francodacosta / grav-plugin-page-stats

better page stats for Grav
MIT License
7 stars 4 forks source link

Req: exclude page and ip address #3

Closed awrog closed 2 years ago

awrog commented 2 years ago

The plugin works really well and is definitely an alternative to Google analytics.

It would add great value:

francodacosta commented 2 years ago

@awrog so yu want a front matter setting to not process a page ?

and a list of ips to exclude from analytics ?

awrog commented 2 years ago

@francodacosta That would be great.

An example for the frontmatter:

    process: false

A list of ip's to exclude in the plugin page would be awsome.

francodacosta commented 2 years ago

@awrog I agree it would be useful, I will implement that

another thing i'm considering is to block for a certain time IP's that constantly hit 404 pages. like '/wp-login.php'

awrog commented 2 years ago

Nice, mostly bots hoping it's WordPress ;-) Excluding 404 / errorpage would be a nice addition (and also, there are other tools to check dead links)

awrog commented 2 years ago

Clickable pagetitles would also be nice (convert title attribute to href)

francodacosta commented 2 years ago

@awrog can you look at ?

should allow to exclude ips (either by ip or regular expression) and exclude pages via front matter

awrog commented 2 years ago

@francodacosta Simply brilliant! Also the feature to hide the unique visitors (I removed them myself ;-) ) I also changed the number of rows that are being displayed ($limit = 10 => 20) Would be nice if I could specify that too in the plugin page. (no biggie, juist a 'nice to have') All in all, great additions!

francodacosta commented 2 years ago

@awrog have a look at 1.2.0

I added the hability to:

awrog commented 2 years ago

@francodacosta Impressive, really perfect. The only thing I customize, is
{{s.page_title}} I have a lot of pages with the same title, (and quite an extensive side menu ( )

Keep up the good work!!

francodacosta commented 2 years ago

@awrog you want the url instead of the title ?

francodacosta commented 2 years ago

@awrog have a look at 1.3.1

this version needs a db migration as it collects browser and os info it should happen automatically, if not make sure you have an emplty file on <plugin folder>/data/migrations/MUST_MIGRATE

awrog commented 2 years ago

@awrog you want the url instead of the title ?

A clickable title would be fine I see Github interpreted by code, I meant:

<span title="{{s.route}}"><a href="{{s.route}}">{{s.page_title}}</a></span>


francodacosta commented 2 years ago

@awrog I might put a link (icon) to take you to the page.

My plan for when you click the page, is to go to a detailed stats page for that page

awrog commented 2 years ago

@awrog I might put a link (icon) to take you to the page.

My plan for when you click the page, is to go to a detailed stats page for that page

Nice, the url is awkward since it can be long (sometimes very long) Title is just fine


=> In the plugin page, a title is missing


awrog commented 2 years ago

v1.5.0 all perfect now!

awrog commented 2 years ago

@francodacosta You've been busy I see ;-) The page details are awsome!

The fact that you have to click on the pagename is not very intuitive for such a great feature. Might I suggest a swap: