build prop editor cuts off after colon #143

Open jancm opened 3 years ago

jancm commented 3 years ago

So I just downloaded the new version. It appears that is fixed (thank you) but I started playing around and looking at the build prop editor.

First a question. Does the editor use Magisk's resetprop to apply values? (I assume so, but we know what happens when we assume).

Anyway it appears that any entries that include a colon are cut off at the colon. 2 examples:


sdm845-slpi-g52b1d638c3-6120048 Wed Jan 8 18:59:24 UTC 2020

displays as

sdm845-slpi-g52b1d638c3-6120048 Wed Jan 8 18

Any of the fingerprint fields should display as


but they all actually display as


Other than that the new version is looking good (at least so far)