franciscolourenco / done

A fish-shell package to automatically receive notifications when long processes finish.
MIT License
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Failed notifications won't disappear #51

Closed sollidsnake closed 4 years ago

sollidsnake commented 4 years ago

When I have some command that returns a non-zero status, the notification stays on the screen forever, until I manually close it. I'm using done with KDE Plasma, under Arch Linux, and this only happens for notifications of this package.

unai-ndz commented 4 years ago

It's probably because they are tagged as "critical". Look if there is a setting under KDE or the program used to display notifications to change the timeout of critical notifications.

sollidsnake commented 4 years ago

Indeed there's a setting for the notifications timeout in KDE, which is by default configured to 6 seconds, but it doesn't seem to have setting related to "critical". So you believe this is a KDE issue?

unai-ndz commented 4 years ago

The current behavior is defined in the specification. Look at urgency levels. And failed commands being critical seams sane for me, it's actually what i want. I think it's weird KDE does not have a configuration option for that, as every program for notifications I have used have something like that and KDE usually has a lot of customization afaik. I think an option for customization fits well in both sides tho.

sollidsnake commented 4 years ago

Indeed KDE is very customizable, but it doesn't seem to have anything related to critical notifications not disappearing. These are the options I have on my system settings: Screenshot_20190928_163620 Screenshot_20190928_164302

I tried messing around with them but the notification just won't go away by itself. But you are right, this issue is not related to this package. I tested with notify-send -u critical and the same problem happens. I'll ask this on a KDE forum to make sure I'm not missing anything.

ammgws commented 4 years ago

Could we close this issue as it is not related to this package?