franciscolourenco / done

A fish-shell package to automatically receive notifications when long processes finish.
MIT License
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Incrementally editing __done_exclude (as list?) #99

Closed Mekk closed 9 months ago

Mekk commented 3 years ago

After using done for some time, I find maintaining __done_exclude unpleasant. It simply grows long. Mostly it's because I happen to spawn GUI apps from the terminal, and - for example - when my emacsclient -cn ends it's job after an hour or two, fish gladly notifies me.

So it would be nice if I could „add next exception without touching those already existing”. For example by sth like

set -Ua __done_exclude  emacsclient
set -Ua __done_exclude '(scite|gedit)'

(result: all exceptions which were present, are still there, and I just added two more)

franciscolourenco commented 9 months ago

This has been implemented and going to be available in v1.17.0

Mekk commented 9 months ago

Thank you.