franciscolourenco / done

A fish-shell package to automatically receive notifications when long processes finish.
MIT License
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Allow notifications for systems without graphical capabilities #81

Closed ammgws closed 3 years ago

ammgws commented 4 years ago

Solves #80.

@frederickjh Would you like to test this?

frederickjh commented 4 years ago

@ammgws Thanks for your work on this. I set this up on a remote server to test.

I copied from your pull repository and installed fishpkg/fish-humanize-duration. I then set:

# Set up done for remote notitfication via Telegram
set -U __done_allow_nongraphical 1
set -U __done_notification_command "ta \$title \$message"

Running a command longer than the default 5 seconds would generate a notification via my function using Telegram.

I then increased the time before done sends a message to one minute with:

# in milliseconds time before done sends a message
set -U __done_min_cmd_duration 60000

This works as we discussed in #80.

I also added:

## Commands not to send done messages for. Accepts a regex
# all git commands, except push and pull.
# nano
set -U __done_exclude 'git (?!push|pull)|nano'

As who wants to be notified when they finish a long edit on a document?

Consider adding something like the following to the documentation section Prevent specific commands from triggering notifications. Accepts a regex. something like:

Useful with set -U __done_allow_nongraphical 1 to prevent notifications for commands normally run interactively that you do not want to get done notifications for.

All in all a :+1:, thanks!

ammgws commented 4 years ago

Good to know it's working!

I'll leave docs up to @franciscolourenco as I think it's fine

frederickjh commented 4 years ago

I'll leave docs up to @franciscolourenco as I think it's fine

I found this blog post that says with X11 forwarding turned on for a SSH connection that that notify-send should send the alert on the local machine from the remote ssh session.

I have not yet had time to test this with done but the blog post says the code they are using ,which was added to, should be added to the Fish shell on the remote host for this to work.

### Notify on long command completion

# If commands runs >= 10 seconds, notify user on completion
    if test $CMD_DURATION -gt (math "1000 * 10")
        set secs (math "$CMD_DURATION / 1000")
        notify-send "$history[1]" "Returned $status, took $secs seconds"

If this works with done I think that it would be a good idea to add this to the documentation.

ammgws commented 4 years ago

If it works you should open another PR for adding it to the docs

frederickjh commented 4 years ago

If it works you should open another PR for adding it to the docs

@ammgws If it was only that simple. I could not get this to work between two Ubuntu machines. One 16.04 and the other 18.04. I tried a number of settings locally in the ~/.ssh/config file and the remote /etc/ssh/sshd_config but could not get this working even thought X11 forwarding is working to start a GUI program on the remote server and have it appear locally in a window to work on.

The notifications are sent via the DBUS. I tried setting the DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS environmental variable but this too did not work. I have gone back to using done with my custom command that sends the notifications via a Telegram chat.

If someone smarter that me can figure this out so that it can be documented, so be it. :wink: :sunglasses: :angel:

ammgws commented 3 years ago

Closing due to inactivity Sorry @frederickjh !

franciscolourenco commented 3 years ago

@ammgws What is the status of this? Is it working, reliable?

ammgws commented 3 years ago

I made this for @frederickjh, so will need his input

frederickjh commented 3 years ago

@franciscolourenco and @ammgws Sorry I didn't realize that more input was needed from me. I thought that my comments above were clear as to the status of this pull request.

To summarize what I stated above:

frederickjh commented 3 years ago

Actually there was one thing I thought should be added to the documentation. From above:

Consider adding something like the following to the documentation section Prevent specific commands from triggering notifications. Accepts a regex. something like:

Useful with set -U __done_allow_nongraphical 1 to prevent notifications for commands normally run interactively that you do not want to get done notifications for.

franciscolourenco commented 3 years ago

@ammgws I've had a look at the PR and it looks good, so I would be up for merging this. Do you think it makes sense to add what @frederickjh to the docs, and if so would you mind doing it? Thanks!

ammgws commented 3 years ago

@franciscolourenco done 🐟

frederickjh commented 3 years ago

Any reason @franciscolourenco this has not yet been merged in? Looks like this has everything to close #80.

franciscolourenco commented 3 years ago

Sorry, only was able to get to this.

frederickjh commented 3 years ago

No problem @franciscolourenco. Sometimes life happens.