Open ThomasCarltonInPerson opened 1 year ago
That is because this plugin is expecting the tag to be already NDEF formatted. If you also want to format non NDEF tags with this plugin, then you should probably have a look here
Its a few months later but i have the same issue, Starting a Journey in #144.
I have Security companies as customer and they use NFC tags for their security rounds, both classic and ultralight, although we try to recommend NTAG213 chips. You can imagine they stick around 20-100 chips in a building depending on the size and they dont want to first format them all and then make them "iOS compliant" (setting the serial key in the ndef message so older ios devices can access it).
Hello community,
I'm using Plugin.NFC in a .Net Maui 7 app.
I'm trying to write some NFC cards using the provided code on GitHub.
The code works properly, but Whenever I use a new card, when trying to write something on it, I'm getting the error : Tag is not NDEF-compliant.
Here is my code :
I also noticed that this happens only with new cards. If I take a card and I write something on it using NFC Tools app, then I'm able to write on it using my code. It becomes fully usable on my app.
It seems like there is something I'm missing on the "initialization" of the card.
Does anyone know how to solve that please ?